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[amibroker] Re: OT: preserving Amibroker

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Knowledge is power so I did read some stuff at your links and I was 
already a little familiar with the subject - Illuminati etc.

I am also a defender of free thought and speech etc.

I could participate in an interesting discussion on any of the OT 
subjects raised but I am trying to conform to Tomasz's recent 
requests to keep on topic.

I have mainly been posting to encourage newer traders to focus on 
trading and the charts and also to drill the lessons of the last few 
weeks/months into our brains, in preparation for the next time, when 
a similar pattern repeats..... this is a once in a decade opportunity 
to learn about investing/trading first hand.

Right now we have record breaking volatility and volatility is what 
traders thrive on ... if we get too swept up in the 'politics' we 
will miss the lessons and the opportunities.

I am also an admirer of Yuki and her posts (generally) but in this 
case I thought she could benefit from a second opinion (as a friend).

I am also concerned for my German/Russian friends, and others, that 
we don't go back into stereotyped characterisations based on the 
past ... we have come a long way since 1945 ... look at the capacity, 
in this forum, for people from many different nations to share common 
ground and friendships.... on the only occassion I was in Germany I 
was very impressed with the people.

As for possible calamaties... I am not immune ... we are all in the 
same boat .. I am retired, I have a small overseas trading account 
exposed to cash 'investments' in most of the major Euro banks ... my 
mahor account is onshore Australia but not in the absolute best place 
(sometimes we go to a broker for certain features and have to take 
the bank that we are given) ... I have friends who are getting hurt 
or likely to be hurt etc.

Pain, suffering and death are the other side of life ... I am over 50 
so this is not news to me.

I just don't need to suffer it before it actually happens or focus on 
that and miss the day..... when the day of reckoning comes I will try 
to face it stoically and with courage.

Sorry I don't know your first name so had to address you as Reinsley.

