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> Secondly, as you might guess from my email, I'm a unix guy.

Be sure to check this out.

Just a small example of what can be done with Qp2 and scripting. I begged
and pleaded during beta enough to get Gary top add commandline flags to the
QP2 programs so that you can automate the whole deal.  THe examples I
previde are in dos batch and use a couple of gnu unix tools.  I choose dos
batch since its everywhere.  Those who know other scripting languages whill
want to start their but the techniques I demonstrate are valid and



> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of UG
> Sent: Sunday, October 18, 1998 9:45 AM
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Daniel Martinez
> Subject: Re: QP2
> A couple of editorial notes on your email.  First and foremost, thanks
> for the input; I just ordered QP2, and am looking for any and all
> information I can have on it; good *and* bad.  Thanks!
> Secondly, as you might guess from my email, I'm a unix guy.  Bigot, some
> might say.  I find it absolutely amazing that anyone should accept
> having to reboot a machine _DAILY_.  Some people even seem to think that
> it's *SUPPOSED* to be that way!  Vote for quality, folks.  If you don't
> want to use a stable OS, don't.  If you need to use Windows, and I'm in
> that camp, tell Microsoft to fix what they have before they start adding
> all these "gee-whiz" new featuers to every release.
> And lastly, and I'm throwing myself at your mercy here, unless there's
> some compelling NEED to use HTML-mail on a mailing list, please don't.
> On mailing lists, there are a lot of people reading the email with a lot
> of different systems.  I'm on a unix shell account using a reader which
> doesn't render HTML for me, I know of people who have the mail sent to
> their alpha-pagers which don't either. And how about those of use who
> might read this email on their Palm-Pilots?  Unless they install the
> web-app there which takes a lot of precious memory, they won't be able
> to render it either.
> I didn't find anything in your email which NEEDED the markup
> capabilities of HTML.  What I *did* find was a lot of <...>'s that had 0
> content.
> Thanks.
> Daniel Martinez writes:
> > <HTML>
> > I have been using QP2 since it first came out in 6/98 and it has worked
> > well for me.&nbsp; They have an optional virtual program which
> allows Metastock
> > to transparently access their database via empty files (their "virtual"
> > folders).&nbsp; This way, you don't have to maintain 2 separate
> databases
> > and QP2 automatically maintains its own database.&nbsp; Their software
> > is well written.&nbsp; I do have some advice though:
> > <LI>
> > <B>Maintaining your database is your most important
> task.</B>&nbsp; While
> > your download time is quick (2 minutes via 28.8K), your drive
> will be working
> > for a number of minutes afterwards.&nbsp; I always download immediately
> > after booting up.&nbsp; If you have been working on your
> computer on something
> > else, particularly using Java in your browser, reboot.&nbsp;
> You want your
> > computer to be as stable as possible during your database update.&nbsp;
> > You also might want to do a scandisk just before your download.&nbsp; If
> > you do get a crash during your update, you can simply use the QP2 update
> > database command.&nbsp; I have only crashed 3 times out of
> almost 100 downloads.</LI>
> >
> > <LI>
> > <B>One thing about QP2 is that you may find errors in their
> database.</B>&nbsp;
> > Because I use Metastock, it's easy to spot errors in the price
> charts.&nbsp;
> > Unfortunately, it's not so easy to find errors in the breadth
> charts.&nbsp;
> > If there are missing dates in the advances, decliners for
> stocks or volume,
> > Metastock will give you erroneous charts.&nbsp; The Arms Index
> is particularly
> > vulnerable.&nbsp; While you can probably confirm your Arms index for the
> > NYSE, I have yet to see McClellan Oscillator, Summation, or
> Arms data for
> > the Nasdaq.&nbsp; If anyone can tell me where I can find this data for
> > the Nasdaq on the web, please LMK.&nbsp; You may want to
> periodically open
> > your composite Advancers/Decliners for Stocks and volume in the
> Downloader
> > and verify that the number of records are equal.&nbsp; If they aren't,
> > dates are missing in the database.</LI>
> >
> > <LI>
> > If you do find errors in the QP2 database, <B>you can email their data
> > dept at annette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</B> .&nbsp; They have always been quick
> > to correct their errors.</LI>
> >
> >
> > <P>Daniel.
> > <BR>&nbsp;
> > <BR>&nbsp;
> >
> > <P>Bob Wiseman wrote:
> > <BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>Please let me know.&nbsp; I've been
> Telescam-ed too
> > often and am about to
> > <BR>switch.&nbsp; Thanx...Bob
> >
> > <P>UG wrote:
> > <BR>> Well, I just signed up, based on a few things I've heard
> on the list
> > <BR>> here.&nbsp; I'll let you know how it goes if anyone's
> interested.</BLOCKQUOTE>
> > </HTML>
> --
> ========================================================================
> Of course I can keep secrets--it's the people I tell them to who can't
> keep them
> http://www.unixgeek.com/cgi-bin/motd.pl - PGP email preferred

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