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Re: Automate Downloader?

  • To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Automate Downloader?
  • From: "A.J. Maas" <anthmaas@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 18:11:27 -0400 (EDT)
  • In-reply-to: <001e01beaf80$60982150$0101a8c0@xxxxxx>

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

ScripIt (or AutoIt) can automate the routines for you, checkout my homepage

See below on how to create a Security-List containing Names and Tickers and
adding them to the Downloader's database.

Using Convert to export your current tickers' data, and then via Convert to re-import
the same data, eg but now to your new created securities (created from the set of
instructions below), you will find yourself to have a smooth transition
(that is, if you also have the Convert's MetaStock to ASCII/Excel and visa versa
conversions routines sorted out.
If not, then see also some of my previous Excel/ASCII-mails).    

Ton Maas
Dismiss the ".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying.

(90% is taken from the DL Help-files, but had to re-order the lot for the correctness). 

Symbol Look-up Dialog
The Symbol Look-up dialog provides you with instant access to ticker symbol
information on over 15,000 stocks and about 8,100 mutual funds, for all major
US exchanges. In addition, futures, indices (both U.S. and international),
market indicators, and Canadian stocks that are symbol-compatible with the
Reuters Trend DataLink data service are available. This dialog is used to place
the name and ticker symbol of the selected security in the New Security dialog.
It can also be used to quickly create multiple security files for the securities you select.

The most up-to-date symbol file, symbol32.dta (in the C:\Equis\Dlwin folder) is
available on the Equis web site in the Files\Download section of the Technical
Support area, as a self-installing file (Symbol652.exe). The file is updated monthly.
Follow the installation instructions available on the web site.

Adding Multiple Securities with Symbol Look-up
Instead of you having to enter each security file individually, the Symbol Look-up
dialog allows you to search for and select multiple files to add at once.  You can
even add special groupings of stocks, such as the Dow 30 stocks, S&P 100 stocks,
all optionable stocks, etc.

Creating New Securities
1. In Downloader choose New|Security from the File menu.
2. Click Browse to select the Folder for the securities to be stored in.
3. Type the Name and Symbol(Ticker) for your security or you can also add multiple
    securities using Symbol Look-up.
3. Click the Look-up button. The Symbol Look-up dialog will appear.
4. Choose the Type and Group to specify the securities listed. 
         -Type.  Use the Type drop list to choose the type of security to list
           (i.e., stocks, futures, etc.).
         -Group.  Use the Group drop-list to control which securities are listed in the dialog.
          The contents of the Group drop-list are dependent on your selection in the Type box.
         -Search.  Use this box to search the list for the specified name or symbol.
    If you are searching for a specific security and you're not sure which exchange grouping
    the security belongs to, you should select the "All" group to list all securities (The "SYM"
    list will be available under this group). You can also choose from several specialized
    groups (i.e., S&P 100 stocks, NYSE stocks, etc.). The group called "optionable stocks"
    lists all stocks on which options are traded.     
         -Select All.  Click this button to quickly select all securities listed.
         -Deselect All.  Click this button to quickly deselect all securities.
    The number of securities selected (i.e., highlighted) in the Symbol Look-up dialog is
    displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
5. Click the Select All button to quickly select all securities in the list.
    Note that you can restrict the list and select individual securities by typing specific names
    or symbols in the Search box.  Simply, separate them with a semi-colon
    (e.g. MSFT;IBM;AAPL;NSCP).
    You can also separate the names or symbols with a comma to find everything beginning
    with a certain letter (e.g. A,B,C will show every security beginning with an A, a B, and a C).
5. Click the OK button.
    The New Security dialog will appear with the text "(MULTIPLE)" in the Name and
    Symbol boxes.
6. Creating one single security only, will have that security's Name and Symbol displayed.
7. Verify that the remaining attributes in the New Security dialog are set correctly, eg click
    Help to find the correct methods (and for information on creating new securities window).
8. Click the OK button in the New Security dialog to add the selected securities.

Creating Symbols lists(.sym) for the Look-up Dialog
To accommodate these types of symbols, you can create your own groups of symbols for
use inside the Symbol Look-up dialog by creating an ASCII file with a "SYM" extension.
For detailed instructions on creating these groups, refer to The DownLoader User's Manual
or Help file.

The Symbol Look-up dialog may also be used to enter and customize large groups of
securities. You may find this helpful for posting recommended lists of securities to clients
or colleagues, keeping lists of securities in separate portfolios, creating custom industry
groups, etc.

To create your own groups in the Symbol Look-up dialog

1. Open a new ASCII file in a text editor (e.g. WordPad, Notepad).
2. Type the list of securities to add to the Symbol Look-up dialog using the following format:
   <security name>,<symbol>,<exchange>
   Each individual security must be entered on a separate line in the text editor and only two(2)
   commas are required to seperate the columns, eg the 3 fields.
   Example: Microsoft,MSFT,NASD
                    Apple Computer,AAPL,NASD
   The <exchange> and <security name> entries are completely optional.
   You may also create an ASCII file using the following format:
   Example: MSFT
    In the example above, the ASCII file contains only one field per line (i.e., the symbol).
    Since the <security name> is not provided, The DownLoader will attempt to provide
    a <security name> from the existing symbol look-up list.
    For example, since the symbol look-up list in The DownLoader associates the symbol
    "MSFT" to the security name "Microsoft," the name "Microsoft" will automatically be
    used in the <security name> field.  However, if The DownLoader does not find a match
    for the <symbol> in the existing list, the symbol itself will be used in place of the
    <security name>.
3. Save the ASCII file with the extension ".SYM" (e.g. "COMPUTER.SYM").
    Note that when you save the file in Notepad or Wordpad, it will add a ".TXT" extension
    after the file name (e.g. "COMPUTER.SYM.TXT").  Rename the file so that the
    Symbol Look-up dialog correctly recognizes the file format, eg to the .sym extension.
4. Place the ASCII file in  the same folder as The DownLoader program
    (e.g. "C:\Equis\Dlwin\MySymbols.sym" or "c:\Program Files\Equis\The DownLoader")
5. Open The DownLoader and display the Symbol Look-up dialog.
    (See the instructions given above for Creating New Securities).
6. The name of the newly created symbol look-up file (eg MySymbols) will be displayed
     in the Type menu of the Symbol Look-up dialog, when "All" is selected for "Group:".

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bob Jagow 
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: zaterdag 5 juni 1999 20:22
Subject: Automate Downloader?

> I want to automate  daily conversion of ASCII data [gathered with
> QuoteMonster] for some BB stocks and mutual funds, but the Downloader seems
> incapable of saving the two needed setups.
>   Has anyone done this sort of thing [including scheduling QM then the
> conversion] with WinBat or whatever?  Willing to share?
> An unrelated question is how can I add names to existing tickers?
> TIA,
> Bob