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[amibroker] Amiquote; missing data

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I've some gaps in my stockdata due to the fact that amiquote once 
failed during the download process. When attempting to download the 
missing historic data Amiquote changes the date back to a more recent 
date resulting in missing quotes between the already dowloaded  
historic data and the new download. I think I've seen a solution for 
the issue in the documentation before, but I'm unable to find it back 
again. Anyone a handy suggestion how to solve this? Modify the data 
manual is no option as it involves dozens of quotes.

At present I use amiquote in manual mode. I would like to fully 
automate the datadownload process and if possible a verification 
process to ensure the data is added correctly. Can some-one please 
direct me to documentation about how to accomplish this?
