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Re: [amibroker] Re: OT: convert Wealth lab fromula to Amibroker

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I do not know, I am not familiar with wealth lab..
----- Original Message -----
From: hairy_mug
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 5:05 PM
Subject: [amibroker] Re: OT: convert Wealth lab fromula to Amibroker


Does WL support array math or is everything discreet values?
After looking at the source again, It looks like discreet values...
This definately changes things...


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Anthony Faragasso" <ajf1111@x...>
> Walt,
> Thank you, I will take a look at it....please keep me informed..
> Anthony
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: hairy_mug
>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 4:34 PM
>   Subject: [amibroker] Re: OT: convert Wealth lab fromula to
>   Anthony,
>   I took a stab at conversion... since I know nothing about wealth
>   I made some deductions...
>   It runs, but never exits the first position... take it as a
>   starting point... I'll let U know if it get further...
>   Walt
>   /*********************************/
>   // in AA settings set buy, sell, short, cover to "open" with 1
>   delay
>   // set "reverse signal forces exit"
>   // also set your stop prefs for the following two statements:
>   /* Install AutoStops */
>   /*InstallStopLoss( 12 ) */
>   threshold=2;
>   PtsPctATR=2; /*0=Points, 1=Precent, 2=ATR*/
>   tradetrends=1; /*0=trends and reactions, 1=trends only*/
>   inBuy=0;
>   outSell=0;
>   outCover=0;
>   inShort=0;
>   Buy=0;
>   Sell=0;
>   Cover=0;
>   Short=0;
>   /*State == 0 Uptrend */
>   /*State == 1 Dntrend */
>   /*State == 2 NatRally*/
>   /*State == 3 SecRally*/
>   /*State == 4 NatReact*/
>   /*State == 5 SecReact*/
>   if (PtsPctATR == 0)
>   {
>         Thresh=threshold;
>         HalfThresh=thresh/2;
>   }
>   for (Bar=1 ; bar<=21;bar++)
>   {
>         if (Bar == 1)
>         {
>               "Init";
>               SecondaryRally=C;
>               NaturalRally=C;
>               UpTrend=C;
>               SecondaryReaction=C;
>               NaturalReaction=C;
>               DnTrend=C;
>               ResumeUpTrend=False;
>               ResumeDnTrend=False;
>               UseRule10=False; /*if true try/test futures only*/
>         }
>         if (Bar <= 21)
>         { /*1*/
>               MA10_Now=MA(Close, 10 );
>               MA10_10=MA( Ref(Close, -10 ), 10 );
>               if (Bar == 21)
>               { /*2*/                 
>                     if (LastValue(MA10_Now>MA10_10))
>                     {
>                           "InUpTrend";
>                           State=0;
>                           UpTrend=C;
>                     }
>                     else
>                     {
>                           "InDnTrend";
>                           DnTrend=C;
>                           State=1;
>                     }
>               } /*2*/
>         } /*1*/
>   }
>   /*Main Loop*/
>   for (Bar=22;bar>0; bar--)
>   { /*3*/
>         if (PtsPctATR == 1)
>         {
>               Thresh=threshold * (Ref(C,-1)/100);
>               HalfThresh=Thresh/2;
>         }
>         else if (PtsPctATR == 2)
>         {
>               Thresh=threshold * ATR(14);
>               HalfThresh=Thresh/2;
>               //"ATR thresh " + NumToStr(Thresh);
>               //"State " + NumToStr(State);
>               //"Price " + NumToStr(C);
>               //"Nat Reaction " + NumToStr(NaturalReaction);
>         }
>         if (state==0)
>         /* If InUpTrend */
>         { /*4*/
>               if (LastValue(C > NaturalReaction + Thresh))
>               NaturalReactionRL=NaturalReaction; /*Rule 4b*/
>               //"InUpTrend";
>               if (ResumeUpTrend)  /* Rule 10 logic. */
>               { /*6*/
>                     if (LastValue(C > UpTrendRL + HalfThresh))
>                     {
>                           ResumeUpTrend=False; /*Rule 10a*/
>                           State=4; /*InNatReact*/
>                           NaturalReaction=C;
>                           UpTrend=C;
>                     }
>                     else if (LastValue(C < UpTrendRL -
>   HalfThresh))
>                     {
>                           ResumeUpTrend=False; /*Rule 10b*/
>                           State=4; /*InNatReact*/
>                           NaturalReaction=C;
>                     }
>               } /*6*/
>               else if (LastValue(C < UpTrend - Thresh))  /*start
>               NaturalReaction*/
>               { /*Rules 4a, 6a*/
>                     State=4; /*InNatReact*/
>                     UpTrendRL=UpTrEnd ;/*pivot point, rule 8*/
>                     NaturalReaction=C;
>                     ResumeUpTrend=False;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C > UpTrend))  /*remain in uptrend
