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I wonder if anyone has ever looked at coding a coneprojection.
http://newsletter.neoticker.com/category/trading-general/ - and look
for cone projection.
I have a code for another program which utilizes a stepping moving
average as well as a stepping standard deviation. I have not found such
a utility for AB and do not know how to program something like this.
The cone projection lines are the dark blue and red lines.

Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code I have so far:
DailyHighPoints = H - O;
DailyLowPoints = O - L;
DailyMovingAvgH = MA(H, 90);
DailyMovingAvgL = MA(L, 90);
HighToday = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0);
LowToday = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0);
OpenToday = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily, 0);
DailyHighMAByStep = DailyMovingAvgH + DailyHighPoints;
DailyLowMAByStep = DailyMovingAvgL - DailyLowPoints;
Plot(OpenToday, "", colorRed, styleLine);
Plot (DailyHighMAByStep1,"", colorRed, styleLine);
DailyHighSDByStep = StDev(DailyHighPoints,90);
DailyLowSDByStep = StDev(DailyLowPoints,90);
DailyAvgHigh = OpenToday + DailyHighMAByStep;
DailyAvgLow = OpenToday - DailyLowMAByStep;
Plot(DailyAvgHigh, "", colorRed, styleLine);
Plot(DailyAvgLow, "", colorRed, styleLine);
Plot(DailyAvgHigh + DailyHighSDByStep, "", colorBlue, styleLine);
Plot(DailyAvgLow - DailyLowSDByStep, "", colorBlue, styleLine);
The above code displays something very different than this code from
CompressSeries(DailySeries, Data1, ppDaily, 1);
DailyHighPoints := DailySeries.High - DailySeries.Open;
DailyLowPoints := DailySeries.Open - DailySeries.Low;
$DailyHighMAByStep := MovByStep(DailyHighPoints, "Day", "Simple", 90);
$DailyLowMAByStep := MovByStep(DailyLowPoints, "Day", "Simple", 90);
$DailyHighSDByStep := StdDevByStep(DailyHighPoints, "Day", 90);
$DailyLowSDByStep := StdDevByStep(DailyLowPoints, "Day", 90);
$DailyAvgHigh := DailySeries.Open + $DailyHighMAByStep;
$DailyAvgLow := DailySeries.Open - $DailyLowMAByStep;
Plot1 := $DailyAvgHigh;
Plot2 := $DailyAvgLow;
Plot3 := $DailyAvgHigh + $DailyHighSDByStep;
Plot4 := $DailyAvgLow - $DailyLowSDByStep;