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Re: Off Topic: Choice of Processor

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I build white-box PCs for various companies, and have some good advice
for you.

1.  Don't pay any premium for a PIII.  
2.  Get a minimum of 64Mb RAM.  128Mb is better
3.  Get a fast, large hard drive.
4.  Don't buy at CompUSA.

I would advice you go to Dell or Gateway, although I don't use them
myself.  (As I said, I build PCs.)

If money is important, go with a Celeron.  I'm using a C300a that I
overclock to 450MHz.  You won't want to do that unless you know what
you're doing.  But you can save plenty by buying a 400MHz Celeron
instead of a PII.

The Celeron has 128kb of internal cache that runs at full processor
speed.  The PII has 512kb of cache, but it runs at 1/2 processor
speed.  This turns out to be a wash.  Also, the Celeron runs on a
66MHz bus, while the PII runs on a 100MHz bus.  This is of little

Much more important is to get 64-128Mb RAM, and a fast, large (say
17Mb) hard drive.   

You won't regret it.

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 08:35:37 -0500,  Essan Soobratty
<trader@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>I am about to upgrade my current PC which is an NEC PII 233mhz.  I am
>not an expert when t comes to hardware and therefore seek views as to an
>appropriate upgrade.
>Its main use would be for running metastock pro, excel, word, netscape
>etc and it would be part of a LAN network.  I don't think I would  be
>using it for any heavy duty graphics.
>Browsing the shelves of Comp-USA it looks like my choices are between an
>Intel Celeron, PII or PIII.  Can anyone give some suggestions and in
>particular describe the differences between the 3 processors?  Whatever
>the choice, I would have a minimum of 64meg or RAM and would prefer to
>use win95.
>Also as a bechmark, which Celeron chip would be the equivalent to my
>current PII 233mhz?
>Email direct if you prefer.  Thanks in advance.
>Essan Soobratty.