If you want caching and faster use of MS databases, go to
File->Database Settings
and change "Local database storage" to
"Enabled", also you may go to
Tools->Preferences->Data and increase
'in-memory cache'.
Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko
----- Original Message -----
From: "ges" <
To: <
Sent: Thursday, April 10,
2008 8:36 PM
Subject: [amibroker] Speed issues with Premium
> I've used QuotesPlus with AB for quite a while and just
> PremiumData's historical data and delisted data and am having
> problems with PremiumData.
> With QuotesPlus,
after the first run of an exploration or backtest, AB
> keeps the data
in memory and subsequent runs are very fast and there
> is not the
constant disk access to bog the computer down when doing
> other
> With PremiumData I can't get the same behavior. Is
this because the
> PremiumData data is in Metastock format? Or is it
my database settings?
> I have tried changing the database
settings every way I can think of,
> but I can't get AB to handle the
PremiumData the same speedy way that
> id does QP data.
> Is there some change to database prefs/settings that will allow AB
> keep the PremiumData in memory or is this just a limitation of
> Metastock data format?
> Thanks for any
> ges