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RE: Fw: QuoteMonster [Was:Re: Yahoo data]

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Jim, have you had any bug reports with QMH and the header?  I don't get any 
header in my history.prn file even though I use the following alteration to 
the QMH file:

# If your data file must contain a header, enter it here. An example of an 
# Metastock header is on the next line following the #:


my $header = "<date>,<ticker>,<open>,<high>,<low>,<close>,<vol>";

As you can see, I just copied the suggested Metastock header string to the 
variable assignment statement.  But, alas, no header produced.

Seperate issue: dates.  Recently I had data that would not convert 
(Downloader), turns out the month and day were turned around.  I made a 
change (I am not a perl programmer but it seemeed logical) and it works. 
 Is there a fix for that one as well?  TIA

From: 	Jim Michael[SMTP:genepool@xxxxxxxxxx]
Reply To: 	metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 	Sunday, November 01, 1998 9:06 PM
To: 	metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: 	Re: Fw: QuoteMonster [Was:Re: Yahoo data]

On Sun, 1 Nov 1998, Daniel Martinez wrote:

> MetaStock Users:
> I just downloaded the DOW (^DJI) from 1928 to the present.  I rarely use 
> Downloader.  Because the dates are in descending order, I don't know how 
> incorporate the data into MetaStock.  Can anyone tell me how this is 
> This is a sample of the data:
> Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
> 30-Oct-1998,8591.58,8718.25,8481.39,8592.1001,7850000

If you use QuoteMonster dates are converted to a format usable by
MetaStock (yymmdd). Also, the order of dates doesn't seem to matter with
the Downloader, although a script will be up shortly to reverse the date
order of quotes.

