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--- johngalt0714 <johngalt0714@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here's some simple code for Telechart users who may want to plot
> relative strength versus the industry (sector) and subindustry
> (industry) composites in the same chart pane. This assumes that you
> have the relative strength base defined for each Telechart subindustry
> (Amibroker industry) in the Amibroker categories dialog and that the
> higher-level category (market and group) bases are blank.
> If anyone has an idea how to define these bases without requiring that
> the higher level bases are blank, it would make the code a bit more
> versatile.
Here is a different approach. Produce a snapshot of some
data fields of Telechart then use a plugin to read the
fields required. I can release the former (probably need
Worden permission first) and the plugin to those interested.
I have attached an example output using yahoo.
Here is what the afl(modified version of what you posted)
looks like:
if ((tmp = MCgetdata("IntGrp", "", 0))>0) {
_N(s_tc_industry = StrFormat("MG%03g", tmp));
if ((tmp = MCgetdata("SubIntGrp", "", 0))>0) {
_N(s_tc_subindustry = StrFormat("MG%03g", tmp));
IndustryBase = s_tc_industry;
Plot(Prec(RelStrength (IndustryBase),2),
" Industry: " + IndustryID(1) +
" (" + IndustryBase + ")",
colorBlack, styleDots|styleThick);
SectorBase = s_tc_subindustry;
Plot(Prec(RelStrength (SectorBase),2),
" Sector: " + SectorID(1) +
" (" + SectorBase + ")",
colorGrey40, styleDots|styleThick|styleOwnScale);
> Hope it is of help to someone.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> [original afl code]
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