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<META content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 http-equiv=Content-Type><TITLE>Outlook Express Buffer Overrun Security Information Page</TITLE><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"><BASE 
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<DIV>As is mentioned in todays local newspaper(De Telegraaf - 980804 - 
&quot;E-mail At Risk&quot;)</DIV>
<DIV>find futher below Microsofts' website solution for the alledged big 
destructive security-problem. </DIV>
<DIV>--------------------quote newspaper:</DIV>
<DIV>&quot;Attachements can cause crashes, even without opening, and on deleting 
are capable</DIV>
<DIV>to run hackers' destructive instructions etc.&quot;.</DIV>
<DIV>Experts and Researchers of the Oulu University, Finland, have a found a 
huge leak in</DIV>
<DIV>security safety of popular e-mail programs.</DIV>
<DIV>Experts have said it to be the biggest e-mail problem ever. Both Outlook 
Express and</DIV>
<DIV>Netscape have proven not to be safety-proof.</DIV>
<DIV>Tests have resulted in the discovery &quot;that in the program, on deleting 
of messages(emails),</DIV>
<DIV>hackers' are caple to have their destructive instructions to be 
<DIV>The security-leak is part of the fact that when something goes wrong within 
an email program,</DIV>
<DIV>eg crash, this cannot be recoverd at &quot;one central-point&quot;. For 
this, Microsoft has made</DIV>
<DIV>available an additional patch solving the problem. Netscape is working on a 
patch too.</DIV>
<DIV>Netscape advises never to 'read' attachements from unknown senders. 
<DIV>a return-message should be send to the mails' sender and asked him/her to 
put the</DIV>
<DIV>attachements' message in the 
<DIV>---------------------unquote newspaper.</DIV>
<DIV>In my (and from others) business opinion Netscape's advice is that of a 
dying out dynasty, trying</DIV>
<DIV>to rule what's left to be ruled, blowing out final last air. With an 
unpractical and somehow useless</DIV>
<DIV>advice(for some it can help) and also considering Outlooks' luxuries in 
program handling, its no</DIV>
<DIV>wonder that company couldn't keep up the browsers-race.</DIV>
<DIV>Software Co's should &quot;go out and create and develope&quot; and provide 
the means.</DIV>
<DIV>In todays modern technology of internet-mail, email replaces faxmachines, 
telexes and</DIV>
<DIV>the 'everyday' postman by millions to one.</DIV>
<DIV>Use and exceptance of attachements has become a common business standard 
for fast</DIV>
<DIV>communicating and has proven to be irreplacable, like our common 'everyday' 
<DIV>Attachements are Enrichments of plain boring mails too, and also are a very 
<DIV>prooven way to be treasureable in transport of 'goods' and messaging, 
ordering etc..</DIV>
<DIV>A program like QuickViewPlus &quot;QVP-v4.x&quot; (from Inso at&nbsp; <A 
href="http://www.inso.com";>http://www.inso.com</A> ) enables</DIV>
<DIV>viewing WITHOUT editing(=activating) of the attachements.</DIV>
<DIV>The problem mentioned above though(deleting), cannot be fixed by not 
opening of a mail,</DIV>
<DIV>but needs a programs' system-design internals 'correction'.</DIV>
<DIV>Microsoft, as being technically rightious advancers, have already arranged 
for the above</DIV>
<DIV>problems' solutioning with a security-patch.</DIV>
<DIV>(for patchs' address replace &quot;main.htm&quot; with 
<DIV>Note to all Foreign Users of Outlook Express:</DIV>
<DIV>However this is a &quot;for English-program's versions only&quot; 
applicable patch.</DIV>
<DIV>All other foreign language progams' systems will have to wait until it 
becomes available.</DIV>
<DIV>My version is (OE401-&nbsp; 4.72.2106.4&nbsp; -Dutch NL) so I too will have 
to wait untill this badly</DIV>
<DIV>needed fix-patch is available.</DIV>
<DIV>In the mean time short filenames(8 characters/positions in the name) for 
<DIV>are a (but very minor) solution, but as no-one is restricted anymore in the 
use of the former</DIV>
<DIV>old dos' restrictions of characters in names, alerts will have to be at 
adressees' site.</DIV>
<DIV>Ton Maas</DIV>
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        <TD vAlign=top width=100%><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" 
            size=3><B>Fix available for Outlook Express File Attachment 
            issue</B></FONT><BR><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" 
            size=2><B><I>This page last updated on July 31, 1998</I></B></FONT> 
            <P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2>On July 27th 
            Microsoft posted a patch to Microsoft Outlook Express that provides 
            a fix against a potential problem involving file attachments that 
            have long names. After careful analysis, a similar issue was found 
            that is not fixed by the current patch. We will issue an update to 
            this patch shortly. 