>   higher high price*/
>               UpTrend=C;
>         } /*4 InUpTrend*/
>         if (state==2)
>         /*Natural Rally State*/
>         { /*7*/
>               if (LastValue(C > NaturalReaction + thresh))
>               NaturalReactionRL=NaturalReaction; /*Rule 4b*/
>               if (LastValue(C > UpTrend))  /*resume UpTrend*/
>               { /*rules 6d, 6f*/
>                     State=0; /*InUpTrend*/
>                     //" Set to InUpTrend";
>                     UpTrend=C;
>                     if (UseRule10)  ResumeUpTrend=True;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C > NaturalRallyBL + HalfThresh))
>               { /*Rules 5a*/
>                     //"Set to InUpTrend";
>                     State=0; /*InUpTrend*/
>                     UpTrend=C;
>                     if (UseRule10)  ResumeUpTrend=True;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C < DnTrend))  /*Start DnTrend*/
>               { /*Rule 6b*/
>                     //"InNatRally start dntrend";
>                     State=1; /*InDnTrend*/
>                     DnTrend=C;
>                     NaturalRallyBL=C; /*rule 4D*/
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C < NaturalRally - Thresh))
>               {
>                     if (LastValue(C < NaturalReaction))  /*start
>   Natural Reaction*/
>                     { /*rule 4d, 6b*/
>                           State=4; /*InNatReact*/
>                           //"InNatRally start nat reaction";
>                           NaturalReaction=C;
>                           NaturalRallyBL=C; /*rule 4D*/ /*Pivot
>   pt,
>                           Rule 9b*/
>                     }
>                     else /*start secondaryreaction*/
>                     { /*rule 6h*/
>                           //"InNatRally start sec reaction";
>                           State=5; /*InSecReact*/
>                           SecondaryReaction=C;
>                     }
>                     if (LastValue(C > NaturalRally))
>                     NaturalRally=C;
>                     //" none of the above";
>               }
>         } /*7 InNatRally*/
>         if (state==3) /* Secondary Rally State*/
>         {
>               if (LastValue(C > UpTrend))
>               { /*rules 6d, 6f*/
>                     //"InSecRally";
>                     State=0; /*InUpTrend*/
>                     UpTrend=C;
>                     if (UseRule10)  ResumeUpTrend=True;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C > NaturalRallyBL + halfthresh))
>               { /*rules 5a*/
>                     State=0; /*InUpTrend*/
>                     UpTrend=C;
>                     if (UseRule10)  ResumeUpTrend=True;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C > NaturalRally))
>               { /*rule 6g*/
>                     State=2; /*InNatRally*/
>                     NaturalRally=C;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C < DnTrend))  /*start DnTrend*/
>               { /*rule 6b*/
>                     State=1; /*InDnTrend*/
>                     DnTrend=C;
>                     NaturalRallyBL=C; /*rule 4d, pivot pt,
>                     rule 9b*/
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C > SecondaryRally))  /*record
>               higher high*/
>               SecondaryRally=C; /*rule 3, 6g*/
>         } /*InSecRally*/
>         /* DOWN TREND STATE*/
>         if (state==1)
>         { /*9*/
>               if (LastValue(C < NaturalRally - Thresh))
>               NaturalRallyBL=NaturalRally; /*rule 4d*/
>               if (ResumeDnTrend)  /*Rule 10 logic best works with
>   futures*/
>               {
>                     if (LastValue(C < DnTrendBL - HalfThresh))
>                     {
>                           ResumeDnTrend=False; /*rule 10a*/
>                           DnTrend=C; /*rule 2, 6b*/
>                     }
>                     else if (LastValue(C > DnTrendBL +
>   HalfThresh))
>                     /*DnTrend Over*/
>                     /*return to NaturalRally*/
>                     {
>                           //"return to NaturalRally";
>                           ResumeDnTrend=False;
>                           State=2; /*InNatRally*/
>                           NaturalRally=C;
>                     }
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C > DnTrend + Thresh))
>               /*Start NaturalRally*/
>               { /* rules 4c, 6c*/
>                     //"return to NaturalRally";
>                     State=2; /*InNatRally*/
>                     NaturalRally=C;
>                     DnTrendBL=DnTrend; /*Pivot Pt, Rule 8*/
>                     ResumeDnTrend=False;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C < DnTrend))  /*remain in down
>               trend, record lower lows*/
>               DnTrend=C; /*Rule 2, 6b*/
