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Re: Moaning about Shame/WHY?

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> re:Apart from the fact that Hollywood should recide in the LA area, remain there and not ever be moved
> up into(or as close as to) the Washington DC area,

Actually, when Clinton was first elected there were several very liberal actresses clamoring about 'we're
in charge now'. The Jane Fondas, Meryl Streeps, etc are often present at Senate and Congressional hearings
regarding the homeless, gun control, welfare, etc because they once 'acted in a part' that took in that
...cannot see what someones private life has got to do with doing "your job right", eg a person and his
team are democraticaly elected in there(Office) to run in this case their country, and if they do this so
very well right, then what is wrong for them to have some in private life strange preferenced
entertainments, different then what others might prefer and most of all,
Well then I guess you will agree that Clarence Thomas was persecuted unjustly and Sen Packwood should not
have been forced to resign because of their 'private sex lives'. When an elected official has oral sex
during the day, on the job, in the office, and once while on the phone discussing troop deployments I'd
say that's  a bit too close to the job to be 'private'....but see the next sentence...

> re:what has that got to do with anyone "doing their jobs right" or with politics in general?

Well, what it SEEMS do with jobs and  and politics is that if your a conservative you get crucified for
even looking at a woman the wrong way, but if you're a liberal and sexy-looking you can get

re:Did the US country went downhill in the past decade period creating any (local or worlwide) chaos?Not
that I know off, contrairy, the country is in very good shape, very well run(as it should be), and its
high welfare levels alone speaks up in multiples for this.
So you think having a large number of people on the welfare slavery voting  roles shows the country is
'well run'? I DON'T THINK SO.

re:And note that the world hasn't seen any major cival wars since the WW2 or have not seen any of the very
bad "mistakes" like Vietnam.
Um, apparently you haven't read the papers since WWII....Let's see, Israel, Lebanon, multiple countries in
Africa, Asia, genocide in Tibet, civil war in Samolia, the Gulf War.....Hmm,....
Also, I was in Vietnam, and I didn't consider it a mistake making the Communists live up to their promise
about leaving S. Vietnam alone - until the corruption got so bad in the government that even the U.S.
couldn't stand it....

Re: The Euro
It is intended to douse the power the US$ has on the world. The socialists of Europe intend to bring down
the U.S. and the US$ with it - if they can.  I doubt it will happen,however, the bankers and major
families who run the banking industry will doubtless not give up any control they've exercised for
I guess the overall picture will depend on whether Russia is allowed into the Euro picture. Things could
be in for a really wild ride if they are.