            <P>You can download the patch offered below for a solution to the 
            initial issue, but you may want to return to this page for more 
            information as it becomes available. When a new version of the patch 
            is available, we will also notify customers through the Microsoft 
            Security Alert Notification Service and a Microsoft Security Advisor 
            <P>You can read more about the problem below, but first let's give 
            you the fix. If you don't see our recommendation for your computer 
            in a yellow box below this paragraph, see <A href="#who">Whose 
            computer is at risk?</A> below. 
            <P align=center>(message:)<BR>You seem to be running Internet 
            Explorer 4.01 on Windows 98, Windows <BR>95, or Windows NT 
            <BR>If so, and you are also running Outlook Express, your computer 
            is <BR>susceptible to the Outlook Express File Attachment issue and 
            we <BR>recommend that you download the patch for Internet Explorer 
            4.01 <BR>now. This patch is for the English language 
            <BR>International users: Patches will be available in several 
            languages. <BR>Check back soon for your language. 
            <P><BR><B><FONT size=3>About the potential 
            problem</FONT></B><BR>This issue can cause Outlook Express to crash 
            when a user receives and opens an e-mail message with an attachment 
            that has an extremely long filename. The long filename could be 
            followed by arbitrary code which could then execute after the crash 
            has occurred. It is difficult but possible for an individual to 
            cause malicious code to be executed on your computer as a result of 
            this problem. </P>
            <P>There have been no reports of any customer being affected by this 
            <P><A name=who></A><B><FONT size=3>Whose computer is at 
            risk?</FONT></B><BR>If a yellow box appears near the top of this 
            page, it will tell you if your computer could be affected by the 
            Outlook Express File Attachment issue, and you don't need to read 
            any further. 
            <P>If you don't see the yellow box or are concerned about computers 
            with other operating system/software combinations, see the list 
            <P><!-- Start Breakout -->
                    <TD><IMG src="/ie/images/trans_space.GIF" width=20></TD>
                        <HR color=#333399 SIZE=2>
                        <FONT size=2><B>This issue affects</B> people who use a 
                        version of Outlook Express that shipped with Microsoft 
                        Internet Explorer 4.0 or 4.01 on Windows 98, Windows 95, 
                        Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT for DEC Alpha, Macintosh, or 
                        <P><I>Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 3.51 versions of 
                        Internet Explorer are <B>not</B> affected by this 
                        issue.</I> </FONT><BR>
                        <HR color=#333399 SIZE=2>
                    <TD><IMG src="/ie/images/trans_space.GIF" 
                width=30></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- End Breakout -->
            <P>Here is a list of operating systems and the fixes for Outlook 
            Express that shipped with the various versions of Internet Explorer 
            4.0. (The patches listed for Windows operating systems -- including 
            Windows NT for DEC Alpha -- are for the <I>English language 
            only;</I> other languages will be available soon): 
                <LI><B>Windows 98, Windows 95, and Windows NT 4.0</B> 
                    <LI><B><I>Internet Explorer with Outlook Express 4.01 
                    Service Pack 1</I></B>: <FONT color=red><B>At 
                    risk.</B></FONT> <A 
                    target=_top>Download the 4.01 SP1 patch now</A>. 
                    <LI><B><I>Internet Explorer with Outlook Express 
                    4.01</I></B>: <FONT color=red><B>At risk.</B></FONT> <A 
                    target=_top>Download the 4.01 patch now</A>. 
                    <LI><B><I>Internet Explorer with Outlook Express 
                    4.0</I></B>: <FONT color=red><B>At risk.</B></FONT> Patches 
                    are available only for Internet Explorer 4.01. We recommend 
                    that you <A href="/ie/download/" target=_top>download the 
                    latest version of Internet Explorer 4.0</A> (which is 
                    version 4.01 and includes Service Pack 1) and return to this 
                    page to download the patch for that browser. </LI></UL><BR>
                <LI><B>Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, and Windows NT 3.51</B> 
                    <LI>Internet Explorer with Outlook Express 4.0 or 4.01: 
                    <FONT color=green><B>Not at risk.</B></FONT> </LI></UL><BR>
                <LI><B>Windows NT for DEC Alpha</B> 
                    <LI><B><I>Internet Explorer with Outlook Express 4.01 
                    Service Pack 1</I></B>: <FONT color=red><B>At 
                    risk.</B></FONT> <A 
                    target=_top>Download the patch now</A>. 
