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Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] help with barsSince

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corey and Roy,
Here I include a beter code. You 
were right, now I excluded the short exit for a simplier view:

resistances and supports}<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
:= 34;
:=ValueWhen(1,Cross(Mov(C, LookBack,S),C),HHV(H, 
:=ValueWhen(1,Cross(C,Mov(C, LookBack,S)),LLV(L, 
latch, gives 1 if L>Resistance, and resets if H<Resistance to 0}<FONT 
size=3> How would u code the binary latch? I took the same method as 
Roy Larsen.
OR itl)<BarsSince(rsttl OR itl),1,-1);
>rmbtl; {looks 
for HHV since L>Resistance to place a trailing 
stop}all:=If(rmbtl=0,-1,l);stlongl:= If(all=-1,0, 
size=3>How can i solve the problem?stlongl;
face="Times New Roman" color=#000000><SPAN lang=EN-US 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: <A 
  Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 3:04 
  Subject: Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] help 
  with barsSince
  I got in on this late but will try to take a stab it 
  I ran your code and am not sure if the logic is 
  When I plot the line:
  <FONT face="Courier New" 
  <FONT face="Courier New" 
  It only works once at the very 
  beginning of the chart. Since either <FONT 
  color=#0000ff>sigtl or rsttl 
  can only be 0 or 1, the addition of both sigtl and rsttl will 
  be greater than -1 very quickly and stay that way. <FONT 
  color=#0000ff>Cum will only find the first instance where 
  sigtl and rsttl are greater than -1. Besides, you have a Boolean operation 
  (rsttl>-1) mixed within a math 
  operation (sigtl+rsttl<FONT 
  color=#000000>), both within Cum. 
  While they may be allowed, they can get confusing quickly.
  I usually see lines like that written 
  color=#0000ff>itl:=Cum(sigtl+rsttl)=1; {does the same thing 
  with less code}
  If you want to check for each 
  instance where sigtl and rsttl are greater than -1, use <FONT 
  color=#0000ff>Sum or <FONT 
  I also see where you calculate <FONT 
  color=#0000ff>rmbts and do nothing 
  with it. Is it for a short exit?
  I would suggest that you plot each variable 
  separately. See what they do and when. Work your way down through your 
  Being able to use <FONT 
  color=#0000ff>LastValue(X +PREV-PREV)<FONT 
  color=#000000> to trick functions to accept dynamic inputs in MS helps to 
  create formulas that can tune themselves, but a MAJOR re-write of MS 
  formula language is about 5 years past due. 
  -Corey Saxe
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    <A title=emarco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    To: <A 
    Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 7:29 
    Subject: Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] 
    help with barsSince
    Thanks Roy.Unfortunatly it does not work.Here's 
    the full code. Thanks again,JuanLookBack := 
    34;Resistance :=ValueWhen(1,Cross(Mov(C, LookBack,S),C),HHV(H, 
    LookBack));Support :=ValueWhen(1,Cross(C,Mov(C, LookBack,S)),LLV(L, 
    OR itl)<BarsSince(rsttl OR itl);rmbts:=BarsSince(sigts OR 
    its)<BarsSince(rstts OR 
    Original Message -----From: "Roy Larsen" 
    <equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 6:38 
    PMSubject: Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] help with 
    barsSince> Juan>> Thanks to Corey Saxe there is 
    a way that MS will accept a variable as> constant. Try redefining 
    your variable using> LastValue(PREV+"Variable 
    Data"-PREV)>> This method does not work on every occasion but 
    there are a couple ofthings> you can do to help.> 1. Make 
    sure your variable is greater than or equal to one.> 2. Make sure 
    your variable is a whole number.>> LastValue() can be used in 
    a number of situations to make a resultsuitable> for using as a 
    constant, but only where the last value of the variable is> the same 
    as on every other bar. The above example of adding 
    thensubtracting> PREV from the current value appears to return 
    the "actual" value ratherthan> the "last" value, and therefore is 
    accepted as a "constant" by many MS> functions.>> I 
    have some doubts about the code you have given as an example and 
    doubtit> could work in its present form even without MetaStock's 
    perceived> inadequacies. The code appears to be looking for results 
    from two If()> statements yet I can only see one If(). It also seems 
    to me that the> calculated "constant" for the HHV periods has no 
    check to ensure that itis> a whole number.>> When 
    looking for assistance with code it is also helpful if 
    associatedcode> can be supplied. You may know how "rmbtl" is 
    calculated but those capableof> offering help won't. Providing 
    actual code or at least a workingsubstitute> will increase your 
    chances of real help that goes beyond "buy some more> 
    software".>> Good luck with your attempts to solve your 
    problem whichever method you> choose to use.>> 
    Roy>> ----- Original Message -----> From: "emarco" 
    <emarco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> To: 
    <equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> Sent: Saturday, March 08, 
    2003 11:37 AM> Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] help with 
    barsSince>>> This is a trailing stop. The problem is 
    that MS does not accept variable> data in 
    As you can see, MS does not accept barssince as a period data.> How 
    can I solve this problem?> Thanks>> 
    Juan>>>>>> To unsubscribe from 
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