All the best,


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "reinsley" <reinsley@xxx> wrote:
> Brian, 
> I sincerely hope that your encouragement will preserve your way of
> life, your family and  it overcomes the shortage of oil drills and 
> energy related problems.
> Financial crisis is a short chapter. Capitalism will survive one way
> or another. Economic's bill for the world's citizens will be
> expensive. US people is not at the best place.
> Hope is normal for human being, however real stories are stronger 
> fiction.
> The life conditions will change very quickly. And the life goes on.
> Nobody knows exactly the next chapter, the Yuki's fears are a free
> variant of her/his own feelings, they are not ridiculous. 
> I don't know what will happen, I am supposing hard time rather to be
> blindly optimistic.
> Wait and see
> Best Regards 
> --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "brian_z111" <brian_z111@> wrote:
> >
> > Yuki
> > 
> > > If this crisis doesn't settle down soon???
> > 
> > I am either a fool, or an incredible optimist (perhaps both) but 
> > decided this morning that the 'crisis', if that is what we are 
> > having, is nearly all over.
> > 
> > One really shouldn't read the papers, blogs etc or watch TV ... 
> > know they try to turn everything into 'massive' entertainment .. 
> > WWF wrestling... how real is it?
> > 
> > IMO yesterdays Euro market massacre was an aftershock from USA's 
> > Friday burn off and today Australia opened the worlds markets by 
> > pulling the white rabbit from the hat (the crowds tend to notice 
> > things like that).
> > 
> > The only fly in the ointment now is Iceland ... tiny national 
> > economy dominated by financials with high exposure ... as long as 
> > EU bands together and shores up Iceland all is well ... and I 
> > they will move to do that soon.
> > 
> > I say this to encourage, rather than discourage you... and 
address it 
> > to Reinsley and Dennis as well... if you value free thinking then 
> > really DO some of it with regard to economics and the money 
> > etc..... you want to aim for the sky but in this case you came 
> > to your own foot ... the truth is far stranger than fiction and 
> > so bad afterall.
> > 
> > Don't worry ... the end of the financial world, as we know it, 
> > around at least once every 7-10 years........ still as Herman 
> > said, "Nothing is carved in stone".
> > 
> > On the other hand, I like to think the choices we make can change 
> > future.... and don't forget, Arthur did pull Excalibur from the 
> > stone, so there is always hope!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > brian_z
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Yuki Taga <yukitaga@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Tomasz,
> > > 
> > > It is just those "unbelievable events" that I worry about.
> > > 
> > > And I can well understand that your children cannot hardly 
relate to
> > > Solidarnosc.  But then, that is just the point, isn't it?  It is
> > > within one single generation, and things can change in a 
hurry.  As
> > > your children cannot relate to that, you at that time would 
have a
> > > hard time relating to now, I think.
> > > 
> > > Glad you all have valid passports.
> > > 
> > > Being a NATO member is irrelevant, I propose, because the only 
> > > that really means anything in NATO is the US, and as currently
> > > situated politically and strategically, the US doesn't mean 
> > > -- much the same as depending on Britain and France in 1939 
> > > mean anything, at least in the short run.  I don't know how 
> > is
> > > in a "better position now".  Last I checked, it still borders 
> > Russia,
> > > and that country is still not happy about losing its defense in
> > > depth, and seems determined to reverse that fact.
> > > 
> > > (When you -- Russia -- fly a strategic intercontinental bomber 
> > > meters straight smack over the flight deck of a US aircraft 
> > > in the Pacific, apparently without any fear of losing it, you 
> > > sending a certain signal.  And allowing that to happen sends 
> > > signal, indeed -- I would have cashiered the commanding officer 
> > > that carrier group without question.  I guess I'm just tougher 
> > > the average hockey mom.)
> > > 
> > > Rather than inflation, I suspect the next boogie man is 
> > > Our Japanese disease may be contagious.  (How I wish for 
> > > because at least in its initial stages, it is great for 
> > > 
> > > As for Russia's interest in maintaining high energy prices: I'm 
> > > you are right -- to a point.  But armies need oil to move.
> > > 
> > > Got much, do you?  (Armies, or oil?)
> > > 
> > > The fact is that, right now, Poland and the Baltics remain
> > > independent at the absolute whim of Russia, and for no other 
> > > The backers that would have defended them 10 years ago won't 
> > > more than a noisy protest today, noisy indeed, but that will be 
> > > extent of it.  Having looked into the soul of Mr.  Putin, I see 
> > > ghost of Molotov.  And that doesn't mean "cocktail", which 
> > > imply "Happy hour".  ^_^
> > > 
> > > I'm relaxed.  Really.  Russia has yet to evidence any serious 
> > > water amphibious capabilities.  But they can cross rivers in a 
> > jiffy.
> > > 
> > > Time and time again, economic crises have begotten military 
> > problems.
> > > If this crisis doesn't settle down soon, it could very well 
> > > again.  I'm not saying it *will*, mind you.  But I'm saying 
> > are
> > > plenty of historical precedents, and I would not be too sanguine
> > > about dismissing the possibility.
> > > 
> > > Yuki
> > > 
> > > Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 7:37:12 PM, you wrote:
> > > 
> > > TJ> Hello,
> > > 
> > > TJ> I understand that market action rises emotions high, but
> > > TJ> I would rather prefer everyone to relax a bit.
> > > 
> > > TJ> To the matter: the fact that Poland is European Union 
> > state
> > > TJ> and NATO member since 1999 does not guarantee 100% safety,
