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Re: [amibroker] Re: OLE

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Thank You brian_z,  That's the information I am looking for!
Jim Wiehe

----- Original Message ----
From: brian_z111 <brian_z111@xxxxxxxxx>
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 8:14:02 PM
Subject: [amibroker] Re: OLE

On the other hand if you don't mind the 'pain for the gain'.

Have you seen the 'old' newsetters with Automation tips?

http://www.amibroke r.com/newsletter /


Tip of the week: Accessing stock data using AmiBroker's automation
Tip of the week: Adding your own ASCII import formats
and Tip of the week: Culling database - How to detect non trading

If you open NotePad (or equivalent) and then open
Programs/AmiBroker/ Scripts you can read the example cleanup.js file
that is installed with AB.

I believe that if you double click on that file (say in
WindowsExplorer) with AB already open it will all start to happen!

(better have an old backed up database as the current database!)


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxx ps.com, "jim_wiehe" <jim_wiehe@x ..> wrote:
> Below is my first attempt at automation and it didn't work
> probably because I don't know what I'm doing. But with that being
> said I fully appreciate the benefits that can be achieved from
> automation.
> I want to execute multiple ATC afl and eventually export to
> Excel directly. Can someone briefly explain a step by step process
> to run a scripting afl? I cant make the file run outside Amibroker
> and It doesnt run within AA.
> Jim Wiehe
> <%
> EnableScript( "_vbscript_" );
> /* create AB object */
> AB = CreateObject( "Broker.Applicat ion");
> /* retrieve automatic analysis object */
> AA = AB.Analysis;
> /* load formula from external file */
> AA.LoadFormula( "C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\ \Formulas\ \my
> stuff\\ScansExplora tions\\A D Comps Sector-Industry atc.afl");
> /* setup filters */
> /* backtest over symbols present in market 0 only (zero-based
> */
> AA.ClearFilters( );
> /* set apply to and range */
> AA.ApplyTo = 2; // use filter (WatchList)
> AA.RangeMode = 2; // defines range mode: 0 - all quotes, 1 - n last
> quotes, 2 - n last days, 3 - from-to date
> AA.RangeN = 1; // defines N (number of bars/days to backtest)
> /* run Scan */
> AA.Explore() ;

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