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Re: Scripting programs

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I use WinBatch (http://www.winbatch.com) with great success and recommend it


-----Original Message-----
From: Glynn Chamberlain <glynsay@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Metastock-List <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 1:55 AM
Subject: Re: Scripting programs

|Hi again Ton,
|Thanks very much for the reply. It is very helpful. Even your write up on
|TweakAll for Win95/98/98SE has caught my attention.
|I would also like to hear from other users who are using scripting programs
|in Metastock. Which program are you using and how exactly do you go about
|using it. I.e. do you perform a standard exploration first rooting out
|prospective shares or do you get the scripting program to go strait into
|system tests of your favorite stocks? May be both?
|Where I find Metastock at a bit of a disadvantage, is once I have found a
|particular system that looks good, there is no automatic chart scanner that
|will go and look at each share and search for buy and sell signals after
|each daily download based on past System tests. Has anyone found a way
|around this. I also have Supercharts which I purchased in 96 which has an
|excellent Chart Scanner, however, once I have found a good system in
|Metastock I can never quite get the same system into SC. I would appreciate
|hearing everyone else's thoughts and solutions (On the Metastock program
|that is).
|My experience with Metastock and their support has been very positive
|though. It really is good for finding those prospective shares and their
|support has helped tremendous. Also this Forum is very informative. Thanks
|to everyone that contributes.
|If the above has been asked and answered in the past before I joined, I
|apologize for the inconvenience.
|Thanks to you all
|Glynn & Lindsay Chamberlain.
|Cape Town
|South Africa
|-----Original Message-----
|From: A.J. Maas <anthmaas@xxxxxx>
|To: Glynn Chamberlain <glynsay@xxxxxxxxxxx>
|Cc: Metastock-List <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
|Date: 21 May 1999 02:40
|Subject: Re: Scripting programs
|>See answers below your questions.
|>Ton Maas
|>Dismiss the ".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying.
|>----- Original Message -----
|>From: Glynn Chamberlain
|>To: A.J. Maas
|>Sent: maandag 17 mei 1999 18:47
|>Subject: Scripting programs
|>> Dear Ton
|>> I joined the Metastock Forum about 2 months ago and was fortunate to see
|>> of your informative posts referring to Scripting programs.
|>Thanks for this compliment, but it is Equis that gives its users the
|opportunity through
|>their MetaStock-list for their worlwide users of their programs, to get
|more advanced
|>in MetaStock, and in "MetaStock plus the PC"-combined programs.
|>Myselve, and many many others, only provide the technical means (with
|>> I however am still in a quandary as to which program to chose. Could you
|>> give me a recommendation as to which (in your opinion) is the better
|>Depends on your preferences (eg see your DOS-section below).
|>The following list shows the programs (usable in the Windows 9.x
|>in a qualify-ing ranking manner (eg 1=simpler , 5=tougher):
|>1. DOS batch, 2. ScriptIt and 3. AutoIt (eg 2+3 are equal), 4. WSH's
|VBScript, 5.VBA
|>(where #1,2,4+5 are all Microsoft products and all the # given are
|available for free).
|>> I know my way around Windows 95 & 98, however my programming skills are
|>> a bit short, if non existent. Although I did write some Dos batch
|programs, they
|>> were incredibly simple, even though I "understood?" Dos fairly well.
|>Best is to start with ScriptIt and when finished writing a few scripts, to
|then compare
|>notes(the scripts) with AutoIt, as both programs are somewhat equal,
|>are in the details only.
|>Also ScriptIt is the DOS batch's successor and also most of the DOS batch
|stuff is
|>implemented in it, and also full in VBScript.
|>> I would like a Scripting program much like those in MS Word, where you
|>> a "Recorder", do the necessary mouse clicks and actions and the actions
|>> saved to be used over and over again. Is there such a scripting program
|>> will watch what keystrokes I do so that I can automate it next time. I
|think these
|>> were called Makro's?
|>Makro is a retail company overhere, but you are right here, there are
|a few
|>macro programs around. At first, I have also been macroing my way around