>         } /*9 InDnTrend*/
>         if (state==4)
>         /* Natural Reaction State */
>         { /*Nat Reaction State*/
>               if (LastValue(C < NaturalRally - Thresh))
>               NaturalRallyBL=NaturalRally; /*Rule 4d*/
>               if (LastValue(C < DnTrend))  /*resume DnTrend*/
>               { /*Rule 6b, 6e*/
>                     //"InNatReact - InDnTrend1";
>                     State=1; /*InDnTrend*/
>                     DnTrend=C;
>                     if (UseRule10)  ResumeDnTrend=True;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C < NaturalReactionRL -
>   halfthresh ))
>               /*resume DnTrend*/
>               { /*rules 5b*/
>                     //"InNatReact - InDnTrend2";
>                     State=1; /*InDnTrend*/
>                     DnTrend=C;
>                     if (UseRule10)  ResumeDnTrend=True;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C > UpTrend))  /*start
>               UpTrend*/
>               { /*rule 6d*/
>                     //"InNatReact - InUpTrend1";
>                     State=0; /*InUpTrend*/
>                     UpTrend=C;
>                     NaturalReactionRL=C; /*rule 4b, pvt
>                     point, rule 9c*/
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C > NaturalReaction + Thresh))
>               {
>                     if (LastValue(C > NaturalRally))  /*start
>   Natural Rally*/
>                     { /*rules 4b, 6d*/
>                           State=2; /*In Nat Rally*/
>                           NaturalRally=C;
>                           NaturalReactionRL=C; /*rule 4b, pvt
>   point, rule 9c*/
>                     }
>                     else /*start SecondaryRally*/
>                     { /*rule 6g*/
>                           State=3; /*In Sec Rally*/
>                           SecondaryRally=C;
>                     }
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C<NaturalReaction))
>               /*remain in NaturalReaction , record lower lows*/
>               NaturalReaction=C; /*rule 3, 6a,6b*/
>         } /*InNatReact*/
>         if (state==5)
>         {
>               //"InSecReact";
>               if (LastValue(C<DnTrend))  /*resume DnTrend*/
>               { /*rules 6b, 6e*/
>                     State=1; /*InDnTrend*/
>                     DnTrend=C;
>                     if (UseRule10)  ResumeDnTrend=True;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C<NaturalReactionRL - halfthresh))
>               { /*rules 5b*/
>                     State=1; /*InDnTrend*/
>                     DnTrend=C;
>                     if (UseRule10)  ResumeDnTrend=True;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C > UpTrend))  /*start
>               UpTrend*/
>               { /*rules 6d*/
>                     State=0; /*InUpTrend*/
>                     UpTrend=C;
>                     NaturalReactionRL=C; /*rule 4b,pivot point,
>   rule 9c*/
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C<NaturalReaction))
>               { /*rules 6h*/
>                     State=4; /*InNatReact*/
>                     NaturalReaction=C;
>               }
>               else if (LastValue(C<SecondaryReaction))
>               /*record lower lows*/
>               SecondaryReaction=C; /*rule 6h*/
>         } /*InSecReact*/
>         else
>         {
>               //"Never get here! ";
>         }
>   }
>   /* Paint it */
>   //if (state==0)
>   //{
>   //      SetBarColor( Bar, colorBlue );
>   //}
>   //if (state==1)
>   //{
>   //      SetBarColor( Bar, colorRed ); /*Down Trend*/
>   //}
>   //if (state==2)
>   //{
>   //      SetBarColor( Bar, colorBlack );
>   //}
>   //if (state==3)
>   //{
>   //      SetBarColor( Bar, colorGreen );
>   //}
>   //if (state==4)
>   //{
>   //      SetBarColor( Bar, colorYellow );
>   //}
>   //if (state==5)
>   //{
>   //      SetBarColor( Bar, colorpurple );
>   //}
>   //else
>   //"!important to show! ";
>   //}
>   if (tradetrends)
>   {
>   inbuy=(State == 0);
>   inShort=(State == 1);     
>   }
>   else
>   {
>   inbuy=(State == 0) OR (State == 2) OR (State == 3);
>   inShort=(State == 1) OR (State == 4) OR (State == 5);
>   }
>   Buy=ExRem(inbuy,outsell);
>   Sell=ExRem(outsell,inbuy);
>   Short=ExRem(inshort,outcover);
>   Cover=ExRem(outcover,inshort);
>   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Anthony Faragasso"
>   wrote:
>   > Thank you, I await the re-run...
>   >
>   > Anthony
>   >   ----- Original Message -----
>   >   From: duke.jones
>   >   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   >   Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 8:37 PM
>   >   Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: OT: convert Wealth lab fromula
>   Amibroker
>   >
>   >
>   >   Anthony, scratch that second run as it is not exiting
properly. I
>   need to rework the stop loss.
