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multiple monitors

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This past weekend I retired an old 486DX66 computer with 14 inch monitor and
replaced it with a Pentium 2-300 with twin 17 inch monitors. This system is
dirt cheap and is a real beauty running EW32 on both monitors.  Very fast
when popping layouts to change chart sequences.

HP6333 purchased at UBID.com for $527.
Twin PROTON 17 inch monitors at AUCTIONWAREHOUSE.com for $184 each.
Two S3 Virge PCI Video Cards 4MB ram at SURPLUSDIRECT.com for $30 each.
Total cost of system is $955 plus freight.

The computer is a P2-300 with 64MB ram and 4G hard drive with sound and
modem and Windows98 loaded.
I installed both video cards to drive the twin monitors and Windows98
automatically disabled the onboard video driver correctly and automatically
detected and setup the new video cards correctly.  Go to My Computer -
Control Panel - Display - Settings to align the twin monitors to match the
physical location of the monitors.

I downloaded and installed a new version of EW32 and learned some valuable
tips for operating a multiple monitor setup.

First- The multiple monitor setup is the only way to go for serious traders.
The daily charts and tick charts are twice as wide and display twice the
data and now a full year of daily prices for a commodity can be displayed.
I can also display 2 hours of ticks for SP9H using both monitors.
I have 6 charts on one monitor and 4 charts on the other monitor all running
live.  I have another computer running one monitor with 2 quote pages and
the news window and thus have 3 monitors side by side all 17 inch at 800X600
resolution.  Mouse movements between monitors is perfect.

Second- To setup EW32 on the multiple monitors you need to manually stretch
the startup window to extend it onto the second monitor. Click the center
of the three at the top right of the screen. Now you can manually stretch
the EW32 boundaries to cover all monitors and then proceed normally to
position your quote pages and charts as you need.  Be sure to save the
custom layout and then proceed to create several more custom layouts.  The
real surprise will come when you maximize a small 4 inch square chart and it
suddenly fills both monitors - beautiful.  Minimize this chart and it
returns to the original position and all 10 charts are now displayed again.

Third- When you turn off your computer you will lose the stretch and you
will need to manually stretch EW32 again when you restart your computer OR -

By using the power of ESPL we can program the computer to automatically
stretch the startup window when EW32 starts up. Cut and paste the following
ESPL script into the SYMBOLS.SPT file.  EW32 will automatically load the
SYMBOLS.SPT program and automatically extend the EW32 workspace onto the
second monitor at startup.

( Earl and Liam - this is for YOU )

-- ESPL program to automatically extend EW32 workspace
-- on to multiple monitor setups.  02/01/99 - JSA

var  f: TForm;

Conclusion - Multiple monitors on a single computer are the only way to go
for serious traders - especially now that hardware is so cheap and powerful.

Dr. John Arrington

EnsignList - http://www.ensignsoftware.com

Thank you for the window sizing script. I run my dual monitor setup with my
faster charts (9 minute and under) on the left monitor and my slow charts
(45 min and daily) on the right monitor. I use the "Regular" layout to
arrange my charts for day trading. During trading hours, I also run other
apps on the right monitor including my timberhill order entry system. EW has
always started maximized which covers both monitors. I then manually change
to normal and adjust the EW application window for the left monitor only
with just the vertical scroll bars "leaking" onto the right monitor. I then
use the normal/maximize button to toggle to full screen when I want to look
at my slow charts
