----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 1:58
Subject: RE: [amibroker] Feedback
Yep - tried to add something yesterday using Firefox
and thought it might be the browser.
Hi All,
I am just wondering if anyone else is
experiencing the same problem as me when they visit the Feedback Center?
Often when I click on a suggestion number to read it, the new window opens
and then freezes while still blank. This totally locks up IE and I have to
exit by Task Manager, restart IE and go back to the site. It did not seem
to do this at first, but now happens quite often. My first thought was
that it is either Online Armor ( which I am currently trialing ) or
SiteAdvisor ( which was recently bought out by McAffee ), but I have tried
disabling both of them and it still happens sometimes. Anyone have any
ideas about this? I believe the 2 programs I mentioned briefly delay the
loading of the page while they perform their safety checks - could this
delay cause the page to time out or something, thereby causing the lockup?
TIA for any help!