I built this box five years ago, so I suppose problems would only
natural at some point.
1) Spontaneous reboot last night -- out of
the blue. Log says disk
2) Board seems to be running hotter,
but within range. CPU temp
3) Box seemed to run normally
this morning (after the spontaneous
reboot), but again rebooted itself
about 10 am.
4) No errors in log this time.
5) On the reboot,
system could not autodetect primary channel at
first. I shut down and then
after a few minutes it detected and
reboot was okay.
But obviously,
something is not okay. Fans seem to be working. I'm
writing this on the
box, so the box is not totally toast just yet.
Suggestions for
troubleshooting? (Redundantly backed up, so no
problems if worst comes to
worst -- just annoyances.)