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Re: [amibroker] Tomasz: about new IB plugin

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"However, the main problem I had was not fixed. The backfilling process
stops/stalls/throttles at the 58th symbol on the RTQ window"
YES IT IS FIXED. The fix is just the behaviour you have described few lines below:
"The nice thing about this version is, if I wait then it will reconnect
and finish the backfilling process without any further problem"
This is EXACTLY THE FIX. I wrote about it in the DevLog!
The fact that it stalls at 58th symbol is a PROBLEM INSIDE TWS.
I can not FIX THINGS INSIDE TWS. Ask Interactive Brokers' programers to fix their software.
Actually you won't succeed because they have ADDED this "feature"
deliberately (it did not exits in TWS versions released half a year ago)
- to prevent people from downloadning too much / too fast.
"This 3 minute waiting seems too long. Could you make it wait like 30
second or 1 minute and then begin the reconnect to TWS? This would not
harm any functionality, I guess. Well, if you say to me 'take or leave
the current one' then I will take it happily, so don't get me wrong"
No we can not use smaller time.
TWS simply REJECTS all request sent too soon. What is WORSE - if you request
too soon - the time required to "reset" actually INCREASES !
So if you request in a second you will NEVER get any response.
BTW: usually TWS simply sends error 165 within 2-3 minutes which means exactly that
they disconnected and have ended the lock and you can reconnect successfully then.
Please show at least A BIT OF TRUST that I have checked all options and came up with best solutions.
Statements like this:
"Could you make it wait like 30
second or 1 minute and then begin the reconnect to TWS? This would not
harm any functionality, I guess."
suggest that I did not try that already and I came with SUB-optimal solution.
So for your information: current status quo is ABSOLUTELY THE BEST WORKAROUND
to the TWS behaviour and NOTHING more on earth can be done (unless TWS fixes this on their side).
I spend WHOLE day checking all timeouts, I was trying HUNDREDS of different timeouts starting
from 1 second to 5 minutes and statements suggesting that I did not do my work right 
are very offending to me.

Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko
----- Original Message -----
From: ggoom
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 2:09 AM
Subject: [amibroker] Tomasz: about new IB plugin


I have tested the IB plugin 1.6.1 for the last three days and here is
my feedback. First of all, I would like to thank for your time and
effort to improve the plugin. Some of us, IB users, are heavily
dependent upon its performance.

This is definitely faster than the previous version and has some nice
features, so you'd better include this one rather than old versions
when you release new AmiBroker. No doubt about it.

However, the main problem I had was not fixed. The backfilling process
stops/stalls/throttles at the 58th symbol on the RTQ window. Sometimes
it is not the 58th, but mostly it is. This is not the internet delay
issue for sure. Either IB plugin or TWS has a problem. I would
appreciate if anyone including you would try this and confirm/deny my

The nice thing about this version is, if I wait then it will reconnect
and finish the backfilling process without any further problem. The
one thing I would like to change is the waiting time. I guess the IB
plugin waits about 3 minutes and then begin the reconnect process.
This 3 minute waiting seems too long. Could you make it wait like 30
second or 1 minute and then begin the reconnect to TWS? This would not
harm any functionality, I guess. Well, if you say to me 'take or leave
the current one' then I will take it happily, so don't get me wrong.
Another small issues is that if I select cancel backfill at any point
and then backfilling again the plugin will backfill all the symbols
including ones backfilled already. (then it will again stop/stall at
the same point). However, this is not a major issue, because as I said
I only need to wait 3 minutes now.

Thanks again for your great work.


>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Tomasz Janeczko" <amibroker@xxxxxx>
>>> To: <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 11:39 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [amibroker] New IB plugin version 1.6.0 released
>>>> Thanks... I would appreciate reports of problems with new plugin if
>>>> there
>>>> are any,
>>>> since I am close to the release of AB 4.80 and I would like to
know if
>>>> plugin 1.6.0
>>>> works better than 1.5.1 for everybody or not, so I can decide
which one
>>>> to
>>>> include
>>>> in the setup.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Tomasz Janeczko
>>>> amibroker.com

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