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Re: System testing

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Have you made, or know of, a comparison of AmiBroker 
vs. NeoTicker?  Looking at the websites, it appears that both NeoTicker and 
AmiBroker can both handle script.  AmiBroker seems to be similar 
to Metastock with the added ability to handle multiple stock 
explorations.  Whereas, NeoTicker appears to have a more advanced data 
collection system and the ability to handle delayed quotes during the day.  
There are probably other significant differences, but these popped out.  I 
wonder if anyone has done an operating comparison to see if there is any 
difference in ease of use.
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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black">From: 
  To: <A title=metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:55 
  Subject: Re: System testing
  Philip,Yes, Tradestation is an option.  I 
  currently own TS4 in addition to Metastock.  It does have 
  thelimitation of looking back at only 13,000 bars, which is fine from an 
  EOD perspective, but not sogood on 1 minute or 5 minute data.  
  TS2000i is pricey when purchased new and still a bit buggy,but eminently 
  capable for testing purposes.  Recently, Omega (or Tradestation 
  Technologies as theyare now known) has objected to sales of used 
  Tradestations on eBay, so they've all been pulled.You might check out 
  AmiBroker if you are doing EOD work.  Several Metastock users have said 
  somevery positive things about its capabilities.  <A 
  href="http://www.amibroker.com";>www.amibroker.comAnother option 
  that I've recently started looking at is NeoTick RT which sells for only $650 
  forthe realtime version, and $80 for the EOD version. <A 
  href="http://www.tickquest.com";>www.tickquest.com  This supports VB 
  andJavaScript which may be an alternative to EasyLanguage.Finally, 
  if you are so inclined, you might consider the Metastock Developer's 
  Kit.  LearningPowerBasic won't be much different from EasyLanguage, 
  or even Delphi (EL is derived from Pascal)might not be much 
  different.That said, EL isn't really that difficult to learn.  
  You'll get deeper and deeper as you needfeatures, but you'll be building 
  on simpler things that make it easy to start.  As an example, foryour 
  entry, the EasyLanguage code isIf YourEntrySignal then buy at High + 1 
  point Stop;Dave NadeauFort Collins, CO--- Philip 
  wrote:> Thanks for the speedy reply, Dave. I guess that translates into 
  "time for> Tradestation" for me. I have been hesitating because I dread 
  the learning> curve in TS, and there are still one or two things I'd 
  like to write in> Metastock. Still, I need to enter on a stop and the 
  work-around you describe> sounds even more challenging.> 
  > Best regards,> Philip> > Dave Nadeau 
  wrote:> > > Philip,> >> > Regrettably, 
  no, not in the System Tester.  (I own up through V7.03--based> 
  > on what I've heard about V7.2,it hasn't changed in this regard.)  If 
  you> > really wanted to do this, you're probably looking at writing 
  a .dll in> > Powerbasic, Delphi, or C++ and doing it all outside of 
  Metastock--and> > returning the results to be charted or reported in 
  an Exploration.> >> > Dave Nadeau> > Fort 
  Collins, CO> >> > > -----Original Message-----> 
  > > From: <A 
  > > [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Philip> 
  > > Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 7:20 PM> > > To: <A 
  href="mailto:metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx";>metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > 
  > Subject: System testing> > >> > >> > 
  > I am running MS 6.52. When performing a system test, is there any> 
  > > way to enter> > > on a stop the next day? If not, has 
  this been built into any subsequent> > > releases?> > 
  >> > > Philip Schmitz> > >> > 
  >> > >> >> > 
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