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Re: [amibroker] Re: Please help with start of week code.

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Chris thank you very much!

I have played with this (I am new to this so please excuse my basic approach)

and added a buy/sell but get multiple trades on a monday wheni only want one.....

Any idea why?  Oh and how does the London Start", 070000, 060000, 130000, 010000); value work please?

thanks again!


// London Opening time and Open Value
LondonStart = Param("London Start", 070000, 060000, 130000, 010000);
LondonOpen = deValueWhenTime( Open, LondonStart);

fridayclose = ValueWhen(DayOfWeek () == 5, Close);

FiftyPips = 50 * 0.50;
entrylevel = LondonOpen + FiftyPips;

Buy = LondonOpen + FiftyPips;
ApplyStop( stopTypeLoss, stopModePoint, amount= 50, exitatstop= 1, volatile = False, ReEntryDelay = 0 );
Sell = fridayclose;

Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
// Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);

// Plot these to see if they are correct
Plot(Close, "", colorBlack, 64);
//Plot(LondonStart, "LS", colorBlue);
Plot( IIf(TimeNum() == LondonStart,LondonStart, -1e10),"L S", colorBlue,styleHistogram | styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle | styleOwnScale,-0.05, 1);

Plot(LondonOpen, " London Open", colorBlue, 1);

Plot(entrylevel,"entry level",colorRed, 1);

// Check outputs with View ..Interpretation window...

printf("LondonOpen=" + WriteVal(LondonOpen,8.4));
printf("\nWeekly Entry Level = " + WriteVal(EntryLevel,8.4));

//***** end code: watch out for line wraps and Yahoo funny formatting spaces********

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 5:23 PM, ChrisB <kris45mar@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Have a bit of play with this and see if this will get you started...

//**** code here******
// alta hob
// Assuming of course you have intraday data...
// it helps to install the deDateTime.dll from

// London Opening time and Open Value
LondonStart = Param("London Start", 070000, 060000, 130000, 010000);
LondonOpen = deValueWhenTime(Open,LondonStart);

// Set Entry Level
// Make sure you have the correct ticksize set in your Ticker
Information settings...
// e.g. for GBPUSD enter 0.0001 etc.

FiftyPips = 50 * TickSize;
entrylevel = LondonOpen + FiftyPips;

// Plot these to see if they are correct
Plot(Close, "", colorBlack, 64);
//Plot(LondonStart, "LS", colorBlue);
Plot( IIf(TimeNum() == LondonStart,LondonStart, -1e10),"L S", colorBlue,
styleHistogram | styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle | styleOwnScale,-0.05, 1);

Plot(LondonOpen, " London Open", colorBlue, 1);

Plot(entrylevel,"entry level",colorRed, 1);

// Check outputs with View ..Interpretation window...

printf("LondonOpen=" + WriteVal(LondonOpen,8.4));
printf("\nWeekly Entry Level = " + WriteVal(EntryLevel,8.4));

//***** end code: watch out for line wraps and Yahoo funny formatting



alta hob wrote:
> Is there anyone else who knows how to specify 7:00am as part of the
> MondayOpen criteria?
> MondayOpen = ValueWhen(DayOfWeek () == 1, Open);
> BuyPrice = MondayOpen * 1.5;
> Buy = Cross(High, BuyPrice);
> thanks
> AH
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 6:33 PM, alta hob <altahob@xxxxxxxxxxx com
> <mailto:altahob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> Hi Mike
> many thanks.
> The 50 points means for example on GBPUSD it would be 50 pips.
> So would this be correct?
> BuyPrice = MondayOpen + .0050;
> The time of the "open" is important because I want my open to be
> when the big money comes into the market. The London open time
> is why I specified Monday 7:00 am. If I just use the open of the
> monday bar it will be sunday night/monday morning and not the big
> money pushing price which is what I am looking for.
> Is this possible?
> your assistance is much appreciated
> Nick
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Mike <sfclimbers@xxxxxx com
> <mailto:sfclimbers@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Would something like the following be enough?
> MondayOpen = ValueWhen(DayOfWeek () == 1, Open);
> BuyPrice = MondayOpen * 1.5;
> Buy = Cross(High, BuyPrice);
> ...
> I'm not clear on what you mean by "50 points". I have assumed
> that
> you meant a 50% move. You can adjust the following to reflect
> whatever you really meant (e.g. BuyPrice = MondayOpen + 0.5
> for a 50
> cent move, etc).
> Why do you care what the time was at Open? Aren't you just
> interested
> in taking a position if the price climbs more than "50 points
> above
> the weekly Open"?
> Mike
> --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxx ps.com
> <mailto:amibroker%40yahoogroups.com>, "alta hob" <altahob@xxx>

> wrote:
> >
> > Can someone please show how I would buy at 50 points above
> the open
> of the
> > week (London open for example at 07:00)
> >
> > I believe this is the starting point
> >
> > buyprice = IIF( dayofweek() == 1,
> >
> > and says to buy on monday but
> >
> > 1. how do I specify 7:00 gmt
> >
> > 2. how do I specify to buy 50 points above?
> >
> >
> > thank you for your time.
> >
> > AH
> >


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