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Re: Faster MS Win 6.5 Explorations Using Cache???

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Like mentioned earlier in previous mailings, when I upgraded from 6.0 to 6.5, I was
faced with the same conversion  -of some of my own developed custom formulas-
problems as yours, i.e. these customs being incorrectly converted to 6.5 standards
(some were plain mutulated, some got crippled and some "only" got some
minor-but-huge-affective-and-unwanted-adjustments made to them).
>From my previous HEX-mailing, you probably also know that at that conversion-instance-
time, some of my templates and layouts got the same "minor-but-huge-affective-and-
unwanted-adjustments" made to them as well.
Also, at that time, I was fortunate enough to be able to fix most back to their original state,
as I had spare copies saved in Ascii txt-files.
But a shock certainly this was for me too, eg also at that time not being such an
experienced MS-user.

Therefore, and explicitely and first off, any upgrades should have big lettered highlighted
warnings in ReadMe-files and on CdRom covers, eg warnings to make spare back-up
copies first, prior to/before installing, and as such making users better aware to make
back up copies first, especialy spare-copies from the program's vital dat-files that are
scatttered around in the C:\Equis\.......-folders (better, spare copy the entire Equis
folder's hyrachie+contents lot to a C:\Temp\Equis-folder), and second, user should be
enabled to just have to only click a button (anywhere within the main program+sub
programs) to enable to copy any info to an Ascii file (Word,Excel), a common
"Save to..."-button in each of the variaty of program's dialog windows will do for this,
and this also as MetaStock is being an official Office9.x-compatible program, it is the
least that many (untrained) users would expect.
This goes for the user specific program info, like user's settings, as well as for any of
the user's customised items, like formulas, experts, systest etc.

A program that monitors any installation correctly (oppose to the very incomplete or not
being able to awake, fast-asleep cleansweep) is Remove-IT by Vertisoft Systems, Inc.
(now Quarterdeck/Symantec Inc.). However, I am not sure that it will be capable to
log-report these formulas conversions also. I have only recently switched between these
recording programs, and the sleeping cleansweep was away in dreamland at that
Would be nice tho, if Equis or Vertisoft will let this type of program also be able to record
the formulas transitions/conversions while upgrading or offline, as the Remove-IT program
punctualy records Registry changes as well (the Registry is the System.dat + User.dat files

The reasons as to why your formulas possibly could not work in general, were only in the
previous mail given as also "in general". As such will it will require much further digging(and
deeper looking) into attendance (like step by step processing) and experimenting, to find
out the reasons, or that it is due to other, of any of the other program specific or formula
specific mistakes/reasons, eg as to why they will not work in MetaStock for Windows.
Not all calculation-features that are commonly supported in other TA-programs are also
included/supported in <for this the old hat> MetaStock
(like the enabling of currently-not-as-yet-known-figures(variables) to be automaticaly being
inputted, for a variable's variant value, in custom formulas, eg on the spot obtained figures
being automaticaly inputted without the user's manual input function/requirements, that is
currently required only through input dialog windows or manual adjusting the formulas)
neither are all functions/formulas, that are supported in other programs, also supported
in MetaStock (see TAS-section below).

The reason why the MSforDOS-version is faster, is that it has a direct disk access and
by-passes the very advanced Windows environment features (maintained by the many
(virtual) memory controls), an environment for well developed programs to function at
their most best.
However and, many other programs (eg Excel+Word), are capable to be as much
speedy in Windows as they were in old DOS, therefore it is obvious that the under
developed MetaStock(+its subs) program's architecture is not well balanced out to
work within the (for advancee's only) Windows-environment and that it strongly needs
MetaStock manufacturer's professional program attendance(the developers attendance)
and requires a good program revision/overhaul (also, like above, going through step
by step processing to find the slow-down causes and to then make appropiate program
changes/arrangements), and therefore this is also "out of control" for you or me, the user.

The OLE write ups (a user's manual is missing) and its functioning (a clear seperate user
-interface is missing also), sure do not deserve a "user-friendly" award, let alone a "Best
user friendly" or that it will win in a beauty contest.
The advantages from a well worked-out OLE program, are/can be inmense
(virtualy any formula/calculation done in OLE-compatible Excel is visable in MetaStock's
very nice interface), but much and proper back-up support (manual+online Help) is also
not to be found, only for those who find the immense time to practise and unless you also
know your ways around/are aquinted.
Workarounds can only "easy" be achieved by using the ScriptIt or AutoIt programs having
the jobs doen automaticaly.
It works fine for me here tho, after months of diggin and experimenting, but also this program
part too, like the above mentioned MetaStock & Speed-problems, is way overdue for a
proper revision/overhaul.
(Make sure you do not mention OLE to the Mount, eg not even at families' birthday party's,
while watching bullfights on TV(switch off the sound), or after sharing a few beers do not
pretend that you are fluent in Spanish (only we all know you are......), as we all await his next
views with urging desire!! and don't want him to punish ignore you from you (Spanish)
misleading him).

