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I am attempting 2 monitors on a good standard clone built-up ( Digicom PCV3
9i think board-100mhz bus) and AMDK6-2-300 but the system also has an AGP
video card slot. I disabled that because i hear that dual monitors works
best with straight PCI slots/cards. Well i also read the type of 2nd card
must have drivers which
accomodate secondary status, even though Win98 handles most of the set-up.
Question is, why doesn't the S3Virge card I have-4meg std Virge S3 -325
as second card ? I am using an ATI Expert98 8meg as first PCI card.
I think maybe the brand and year of the Virge card or the virge chips on a
is important. WHAT brand or age or type of Virge card or virge S3 chips on
what card are you using ?? I cant get mine to work.
I hear you might be able to use the AGP card slot as the second card which
be better-faster. A guy told me maybe an ATI ?Gh40? with Intel Rage
chips worked in one installation.
I appreciate any ideas you have.