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Re: S&P 500 (was AOL, CSCO, & WMT)

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-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Coward <wrcoward@xxxxxxxxx>
To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 1999 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: S&P 500 (was AOL, CSCO, & WMT)

>I agree.  I have an awful lot to learn and I'd like to hear what Docteur
>has to say.  I checked out the site and signed up for a trial.  I was not
>thrilled about having to hand over my credit card number for the trial, but
>I swallowed hard and did it, anyway.  The Terms and Conditions require them
>to be notified within the first four days of the trial if you are not
>interested in renewing for a month, or you will be billed.  I've printed a
>bunch of stuff off the site, and it appears to be legitimate.  But who am I
>to say!  <g>
>Docteur, you might get a better reception on this list if you hold down the
>enthusiasm just a tad, especially when it comes to your remarkable returns,
>even if they are true.  We all enjoy a modicum of humility here and there.
>By all means, continue contributing.
>> From: Glen Wallace <gcwallace@xxxxxxxx>
>> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: Re: S&P 500 (was AOL, CSCO, & WMT)
>> Date: Wednesday, February 24, 1999 10:34 AM
>> Bravo, Lino.  Let's not blast someone simply because they are proud of
>> apparently high returns and achievements.  Instead, let's see if we can
>> learn from them and improve our own work.  If they are willing to share,
>> will always listen and keep an open mind.
>> On the other hand, if I may be so bold, bravado simply for the sake of
>> stoking one's own ego (and this is *not* directed at Doc) has no place
>> Challenging a person's claims is valid, but let's leave the flaming to
>> chatrooms, OK?  I wouldn't want people to hold back their ideas for fear
>> being roasted.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alessi Lino <linoaalessi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Date: February 24, 1999 10:04
>> Subject: Re: S&P 500
>> >Docteur e-mails on his successes and trading:
>> >
>> >I consider myself a serious commodity trader who has found that the
>> >information offered by the members on this list, very beneficial to my
>> >trading.
>> >Over the years, I have seen that each individual has a different method
>> >of expressing their own successes and failures.
>> >I, for one, want to hear Doc out on what methods he uses to trade just
>> >like I want to hear Guy's philosophy an application of probability to
>> >trading.
>> >This site has great contributors; and, I feel that I as an experienced
>> >trader, have the strength of conviction to make my own mind up on
>> >whether I like what is being shared.
>> >Let's hear Doc out and if his bravado and style is offensive to some -
>> >delete his e-mail; but, let each trader decide whether to review his
>> >info.
>> >Good trading to all
>> >Lino Alessi