> > > TJ> but still Poland is in far, far better position now than in 
> > past.
> > > 
> > > TJ> During my lifetime I have seen martial law, change of 
> > > TJ> and other "unbeliveable" events. 
> > > 
> > > TJ> If you were in Poland back in 70's then in 90's and now you
> > > TJ> would see what has changed. When I tell my children
> > > TJ> how it was in the past they ask me if it was at the same 
> > when dinosaurs lived.
> > > TJ> It is about the same level of abstraction to them. 
> > > 
> > > TJ> As for the Russia: at the moment Russia is rather worried 
> > dropping prices
> > > TJ> of oil and gas and all they want is stabilisation as it 
> > > TJ> more money for them.
> > > 
> > > TJ> So, I would rather be concerned about the inflation and 
> > bubble(s) that are going
> > > TJ> to build up after hundreds of billions $$$ are created out 
> > thin air, than anything else.
> > > 
> > > TJ> I know, I know, "inflation" is forgotten word in Japan :-), 
> > then Japan M3 growth
> > > TJ> is probably the smallest within G8.... now compare to Fed 
> > not being published
> > > TJ> anymore...
> > > 
> > > TJ> Best regards,
> > > TJ> Tomasz Janeczko
> > > TJ> amibroker.com
> > > 
> > > TJ> PS. Do not worry, I have valid passports for all family 
> > members :-)
> > > 
> > > TJ> ----- Original Message ----- 
> > > TJ> From: "Yuki Taga" <yukitaga@>
> > > TJ> To: "Amibroker" <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > TJ> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:28 AM
> > > TJ> Subject: [amibroker] OT: preserving Amibroker
> > > 
> > > 
> > > >> It might be a good idea to get Amibroker out of Poland.
> > > >> 
> > > >> I did my master's degree in National Security Studies at 
> > Georgetown
> > > >> University (undergraduate work at Columbia).  Make of this 
> > you
> > > >> will, as I'm sure any intelligent person would do in any 
> > > >> 
> > > >> The key to the future stability of Eastern Europe is a 
> > that
> > > >> didn't even really exist before 1871: Germany.  Until that 
> > the
> > > >> German-speaking world was fragmented into small states, 
riven by
> > > >> internal dissension, and wide open to the influence of 
> > > >> powers.
> > > >> 
> > > >> With the Prussian defeat of the French in 1871, all that 
> > > >> Prussia was now free to create a unified Germany.  This 
> > the
> > > >> history of Europe, as most of us recognize, but Germany 
> > found
> > > >> itself in the position of being sandwiched between Russia 
> > France,
> > > >> and we have all lived with the psycho-political 
ramifications of 
> > that
> > > >> for most of the 20th century.
> > > >> 
> > > >> With the demise of the Soviet Union, circa 1991, Germany 
> > itself
> > > >> united, and militarily secure.  It was rarified air, and 
> > > >> economically expensive initially, the Germans loved it.  In 
> > > >> they could afford it.
> > > >> 
> > > >> Germany would have naturally welcomed any blockage of the 
> > reemergence
> > > >> of Russian influence in the early years of this century, but 
> > now
> > > >> this reemergence is a fact, and a fact that Germany is not 
> > inclined
> > > >> to challenge.  Almost without saying, Europe, and Germany, 
> > > >> dependent on Russian energy to get through the winters at a 
> > > >> they can afford.
> > > >> 
> > > >> If Germany is inclined to thwart the newly aggressive 
posture of
> > > >> Russia, the first step would be to insure its eastern flank, 
> > namely
> > > >> Poland and the Baltic countries.  If the United States could 
> > > >> relied upon to provide sufficient forces, this would be a 
> > credible
> > > >> deterrent.  But of course the US cannot possibly put 
> > > >> forces into the area, and must rely on its nuclear umbrella, 
> > > >> Germany well understands this.
> > > >> 
> > > >> Mind you, Germany would have no objection to US forces in the
> > > >> Baltics.  But Germany absolutely realizes that such forces 
> > be
> > > >> only token, and that the US would unlikely be willing to "go 
> > the
> > > >> mat" (full-out nuclear war) with the Russians should they 
> > they
> > > >> can no longer tolerate the Baltic states.  So Germany isn't 
> > about to
> > > >> send troops east.  Therefore, Germany does not make NATO 
> > credible,
> > > >> unless you think Danish and Dutch or Belgian troops are 
going to 
> > take
> > > >> up much slack.  God love you, and God help them.
> > > >> 
> > > >> The bottom line is that NATO is no longer a credible threat 
> > against
> > > >> Russian games in Eastern Europe.  A "fait accompli" would be 
> > > >> that: a done deed.  Russia understands this, and is testing 
> > idea
> > > >> in Georgia.
> > > >> 
> > > >> The problem of Eastern European security is the problem of 
> > Germany.
> > > >> If it won't act to thwart Russian aggression, for whatever 
> > reason,
> > > >> then what can be done about Russia, which seems bent on 
> > reasserting
> > > >> its former hegemony?
> > > >> 
> > > >> If I was living in Poland these days, I'd make sure everyone 
> > my
> > > >> family had a passport -- and the means to use it.
> > > >> 
> > > >> As we all know, these are very challenging economic times.
> > > >> Historically, such times have lent themselves to military 
> > adventures,
> > > >> whether most of us would deem such adventures prudent or 
> > otherwise.
> > > >> 
> > > >> I know ...  I know ...  these are different times.
> > > >> 
> > > >> Oh?  Really?  And just what would a lame-duck US 
> > do
> > > >> about a sudden and full-fledged Russian invasion of the 
> > and
> > > >> or Poland?  Stop them from trading with insolvent US banks?  
> > Risk New
> > > >> York for Tallinn?  Tell me another good joke.
> > > >> 
> > > >> I stand ready to take on opposing views.  ^_^
> > > >> 
> > > >> Yuki
> > > >> 
> > > >> 
> > > >> 
> > > >> 
> > > >> 
> > > >> 
> > > >> 
> > > >> 
> > > >> ------------------------------------
> > > >> 
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> >


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