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Hi Guy,

Don't get me wrong here but probabilities are for gamblers.  If you
would learn candlestick patterns and technical analysis per those two
books I recommended you study, you could learn to trade profitably every

Managing money is no more than learning to read patterns and setting
your entry and exit points in the right spot.  I buy bottoms and sell
tops all the time.  My mentor does it almost 100% of the time. 
Impossible? Nope.  Gospel truth.

Program trading is a waste of time.  Keep going double or nothing and
pretty soon it'll be nothing.  

You said you have the knack for picking the absolute wrong time to
increase your positions.  Well, so do most other people!  But that's
when those of us who know what we are doing short or put that stock you
are buying (or vice versa).

Again, it's not rocket science.  Just tried and true patterns that have
been working for centuries.  Japanese candlesticks have been successful
for more than 250 years!

Guy, the truth never changes.  It just is.  What works then, works now
because it's based on human psychology and crowd behavior.  And we both
know those never change.  Just learn the patterns.  Again the best place
to start is www.securitytrader.com and those two books I recommended.

The head trader at Securitytrader, Ryan Thomas, is nothing short of a
trading genius.  He grabs tops and bottoms with so much regularity you'd
think he was psychic.  He has taught me SO much in the last six months I
can't even begin to tell you about it.

I used to be like you.  Selling bottoms and buying tops and then I got
really angry about that and set out to find a way to make money everyday
in the market.  I knew there were people out there doing that and I was
going to find them, hell or high water.  And I did.  They're at

Trust me on this.  I earned 2600% on my account in November and 1200% in
January (I took December off).  I'm not trading this month so I can just
focus on reviewing what I've learned to date and hone my skill even
I know I can make money anytime I want, up or down because I don't have
a system, I have what works.  

Listen, I'm an educated man and have made millions in other businesses. 
This stuff works.  Don't take my word for it, go to the website listed
above and just watch their picks for a week (that's thelength of a free
trial).  You'll be amazed at how often we take profits!

I'm not an owner of the website but a paying member.  But Ryan and his
partner have taught me so much I could never repay them.  So I tell
everyone I can to check it out.  

I gotta go eat now.  You're about the 100th e-mail I have answered
Go for excellence and quit wasting your time with bullshit timing and
probability programs.  What we do works! Prove it to yourself.  

And remember, the truth will set you free...free to work when you want
and how you want as often as you want.  Remember, you can trade from
anywhere in the world and if you're good at it, you can trade from your
yacht anywhere in the world.

Continued success.  



Now darn it, check out what I'm saying and quit wasting your time with
probabilities.  I mean are you a trader or a speculator/gambler?  


Guy Tann wrote:
> Doc
> Our trading methodology is a little different.  We play probabilities and
> try to stay in the market all the time.  Either long or short the S&Ps.
> We have a 75% rate of profitable trades and generally do fairly well.  What
> happens is that we start to feel omnipotent after making several successful
> trades in a row, and we start to double up on our positions as soon as we
> could afford them.  ALWAYS bites us in the rear. :)  We seem to have the
> knack for picking the absolute wrong time to increase our positions.  I'm
> going to start spending a lot more time studying the money management using
> our trading techniques.
> Guy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Docteur
> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 7:55 AM
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: AOL, CSCO, & WMT
> Hi Guy,
> Yes, the hardest part of trading is money management.  With enough
> effort anyone can learn to read patterns and trends but it's the
> disipline and the managing of those trades (take small losses, keep to
> your plan, set those stops {both profit and loss} that's the real part
> of trading.
> Doc
> Guy Tann wrote:
> >
> > Doc
> >
> > I'm trying to just make the trades and not do the stupid things I usually
> > do, like doubling the size of our investments as we make more and money.
> I
> > really need to work on money management.  The system will take care of
> > itself.
> >
> > Guy
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Docteur
> > Sent: Monday, February 22, 1999 8:18 PM
> > To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Re: AOL, CSCO, & WMT
> >
> > Guy,
> >
> > The trick is not to be a bear or a bull but to ride the horse in the
> > direction it's going.
> >
> > Ride the trend my friend and make money both ways.
> >
> > It's not wise to "be" something when that something isn't profitable.
> >
> > Proverbial is for philosophers, not traders...
> >
> > Doc
> >
> > Guy Tann wrote:
> > >
> > > Congrats
> > >
> > > Being the proverbial bear, I'm constantly amazed when my longs
> > > continue to make money at these levels.  Can't quite believe the move
> > > today, but it's better than a sharp stick in the eye. :)
> > >
> > > Guy
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jim Greening
> > > Sent: Monday, February 22, 1999 7:49 PM
> > > To: Metastock
> > > Subject: AOL, CSCO, & WMT
> > >
> > > All,
> > >      Not a bad day <G>.  I wasn't surprised when my buy stop for CSCO
> > > was hit at 98 5/8, but I was definitely surprised when my buy stop on
> > > AOL was hit at 165 1/8.  That was 5 points above Friday's close so I
> > > didn't even send the AOL chart out Saturday.  Then it went on and
> > > gained another 8 points after it hit my buy stop.  Talk about
> > > momentum!
> > >      HD didn't hit my buy stop, but WMT barely closed at a new all
> > > time high.  Therefore, I'm going to cancel my GTC buy stop on HD and
> > > buy WMT in the morning instead.
> > >
> > > JimG