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Re: Intersecurity testing with MSW 6.5 - Is it possible - and how?

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<DIV><FONT size=2>It is a cumbersome way, but using the "P" indicator, eg in the 
"C/P" formula,<BR>will do this for you, eg :<BR><BR>At the time of Testing (or 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>When in&nbsp;MetaStock, 
prior/before you start the SystemTester (or Exploration)</STRONG></FONT><BR>1. 
-You <STRONG>MUST </STRONG>have the "your index"-Chart <STRONG>open </STRONG>for 
starters<BR>2. -<STRONG>AND </STRONG>the custom created Close-indicator 
<STRONG>selected<BR></STRONG>3. -Then choose the folder (containing the 
securities) that you want to test (or scan).</FONT></DIV><FONT size=2><BR>
<DIV><FONT size=2>These are the most important details to know, when using the 
"P" indicator, eg when it is</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>included in </FONT><FONT size=2>a&nbsp;formula 
for&nbsp;testing or scanning.</FONT><FONT size=2></DIV></FONT>
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Also from the MS65-Manual(p.285) note that the same "everyday" 
formula-usage applies:</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  "System trading rules use the same SYNTAX 
as custom indicators.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (for the MetaStock Formula 
Language, see p. 201)."</FONT></FONT><FONT size=2></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>-See also my other mail this weekend, 
subject:<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Re: explorer"<BR>&nbsp; as the 
instructions contained in it are roughly the same as for the 
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>-Further below is the Equis web-site faq on this 
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>-Read System Tester for </FONT><FONT size=2>the Explorer (or 
visa versa).</FONT><FONT size=2>&nbsp;<BR><BR>Regards,<BR>Ton Maas<BR><A 
href="mailto:ms-irb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx";>ms-irb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx</A><BR>Dismiss the 
".nospam" bit (including the dot) when 
Original Message ----- <BR>From: John Schott &lt;<A 
href="mailto:jschott@xxxxxxxxxxxx";>jschott@xxxxxxxxxxxx</A>&gt;<BR>To: &lt;<A 
zondag 16 mei 1999 5:44<BR>Subject: Intersecurity testing with MSW 6.5 - Is it 
possible - and how?<BR><BR><BR>System Testing based on "Secondary 
Security:&nbsp; Is there a way to do this<BR>with MSW 
like to run MSW System Testing backtests on groups of securities<BR>I've 
organized in MSW folders.&nbsp; <BR><BR>But, I'd like the buy and sell dates to 
be initiated by common date<BR>triggers from a single synthetic seconday 
"index", not from MSW TA tests<BR>on the individual daily data in stocks in 
these security folders.&nbsp; <BR><BR>[For a visual display, I've imported (via 
Downloader Conversion)&nbsp; the<BR>synthetic index as a common second security 
included in the MSW Folders<BR>holding the other securities..&nbsp; For example 
by using there values ( 0 =<BR>Sell, +10 = Buy and Do Nothing as any other 
value) I can created a<BR>testable set that could be used, if I could only test 
on the second<BR>security.&nbsp; Naturally, I can display this second security 
just find in<BR>MSW against charts of the individual securities..&nbsp; But for 
the testing I<BR>want to do, I could as easily use a simple list of dates, were 
this<BR>possible.]<BR><BR>Since the security groups are imported into MSW from 
from real data sets<BR>(Quotes Plus 2) and the synthetic security generated 
essentially from an<BR>excel list, it would be desirable NOT to have to modify 
this data.&nbsp; (For<BR>example, I could see how one might manually preprocess 
the data to make<BR>the&nbsp; the open interest or volume to be the same as the 
second security<BR>and write my System Test equiations based on tests of the O/I 
of Vol. <BR>But this would require extensive and 
undesirable<BR>security-at-a-time-preprocessing.)<BR><BR>NOTE:&nbsp; This is 
very similar to what you could do with the WOW 
Sec1/Sec2<BR>capability.<BR><BR><FONT size=2>&nbsp;</DIV>
<P><FONT size=5>Comparative Relative Strength in MetaStock&#8482; for Windows </FONT>
<P><FONT size=1>rev. 01/06/97<BR></FONT>
<P>Comparative Relative Strength charts can be useful in deciding which security 
to buy, by helping to pinpoint the best performer. They can also be useful in 
developing spreads, i.e., purchase of the best performer "long", and selling the 
weaker issues "short." Comparative Relative Strength can be applied in MetaStock 
for Windows as follows:<BR><BR><B>Creation of a Template for Comparative 
Relative Strength<BR></B>
<P>(For this illustration, we assume an equity/stock is compared to the S&amp;P 
500, both of which must first have been collected from your vendor. Both data 
files should be in the same periodicity.) <BR>
  <LI>Load the S&amp;P 500. 
  <LI>Load the equity, or whatever you wish to find the relative strength for. 
  <LI>Drag the S&amp;P 500 plot into a new inner window of the equity. (You may 
  need to click Stack first.) 
  <LI>Close the S&amp;P 500 chart. 
  <LI>Create a custom indicator: Div(close, p) 
  <LI>Drag the custom indicator into the inner window containing the S&amp;P 500 
  plot, moving it over the plot until the plot changes to a pink or lavender 
  color, then release your mouse button. (This is called dragging and dropping 
  an indicator on an indicator. The new indicator will plot in the same window 
  as the S&amp;P 500 plot.) You have two options here: 
    <LI>You can change the color of the S&amp;P 500 plot to be the same as the 
    chart background color, so that it is effectively invisible. (Double-click 
    the S&amp;P 500 plot to get to its "properties", then choose the color you 
    need from the Colors list.)<BR>
    <LI>You can give both plots different colors so you can tell which is 
  <LI>Save this chart as a Template. (File|Save As, set "Save File As Type" to 
  Template, and give it a name, such as CMPRELST.MWT.) <BR></LI></OL>
<P>Any time you want to see Comparative Relative Strength of an equity against 
the S&amp;P 500, apply this template to the equity's chart. Note: if you should 
move the data file against which you are comparing, such as the S&amp;P 500, 
this template will no longer work, and would have to be 
recreated.<BR><BR><BR><B>To Run an Exploration Using Comparative Relative 
  <LI>Load the S&amp;P 500 (or whatever you want to compare against). 
  <LI>Create a custom indicator of the Close. 
  <LI>Drag and drop this indicator on the S&amp;P 500 (or whatever...). (Note: 
  the S&amp;P 500 plot must change to pink/lavender color before you drop it.) 
  The indicator will plot. 
  <LI>Select the indicator plot (by single-clicking with the left mouse button 
  on the line). 
  <LI>Do an Exploration with DIV(Close,p) in column A, and specify which 
  directory to explore. 
  <LI>The results are displayed in the Exploration report.<BR></LI></OL>
<P>(P is a special variable that points at the last indicator plotted or 
</x-html>From ???@??? Sun May 16 08:10:43 1999
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Subject: Re: system tests
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     I like your solution except why can't the EXIT condition be simpler

