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Re: Problem in mantaining a watch list of stocks w/Metastock

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go to the downloader, click on 'tools' click on 'copy', borwse to the first
directory/folder that holds one or more of the securiites, click on the
first one, then hold down the control key and click on he rest of the items
in that folder that you want to copy. Next click on the copy button and
write in the directory that you want this/these copied to.  If the
directory does not exist, you will be asked if you want it created.  Repeat
this for each directory.

If I've left anyhting out or made an error, just look up the manual


At 05:29 PM 2/17/98 GMT, Hans Tore Liland wrote:
>I have problems mantaining a watch list on about 30 stocks with the
>Metastock program.
>I have a setup where I download (via email) all eod quotes NASDAQ,NYSE
>and AMEX stocks every day, this quotes are then distributed in their
>respective catalogs by a seperate program. 
>But I would like to do is to have a seperate catalog with about 30
>stocks that I like to follow on a daily basis in a seperate catalog.
>I have not found any way to do this except manualy copy each security
>into my "watch" catalog, as this is extremly tedious.
>Do anybody know of any fast way of each day copy the selected
>securitys into a seperate catalog?
>Thanks in advance for any help.
>Hans Tore Liland
>Bergen - Norway