CS thanks for the response.
The answer is yes to your questions
Each MS directory has a Master & Emaster & are accessed
by both
Metastock & Tradestation on this machine (done so for many
it would not have "Imported Metsatock Data" manually otherwise,
the paths are correct.
as for the MS Plugin I have the
Configure Paths to Metastock folders
set for all the folders I use for
both MS and TS.
Your comment about a "crippled" MS Plugin intrigues me
even though
the ticker names are there in the data AB has stored/or
I will try to set up another machine tomorrow - and see if that
presents a different result.
BTW how do I delete the MSData data
base only and leave the
QuoteTracker database in tact - is it a manual
process by deleting
the folder eg C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\MSData?
Is there any effect
on the registry settings?