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Re: [amibroker] Plot specific value at specific date.

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Here is what to use for one way to do what you want

paramdate function to select dates
linearray function to calc the line
plot function to plot the line

Graham Kav
AFL Writing Service

On 09/02/2008, Jan Malmberg <jan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi again,

Just a reminder, if someone out there has the time to look into this, I'd appreciate this greatly.

Thank you.

Jan Malmberg


Från: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] För Jan Malmberg
Skickat: den 8 februari 2008 21:39
Till: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ämne: [amibroker] Plot specific value at specific date.


Hi everyone,


Although I enjoy using AmiBroker, I am not good at programming stuff yet, so I hope someone can assist me.


Here's what I'd like to do:


-          Specify dates to plot a value of either 1, 2, 3 or 4.

-          Draw a line between these dates and their respective values.

-          I do not need to add the actual equation for the curve, since the dates are so few, it is easy to add them as time goes by.


I would be very appreciative of any help or pointers or tips about how I should solve this.


Best regards,

Jan Malmberg


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