|>Windows. However, the macro utility that is build-in in Word, works for
|>the Word-program only.
|>A macro utility (as an Add-In) is also available in Excel.
|>VBA is also available in Excel.
|>What these type of macro utilities and VBA have in common is that both
|>operate from and within that single main program only (Word or Excel or
|>Within these programs, the display of windows is always a repetative task,
|>whereas running a macro program in the Windows 9.x OS is not of a
|>nature. In Word, the Word-program controlls the display settings for each
|>These settings are in an OS-environment like Windows 9.x always later
|>by the Registry settings for Folders (eg in Win-Explorer click
|>Options|View|Folder views"). And this is also the main bottleneck when
|>for a macro-recording program. The display of windows or folder's windows
|>never certain to be always the same window-position on screen and all of
|>times, eg be it due to that certain program's way of working under the
|Windows 9.x
|>OS or from the OS itselves or from your own settings (see above).
|>Any "mouse moves" or "sending keystrokes"-actions that are live
|>then also not be able to follow up on these new window's display-positions
|on screen.
|>Best way would be to have a program that can also write down (eg convert)
|>recordings into a written source code, so that you can manipulate it to
|suite any
|>un-expected new window's display positions.
|>But to save you a lot of hastles (and any consequencive data loss
|>these miss-actions), apart from the DOS batch, any of the other programs
|>are mentioned above are capable to catch the windows, normal displayed or
|>mis-placed displayed, with "mouse moves" or "sending keystrokes" as the
|>code also being available (but not from recording it first). You will have
|to use
|>your imagination here, as to the appropiate actions that need to be in the
|>> I have been reading your write up on WSH, Scriptit and others, and
|>> they all sound excellent, I do not know which one to go for. Please
|>> recommend a suitable program that is Idiot proof and simple for me yet
|>> I learn how it works will be incredibly powerful. So far I will only be
|using it to
|>> automate some system tests etc in Metastock. However, if these programs
|>> work the way I have read, I could be doing a lot more later. I doubt
|>> that I will be using dos based programs, so any program you recommend
|>> only needs to be for Win 9.x and NT systems.
|>Like mentioned above, start with ScriptIt (or AutoIt). Though WSH, as the
|>for so many scripting languages doesn't directly support this, indirectly
|it will
|>always do so when calling on the host itself (eg calling the WSH either in
|>form of (host) Wscript.exe or (host) Cscript.exe) by registering the
|>script file ('s extension) with the particular host.
|>And then you can also easy switch between ScriptIt(or AutoIt) and any of
|>other (scripting) languages standard supported in WSH (eg VBScript,
|>Perl etc.). Not required but it is always available to you. And where WSH
|can be
|>seen as the (WSH) shell-environment, with own source code for the
|>as base, put in a seperate wsh-file.
|>Another thing about ScriptIt (or AutoIt) is that it is so realy easy to
|use. Much easier
|>then the MetaStock formula language for example, which is a solid language
|too, and
|>that gets many of its stuff from VB/VBA. The only requirement is that you
|MUST read
|>the White Paper document first, as it is as well, at the same time the
|>Help-file available for the program. More support :
|>- In one of the microsoft's news-groups
|>  ( news.microsoft.com microsoft.public.scripting.vbs )
|>  sometimes questions related to ScriptIt will get answered by many odd
|>  from around the world.
|>- Naturaly, you can also ask on the MetaStock-List.
|>  (This asking will help others, eg first starters, in using the program
|>- Another suggestion to other List-members is to send their (Metastock)
|>  to the List, and also I could add a special section on my homepage for
|>  scripts, so that they are always (24 hours) available (to others and
|>Also remember that the programs mentioned are all available for FREE ,
|>exception ofcourse is the VBA, as this naturaly comes with the particular
|>programs that are including the VBA - (for Equis/MetaStock an idea????).
|>> I thank you for your assistance and hope to hear from you soon.
|>> Many regards
|>> Glynn
|>> Glynn & Lindsay Chamberlain.
|>> Cape Town
|>> South Africa