    ROC(Mov(C,12,E),1,%)<0 OR ROC(Mov(C,160E),1,%)<0

    ROC(Mov(C,12,E),1,%)>0  OR ROC(Mov(C,60,E),1,%)>0


----- Original Message -----
From: Onno Goedknegt <goedkneg@xxxxxx>
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 1999 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: system tests

> Walter,
> You can also use the "ROC" of a moving average.
> ROC(Mov(C,12,E),1,%)>0 AND ROC(Mov(C,60,E),1,%)>0
> (ROC(Mov(C,12,E),1,%)<0 AND ROC(Mov(C,60,E),1,%)>0)
> OR
> (ROC(Mov(C,12,E),1,%)>0 AND ROC(Mov(C,60,E),1,%)<0)
> ROC(Mov(C,12,E),1,%)<0 AND ROC(Mov(C,60,E),1,%)<0
> (ROC(Mov(C,12,E),1,%)<0 AND ROC(Mov(C,60,E),1,%)>0)
> OR
> (ROC(Mov(C,12,E),1,%)>0 AND ROC(Mov(C,60,E),1,%)<0)
> Ref(c,-1) gives yesterday's close today.
> So all values are shifted to the right!
> Good luck!
> Regards,
> Onno
> At 08:24 16-5-99 -0400, you wrote:
> >Does anyone have a system test for the general formula?
> >
> >Long: when 2 moving averages are moving up
> >
> >Short: when two moving averages are moving down
> >
> >Out of market: when they are moving in different directions
> >
> >=======
> >
> >I found out that "Mov(Ref(C,-1),12,E)" produces a line on the chart the
> >right of "Mov(C,12,E)"!! Why isn't it to the left of it?
> >
> >I had planned to use "Mov(C,12,E) > Mov(Ref(C,-1),12,E) AND Mov(C,60,E) >
> >Mov(Ref(C,-1),60,E)" as the Long part of the general formula.
> >
> >Now I'm confused about the logic of the formulas.
> >
> >Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> >Best regards
> >
> >Walter
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >