All concerned with Ami and MT3 connection,
I have been in contact with and they told me
that they would support MT3 and the API as long as they had clients using it.
You may be running into trouble with
conflicts created by adding in MT4 regular trading platform.
There are about 30 or 40 MetaTrader based
brokers. So, I am not recommending InterbankFX
over any of the others.
It will be several months before the MT4
API is released.
So, for now I am focusing on the MT3 API
and seeing how far we can get.
For more info go to
where there are about 80 people
recently added just to look into connecting AmiBroker with MT3 and later MT4.
Just so we don’t waste your time this is a Forex, foreign
exchange, based trading automation and system building group.
It is possible that Tomasz will add functions to AmiBroker later if we
have enough people to be worth it.
I am not sure what numbers he would like to see but they keep coming in
at the rate of one or two per day.
Hope this helps,
Steve aka Forex5x