Sure hope you will get ol' TAS/your system transfered over to MS (we on the List are all
dying to hear from you on your system (+  that the system works also on MS for you)
otherwise, and this is unfortunatly also very frustating, having such a good TA-program like
MetaStock at hand, you could try the TAS for Windows-version.
(Some valueble formulas or TAS-functions, that are programable in TAS but not supported
in MetaStock are printed below).

The latest signals here are:

OLD                                                                                   LATEST
before 990507 -10yr/yield Euro € Rate -Negative       unchanged, -Negative
990610-10yr/yield Japan Yen Rate -Positive               990617 -Negative
990611-10yr/yield US $ Rate -Positive                        990616 -Negative
990517-AEX -Negative                                                  990603 -Positive
before 990507 -AEX-Volume-Negative                       990615 -Positive
990517-DAX 35 -Negative                                            990614 -Positive
990514-DJ EURO STOXX 50 -Negative                     990609 -Positive
990524-Dow Indu -Negative                                          990617 -Positive
990521-Dow Transp -Negative                                     unchanged, -Negative
way before 990507 -Dow Utils -Positive                      unchanged, -Positive
990518-HangSeng -Negative                                       990609 -Positive
990518-Nikkei 225 -Negative                                       990609 -Positive
990524-SP500 -Negative                                             990616 -Positive

Ton Maas
Dismiss the ".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying.

cc - Equis Suggetsion Dep.

>From an older mail:

Technical Analysis Scanner by FlexSoft

Program's scan and indicator building(writing/coding) is very simular to
MS's indicators + scans. Program is also heavy loaded with explorable
scans+indicators, and even has a Trend Line-function/indicator(TrendLin)
that can be scanned for peaks+throughs.

Remarks are commented out by 2 (forward) slashes.

23.1.55 TrendLine Create a Trendline

               Usage: TRENDLINE( a,s,e )
               Returns: Array
               Description :
               Generate a line going through the points in array a from the day
               index s to the day index e.


               Array X = TrendLine(C,-10,-2);
                     // creates a "line" that begins at and passes through the CLOSE
                     // 10 days in the past and ends at the point two days in the past.
                     // or if you wanted to create a trendline that rested on the two latest
                     // major price peaks , you could use the ZIG function as follows:
               Array TL = Const(0); // for the trendline
               Array Z = ZIG(C,5,'%'); // 5% moves only
               recentPeak = Peak(Z,1); // Get recent peak
               penulPeak = Peak(Z,2); // Get penultimate peak
               IF recentPeak < 0 AND penulPeak < 0 THEN // we have two peaks
               TL = TrendLine(C,penulPeak,recentPeak);

23.1.56 TrendPar Parallel Trendline

               Usage: TRENDPAR( a,t,s )
               Returns: Array
               Description :
               TrendLine's sister function TrendPar will draw a parallel line
               to trendline t, running through day s in array a.


----- Original Message -----
From: Guy Tann
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: zaterdag 19 juni 1999 5:18
Subject: RE: Faster MS Win 6.5 Explorations Using Cache???


I think my MS for Windows problems is their automatic conversion program
(which did a terrible job on my stuff) and then the 'cleaning up' I did to
get it to run.  I just couldn't believe that MS for DOS runs 20 to 30 times
faster than MS for Win, in a DOS window under Win95.  I've started writing
up all of the formulae and hope to reenter them from scratch in a few days
to see what happens.  If I get that to run, then I'll add in the variables
that I currently need TAS to calculate and maybe will have a system on MS
that I can use.

As an alternative, I have everything coded in Excel and just need to code
the data access modules (if I can find that file library thing I bought) to
eliminate the OLE interface that doesn't work worth a darn.  OLE uses the
symbol as well as the chart name, and I change the symbol every 3 months,
thereby requiring a new connection.  The current, convoluted approach is
something I don't even want to consider teaching to my dad. :)

