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RE: "The Seduction of a President" by Kenneth Starr

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Don't forget he promised to bring us the most ethical administration ever.
Remember his Bush bashing?

So much for the most ethical administration ever.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Richard Siletti
> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 1998 10:17 AM
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; EMail List FastTrack; Al Angle; John
> Aupperle; Scott Brandau; Stan Ellison; Clem Gagne; Mike Hasket; Pamela
> E. Hinchey; Mike Hodges; Marketspace Financial; Don Potter; Andy Pracht;
> Gene Schwartz
> Cc: Al Angle; John Aupperle; Scott Brandau; Stan Ellison; Clem Gagne;
> Mike Hasket; Pamela E. Hinchey; Mike Hodges; Marketspace Financial; Don
> Potter; Andy Pracht; Gene Schwartz; Frank Tarr, OD
> Subject: Re: "The Seduction of a President" by Kenneth Starr
> ""This so-called investigation and report has made us the
> laughing stock of
> the world and has seriously weakened our influence and ability to
> influence
> events.  It will also weaken the ability and power of presidents in the
> future, no matter what party they belong to.
> Kenneth Starr has done his party and our country a great diservice.""
> Lionel, read that first part again and then see how ridiculous that last
> line sounds. Let's blame the investigation, right? Forget the
> fact that this
> president lied in front of two juries. Forget that it was the
> president, not
> Ken Starr, who chose to have sex with an intern less than half his age in
> the oval office. Forget that it was the president who chose to take every
> argument with Starr through the courts at great expense before
> coming clean
> only when the semen stain showed up. Right, blame the messenger......
> Richie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lionel Issen <lissen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; EMail List
> FastTrack
> <fasttrack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Al Angle <jangle@xxxxxxxx>; John Aupperle
> <JAupp@xxxxxxx>; Scott Brandau <sbrandau@xxxxxxxx>; Stan Ellison
> <BSEllison@xxxxxxx>; Clem Gagne <clemray@xxxxxxx>; Mike Hasket
> <ellmic1@xxxxxxxx>; Pamela E. Hinchey <spamette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> Mike Hodges
> <mwhod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Marketspace Financial <marketspac@xxxxxxx>; Don
> Potter <djp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Andy Pracht <pracht@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Gene
> Schwartz <travel1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: Al Angle <jangle@xxxxxxxx>; John Aupperle <JAupp@xxxxxxx>;
> Scott Brandau
> <sbrandau@xxxxxxxx>; Stan Ellison <BSEllison@xxxxxxx>; Clem Gagne
> <clemray@xxxxxxx>; Mike Hasket <ellmic1@xxxxxxxx>; Pamela E. Hinchey
> <spamette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Mike Hodges <mwhod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> Marketspace
> Financial <marketspac@xxxxxxx>; Don Potter
> <djp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Andy
> Pracht <pracht@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Gene Schwartz
> <travel1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Frank
> Tarr, OD <FTARR@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sunday, September 13, 1998 6:22 PM
> Subject: Re: "The Seduction of a President" by Kenneth Starr
> >Bill:
> >
> >On the one hand you have a point or two.
> >
> >On the other hand the Republicans have no program, no policy,
> and no plans
> >for dealing with our domestic, economic, military, and foreign policy
> >problems.
> >
> >This "lets get Clinton for screwing around" is like Hitler blaming the
> Jews,
> >Stalin blaming the capitalists, the KKK blaming Blacks, Jews, and
> Hispanics,
> >the Ayatollah blaming the Americans.. need I go on.  Finding a scapegoat
> >beats thinking and working to solve our problems each and every time.
> >
> >The investigation started with Whitewater, nothing was found.  So we did
> >find that Clinton has his brains hanging out.  Incidentally one of our
> most
> >lecherous presidents was a republican, so what.
> >
> >This so-called investigation and report has made us the laughing stock of
> >the world and has seriously weakened our influence and ability
> to influence
> >events.  It will also weaken the ability and power of presidents in the
> >future, no matter what party they belong to.
> >
> >Kenneth Starr has done his party and our country a great diservice.
> >
> >Lionel
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Bill Saxon <bsaxon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: EMail List FastTrack <fasttrack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; EMail List Metastock
> ><metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Al Angle <jangle@xxxxxxxx>; John Aupperle
> ><JAupp@xxxxxxx>; Scott Brandau <sbrandau@xxxxxxxx>; Stan Ellison
> ><BSEllison@xxxxxxx>; Clem Gagne <clemray@xxxxxxx>; Mike Hasket
> ><ellmic1@xxxxxxxx>; Pamela E. Hinchey <spamette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Mike
> Hodges
> ><mwhod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Marketspace Financial <marketspac@xxxxxxx>; Don
> >Potter <djp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Andy Pracht
> <pracht@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Gene
> >Schwartz <travel1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Cc: Al Angle <jangle@xxxxxxxx>; John Aupperle <JAupp@xxxxxxx>; Scott
> Brandau
> ><sbrandau@xxxxxxxx>; Stan Ellison <BSEllison@xxxxxxx>; Clem Gagne
> ><clemray@xxxxxxx>; Mike Hasket <ellmic1@xxxxxxxx>; Pamela E. Hinchey
> ><spamette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Mike Hodges <mwhod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> Marketspace
> >Financial <marketspac@xxxxxxx>; Don Potter <djp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> Andy
> >Pracht <pracht@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Gene Schwartz <travel1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> Frank
> >Tarr, OD <FTARR@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Date: Sunday, September 13, 1998 1:14 PM
> >Subject: "The Seduction of a President" by Kenneth Starr
> >
> >
> >>My wife, who grabbed this best seller from my hands before I
> had a chance
> >to
> >>read it, made this observation.  I tend to agree with her.  Like most
> women
> >she
> >>is quite intuitive.  I do not think that Monica is the poor
> little intern
> >>intimidated by a President who wielded his power and influence
> to have his
> >way
> >>with her.  To me (and my wife) she is an attractive young lady
> who by her
> >own
> >>account seduced a relatively old fool who used the wrong head to think
> >with.
> >>
> >>I feel sorry for the man but I am not sure I want him as Commander in
> >Chief.
> >>Not because of the perjury but because of the lack of good sense.  The
> >>interesting thing is that with all the mulling over by the press I have
> >heard no
> >>one put forth this observation.  When I carefully read the
> details of the
> >>encounters this conclusion seems reasonable and likely.
> >>Any opinions??
> >>
> >>
> >
> >