Where is
Pivot defined?
From: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf
Of Ed Middleton
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2007 2:45
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re:
Plotting problem
the IIF code but got the same results. It must be my logic but for the
life of me I cannot understand why the logic is not stopping the plotting when
the conditions are reached. Instead the logic appears to be saying that
in every bar there is a long and short signal which is not the case.
Here's the new code I generated:
// Plot Long and short period MA of pivot
Plot( PivotMALong, "PivotLong",ParamColor( "Color1", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style1",styleThick) );
Plot( PivotMAShort, "PivotShort",ParamColor( "Color2", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style2",styleThick) );
// Check for Long or Short Signals
dotlocationLong = L - 3;
dotlocationShort = H + 3;
IIf((C[0] > PivotMALong[0]) AND (C[0] > PivotMAShort[0]) AND
(PivotMAShort[0] >
Plot(dotlocationLong,"Long",ParamColor( "Color3", colorGreen ), ParamStyle("Style3",styleDots | styleNoLine | styleNoLabel)),0);
IIf((C[0] < PivotMALong[0]) AND (C[0] < PivotMAShort[0]) AND
(PivotMAShort[0] <
Plot(dotlocationShort,"Short",ParamColor( "Color4", colorRed ), ParamStyle("Style3",styleDots | styleNoLine | styleNoLabel)),0);
Does the logic make
sense to you?
Original Message -----
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2007
3:55 PM
[amibroker] Re: Plotting problem
1) Instead of "for" loop use IIF(), it's easier:
2) Use PlotShapes() to plot dots, arrows, etc. on the chart:
Your code should look something like this:
dotlocationLong = L - 3;
dotlocationShort = H + 3;
// specify variables
PivotMALong = ??;
PivotMAShort = ??;
IIF( ... your conditions here ... );
// plot the main chart
Plot( Close, "", colorBlue, styleCandle );
// plot your shapes
PlotShapes( ... );
Below is an example of the code for PlotShapes. This is just one possible
method, there are a few different ways of coding this:
//***START ***//
Title = Name()+" \\c11"+Interval(format=2)+"
"+Date()+"\\c-1 C="+C+"\\c11 "+FullName();
Plot(C,"",colorBlue, styleCandle);
Plot(EMA(C,14), "", 32, 1);
Buy =Cross(C, EMA(C,14));
Sell=Cross(EMA(C,14), C);
PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow * Buy, colorGreen, 0, L, -15);
PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow * Sell, colorRed, 0, H, -15);
SetChartOptions(0, chartShowDates); // show Date on X-axis
// to prevent your shapes to move beyond the
// top/bottom of the chart use this:
GraphXSpace = 5;
//***END ***//