                    <LI><B><I>Internet Explorer with Outlook Express 
                    4.01</I></B>: <FONT color=red><B>At risk.</B></FONT> <A 
                    target=_top>Download the patch now</A>. </LI></UL><BR>
                    <LI><B><I>Outlook Express 4.01 (297)</I></B>: <FONT 
                    color=green><B>Not at risk.</B></FONT> 
                    <LI><B><I>Outlook Express 4.01 (less than 297)</I></B>: 
                    <FONT color=red><B>At risk.</B></FONT> <A 
                    target=_top>Download the patch now</A>. 
                    <LI><B><I>Outlook Express 4.0 </I></B>: <FONT 
                    color=red><B>At risk.</B></FONT> Patches are available only 
                    for Outlook Express 4.01. We recommend that you <A 
                    target=_top>download Outlook Express 4.01</A> and return to 
                    this page to download the patch for Outlook Express 4.01. 
                <LI><B>UNIX (Solaris)</B> 
                    <LI><B><I>Outlook Express 4.0</I></B>: <FONT color=red><B>At 
                    risk.</B></FONT> A fix will be available soon. Check this 
                    page in a few days. </LI></UL><BR></LI></UL>
            <P><B><FONT size=3>Which version do you have?</FONT></B><BR>If you 
            are running any of the affected <B>Windows</B> operating systems -- 
            including Windows NT for DEC Alpha -- you can determine which fix 
            you need by finding out which version of Outlook Express you have. 
            To learn your version number, go to the Help menu in Outlook 
            Express, click About Microsoft Outlook Express, and look at the 
            number below the words &quot;Outlook Express&quot; in the dialog 
                <LI>If the number is <B>4.72.31xx.x</B>, you need a fix for 
                Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1. 
                <LI>If the number is <B>4.72.21xx.x</B>, you need a fix for 
                Internet Explorer 4.01. 
                <LI>If the number is <B>4.71.17xx.x</B>, your version shipped 
                with Internet Explorer 4.0, and you should <A 
                href="/ie/download/" target=_top>download the latest version of 
                Internet Explorer 4.0</A> (which is version 4.01 and includes 
                Service Pack 1). Then return to this page to download the patch 
                for that browser. </LI></UL>
            <P>If you are running a <B>Macintosh</B> operating system, you can 
            determine which fix you need by finding out which version of Outlook 
            Express you are running. To learn your version number, go to the 
            Apple menu in Outlook Express, click About Outlook Express, and look 
            at the version number text. 
                <LI>If the text is Version <B>4.01 (297)</B>, you do not need 
                the patch. 
                <LI>If the text is Version <B>4.01 (xxx) and xxx is less than 
                297</B>, you need the <A 
                target=_top>patch for Outlook Express 4.01</A>. 
                <LI>If the text is Version <B>4.0</B>, you should <A 
                target=_top>download Outlook Express 4.01</A> and return to this 
                page to download the patch. </LI></UL>
            <P>If you are running a UNIX (Solaris) operating system, you don't 
            have to know your Outlook Express version since a single fix will be 
            <P></FONT></P></TD><!-- MAIN CONTENT END --></TR>
        <TD colSpan=2><BR><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=1><A 
            class=btop href="#top"><IMG alt="Back to the top" border=0 height=7 
            src="/ie/images/to_top.gif" width=16>Back to the top</A><BR>
            <HR align=left color=black noShade SIZE=1 width=98%>
            &copy; <A href="/misc/cpyright.htm" target=_top>1998 Microsoft 
            Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use</A>.<BR>Last Updated: 
            Friday, July 31, 1998<BR>Photos: PhotoDisc; Jon Feingersh/Picture 
            Network International 
</x-html>From ???@??? Tue Aug 04 09:00:23 1998
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MetaStock formula in indicator list is Averag True Range.  You set the
parameter i.e., 10. 

Al Taglavore

Paul Delia wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can someone give me a formula to find out the average range of a stock over
> the past 10 days.
> TIA,
> Paul