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Re: Power Basic programming-metastock

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Odds are that AB will pass MS in all categories 
sometime this year when it has a new charting engine and can includes FOR, 
WHILE, etc. in AFL for programming loops.
style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black">From: 
  e t 
  To: <A title=metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 3:14 
  Subject: Re: Power Basic 
  No.  I just use both programs. Analytically, 
  Amibrokeris seems stronger.  I like the Metastock 
  charting,downloader and general interface better.  But after 
  using metastock since version 3, I findAmiBroker development, flexibility 
  and support quiterefreshing.If other programs have capabilities 
  missing inMetastock, isn't it a good idea to point those thingsout so 
  Metastock users can try to influence futureversions of 
  Metastock?--- Robert Badgley <<A 
  wrote:> Do you work for amibroke or you on commission> > 
  ----- Original Message ----- > From: "e t" <<A 
  To: <<A 
  Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 9:53 AM> Subject: Re: Power Basic 
  programming-metastock> > > > > > Here is a 
  link that explains accessing the COM> object> > model from 
  Amibroker.  I wish Metastock would do> this.> > > 
  > > > <A 
  > > > > > --- e t <<A 
  wrote:> > > Take a look at AmiBroker. > <A 
  href="http://www.amibroker.com";>http://www.amibroker.com> > > 
  > > > It's a work in progress, but cheaper than a> > 
  > Metastock> > > upgrade.> > > > > > 
  You can use jscript, vbscript, write dll's and> even> > > 
  access some visual basic dlls.> > > > > > > 
  > > > > > --- David Jennings <<A 
  > > wrote:> > > > Hi,> > > > > 
  > > > That's not an easy question. There is> certainly 
  a> > > > lot one can do with power> > > > 
  basic. However, if you want a system> optimisation> > > 
  > with lets say upto six> > > > variables and test 
  combinations of setups> entries> > > > and exits over a 
  large> > > > portfolio, then such an optimisation by 
  brute> > > force> > > > is going to take you 
  for> > > > ever. So I guess, I wouldn't start from> 
  Metastock.> > > > Have a read of Katz &> > > 
  > McKormick's Encyclopaedia of Trading> Strategies.> > 
  > > This has quite few good> > > > ideas on portfolio 
  testing & genetic> optimisation> > > in> > 
  > > particular.  If it were> > > > me starting out, 
  I'd probably export the data> from> > > > MetaStock and 
  then> > > > develop a trading strategy testing tool in> 
  either> > > > Visual Basic as being> > > > 
  quick or Visual C++ being more efficient.> > > > > > 
  > > Not sure if I've helped.> > > > ----- Original 
  Message -----> > > > From: "Ara Kaloustian" <<A 
  href="mailto:ara1@xxxxxxxxxx";>ara1@xxxxxxxxxx>> > > > 
  To: <<A 
  > > > Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 11:07 PM> > > 
  > Subject: Re: Power Basic programming-metastock> > > > 
  > > > > > > > > > David,> > > 
  > >> > > > > Would Power Basic allow one to 
  implement> back> > > > testing with multiple 
  stocks> > > > > and extend Metastock functionality that 
  way?> > > > >> > > > > Thanks> 
  > > > >> > > > > Ara> > > > 
  >> > > > > ----- Original Message -----> > 
  > > > From: "David Jennings"> > > > <<A 
  > > > > To: "William Malone" <<A 
  href="mailto:wmalone@xxxxxxxxxxxx";>wmalone@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> > 
  > > > Cc: <<A 
  > > > > Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 10:41 AM> > 
  > > > Subject: Re: Power Basic> programming-metastock> 
  > > > >> > > > >> > > > > 
  > William,> > > > > >> > > > > 
  > I have taken the liberty of copying my> reply> > > 
  to> > > > the list as it might> > > > 
  just> > > > > > help others.> > > > > 
  >> > > > > > Power Basic has a user manual that 
  is> > > > downloadable or at least I think> > > 
  > it> > > > > > is. They also have a number of 
  examples on> > > their> > > > web site. There is 
  also> > > > a> > > > > > book 
  available  for free - PC Magazine's> BASIC> > > > 
  Techniques and Utilities.> > > > > > Can't remember if 
  this is downloaded> > > separately> > > > or 
  comes when you> > > > purchase> > > > > 
  > Power Basic 32 bit DLL. Can't say I've> really> > > 
  > needed either - It's truly> > > > > > that straight 
  forward.> > > > > >> > > > > > I'd 
  also have a look at Kaufman's book> Trading> > > > 
  systems and methods  -> > > > this> > > > 
  > > will give you a good source of formulae> etc.> > 
  > > They are often laid out for> > > > > > 
  TradeStation so they will translate fairly> > > > easily into 
  PowerBasic.  For> > > > > > mathematical methods, 
  I'd heartily> recommend> > > > Numerical Recipes 
  from> > > > > > Cambridge University Press> <A 
  href="http://www.nr.com/";>http://www.nr.com/.> > > > 
  Mathematical purists> > > > often> > > > > 
  > quibble over some of the implementations,> but> > > 
  > for the sums I do it's> > > > fine.> > > 
  > > > Years ago, there used to be a version of> it> 
  > > for> > > > basic. You might find> > > 
  > one> > > > > on> > > > > > e-Bay 
  or similar and it would be worth> > > > purchasing if you are 
  thinking of> > > > > > serious computation.> > 
  > > > >> > > > > > I have attached a copy of 
  the code for the>  32> > > > bit version of the 
  T3> > > > > moving> > > > > > average 
  as a straightforward example. I> use> > > the> > 
  > > code as as a template> > > > for> > > 
  > > my> > > > > > own work  as some of the 
  bits are standard> > > e.g.> > > > Libmain and 
  Wep> > > > > >> > > > > > You'll 
  notice, that there are two calls to> the> > > > 
  DLL  - the first is the> > > > > > initialisation, 
  and the second does the> > > > calculation on each 
  bar.> > > > > >> > > > > > Shout 
  if I can help further.> > > > > >> > > > 
  >> > > > > > > > > > > 
  > > > > > >> 
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