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RE: Guy Tann & the "guy" in the "Idahole"

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They (UofM) lucked out, IMHO.  So far they've been stumbling through the
season.  Sure don't look like a #1 team from last year.

Re your crude chart.  Can't really read what the various charts are.  Could
you let me know?

Hope things are going well.  Nothing new here except our basic system is
suffering some wide swings in the S&P market.  You really have to have faith
to make it through.  My dad has come up with another variation which I'm
trying to add to our basic trading system to eliminate some of our losers.
Have just checked the S&P's back to May 1 and it looks good.  Not quite as
profitable but no losses.  By itself it does pretty well.  Since 1996 (to
10/1/98) it had 33 trades with 5 losses.  Unfortunately 3 of those 5 losses
were this year and one was huge (-132, -1, -8).  Now remembering how we
trade, and our constant reinvestment, this 132 point loss in January would
have wiped us out again, so we would have had to start over.  Anyway, it
showed a net profit of 950 points (S&P) and has a 70 point profit since
10/1/98 (not included).

This trading without stops is scary!  Anyway, if it works with some other
futures other than the S&P, I'll let you know.

I've managed to collect a bunch of 'systems' from the list but haven't had a
chance to look at them.  One of these days I'm going to have to document
some of what we do.  It's hard to explain when you don't use any of the
standard indicators in Metastock or elsewhere.  I guess I could put some of
the thoughts together at least.

Talk to you later.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Steve Karnish
> Sent: Thursday, October 22, 1998 4:44 PM
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Guy Tann & the "guy" in the "Idahole"
> Bob,
> I can't speak for Guy (in fact, I've refused to acknowledge him since U of
> M beat MSU), but I have been busy.   I crashed Windows a couple of weeks
> ago and lost all my http sites and most of my addresses.  I had 1700 MS
> "list posts" (mostly formulae) disappear.  I've been working on a website
> that will be public when the govt. decides to approve my application as a
> CTA.  I've developed some new formulas, templates, and thanks to Ton Maas,
> have incorporated Chick Goslin's Intelligent Futures Trading approach into
> my trading.  Clients start ringing my phone at 5:30am and they usually
> continue until 10pm (sometimes I lament the "old days": commuting to the
> office in the morning and "getting out of Dodge" after the
> markets close).
> I'm taking classes at ZDU and guest lecturing at U of I and Wazzu.  I
> really haven't had much time to "flame the dribblers" or brag about the
> victories (took out 30+ cents in OJ...long at 99.30, closed at 129.50...a
> gift from above).
> I've spent most of my free time corresponding to individuals that have
> contacted me personally.  I've given away every "secret" I've accumulated,
> since 1975, and it's come back in spades.  The more I give, the
> more I get.
>  Richard Dennis was right:  There's nothing that I give away or post in a
> public forum that is going to affect the markets in any way.   I'm leaner
> and meaner than ever.
> The list reached levels unbearable palatability when the Starr report was
> released and it took many weeks for it to get back on track.  Since that
> time I've been lurking.  I do have a few request:
> 1.  I've lost a lot of email addresses, so Wayne, Dan, Dave and
> many of you
> that I've corresponded with privately...please email me so I can continue
> to send you charts and exchange technical information.
> 2.  I know there were a couple of new lists created during the list's
> "political opinion phase" and although I thought I signed up for them, I
> don't think I'm getting any mail from them.  For those of you that
> subscribe to more than one MS list (official or non official), would you
> please share the sign up procedure for the "pirate list".
> Attached is "fib" look at support and resistance in the S & P for the last
> few months (the Fib bro and sis say "hi") and "psycho-deli" smorgasborg of
> indicators for Crude Oil...$13 oil is fairly cheap "black gold".
> Time to crawl back into my "Idahole" (it's starting to get dark early up
> here)...thanks for thinking about me,
> Steve Karnish
> ----------
> > From: Robert C. Richmond <rcrich@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Guy Tann & the "guy" in the "Idahole"
> > Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 2:08 PM
> >
> > I hope you two are absent only because of other demands on your time.  I
> really
> > miss your posts and hope you will be back soon.
> >
> > Bob