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RE: composite securities

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There is one other option. Jon Debry sells Metastock utilities. He just
updated his package and included some new utilities. One of these will
create and store an index value based on stocks you store in a folder (i.e.)
in folder1 you put IBM, INTC, & SUNW, you get an index calculated on those 3
stocks.....put the stock comprising the SP500 in another folder, you get an
index based on those stocks, etc).

This add on came about when I had the same need to calculate indexes as some
of the posters on this list. I currently use the debry utilities, so I
contacted Jon (he bases his new releases on suggestions of users) and made
the suggestion. Fortunately someone else had already made the same request
and the function was included in the new release (scheduled for 5/25 I

I also use a sector CD sold by Paritech. It is based on the IBD groups (197
of them I believe) and is also being updated to provide the S&P industry
groups as well. Each folder is named for the respective group. Within the
folder are the stocks that comprise the group.

Debry info can be found at www.debry.com and info on the Paritech sector CD
is at www.paritech.com.

The usual disclaimer.....No financial interest, just a user.

Allan Wade
Phoenix, AZ
email: allanwade@xxxxxxxx