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Re: viewing files

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update to IE 4.0 is the answer. It is not the problem that the bashers make
it to be. Everyone that I know that changed to it, love it. Been with it
since data, couldn't pay me to change.

Richard Estes

-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Lake <wlake@xxxxxxxxx>
To: metastock bulletin board <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, August 06, 1998 8:23 AM
Subject: viewing files

>I'm trying to view files that appear in the digest, i.e., the long pages of
>Despite private emails, I'm not having any luck viewing the charts and
>formulas assembled into the digest.
>I'm running a 166 MMX
>Metastock 6.5
>Windows 95 plus
>Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 with Internet Mail and News 4.70
>When a digest arrives, using "copy and paste", I strip out the pages of
>"gibberish" and save it in a file in a folder in C: drive. Explorer saves
>the file as an email. Therefore when I go to access it i.e., through
>"organizer" there's nothing
>to access, only the printed version, i.e., "gibberish" of the charts and
>Maybe the problem is the digest format, because when I access an attachment
>to an email, or jpg or gif file off the internet, there's no problem. I get
>a nice clear chart!
>Being internet illiterate, I don't have the background to think my way
>through through this problem. Any help would be appreciated.