>   >
>   >   -------Original Message-------
>   >   > From: "duke.jones" <Duke.Jones@xxxx>
>   >   > Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: OT: convert Wealth lab fromula
>   Amibroker
>   >   > Sent: 12 Mar 2005 12:25:42
>   >   >
>   >   >  Anthony,
>   >   > 
>   >   >  Here is the rerun using the installstops of 10%.  The
>   needs to have the positions rewritten to remove the shorts but
>   is no need as WL already gives you the long only and short only
>   position metrics.  I have included some graphs of the plots with
>   various chart type formations, big winners, trading range etc so
>   can see how it worked. I also ran this on a list of High RS
>   and High EPS ranked stocks and it does very well catching big
>   The risk  is these induce higher drawdowns when market corrects
>   the outperformance makes it something to explore in my book.  I
>   this might be a good exercise for me to try and convert but it
>   have to go on the back burner as I am already way behind in my
>   conversions.
>   >   > 
>   >   >  Duke Jones, CMT
>   >   >  -------Original Message-------
>   >   >  > From: "Anthony Faragasso"
>   >   >  > Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: OT: convert Wealth lab
>   to Amibroker
>   >   >  > Sent: 12 Mar 2005 19:51:43
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  Duke,
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  Thank you for running the formula....would you be so
>   as to run the formula for Long only....or does the formula have
to be
>   edited ? ....
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  Also, you mention stops....is the maximum stop loss on
>   initial purchase set to 10 % ?....if not could you set it  to 10
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  Is there any provision in the formula to plot something
>   a chart ? ...if there is could you attach a chart ?....
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  Thank you
>   >   >  >  Anthony
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  Ps. I appreciate your time....thank you very much.
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  ----- Original Message -----
>   >   >  >  FROM:   duke.jones
>   >   >  >  TO: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   >   >  >  SENT: Saturday, March 12, 2005 7:20   PM
>   >   >  >  SUBJECT: Re: [amibroker] Re: OT: convert   Wealth lab
>   fromula to Amibroker
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  Anthony, I don't know if I am at the stage of being
>   to   convert it to AFL yet but here is what it looks like with 5%
>   equity initial   positions and the defined stops in the code.
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  The list is a random   sampling of securities between
>   cap small cap etc. The data runs from 01 to   Nov 04.
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  Regards,
>   >   >  >
>   >   >  >  Duke Jones, CMT
>   >   >  >  -------Original   Message-------
>   >   >  >  > From: "Anthony Faragasso"
>   >   >  >  > Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: OT: convert   Wealth lab
>   fromula to Amibroker
>   >   >  >  > Sent: 12 Mar 2005   18:49:40
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  Hello Jim,
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  It is   not a joke, I am not familiar with Wealth
>   coding....
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  This formula is supposed to represent Jesse
>   trading   rules / style....
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  I was / am interested in   testing it...
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  Thanks
>   >   >  >  >    Anthony
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  ----- Original Message   -----
>   >   >  >  >  FROM:   jnk1997
>   >   >  >  >  TO:   amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   >   >  >  >  SENT: Saturday, March 12, 2005   1:30   PM
>   >   >  >  >  SUBJECT: [amibroker] Re: OT:   convert   Wealth lab
>   fromula to Amibroker
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  Anthony,
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  That looks like a lot of   work (or is it   a joke?).
>   >   >  >  >  Anyway's perhaps someone   would be willing if you
>   published the WL
>   >   >  >  >  stats, like win rate   etc.....
>   >   >  >  >  If somone does, please post it     here.
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  Regards
>   >   >  >  >  Jim
>   >   >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,   "Anthony  
>   >   >  >  >  wrote:
>   >   >  >  >  > Anyone able to convert   this  wealth lab formula
>   Amibroker ?
>   >   >  >  >    >
>   >   >  >  >  > Thank you
>   >   >  >  >  > Anthony
>   >   >  >  >    > var Bar    : integer;
>   >   >  >  >  > var   SecondaryRally, NaturalRally,
>   SecondaryReaction,   DnTrend    :
>   >   >  >  >  float;
>   >   >  >  >  > var ResumeUpTrend,   ResumeDnTrend,   UseRule10  :
>   boolean;
>   >   >  >  >  > var   Thresh , threshold,
>   HalfThresh   ,NaturalReaction,
>   >   >  >  >    NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL, UpTrendRL,
>   UpTrend,     DnTrendBL    :
>   >   >  >  >  float;
>   >   >  >  >  > var   MA10_10, MA10_Now ,   State,  
>   ATRvalue         :     integer;
>   >   >  >  >  > var PtsPctATR,  tradetrends     :   integer;
>   >   >  >  >  >   { Install AutoStops   }
>   >   >  >  >  > {InstallStopLoss(   12 ); }
>   >   >  >  >    >   threshold := 2;
>   >   >  >  >  >   PtsPctATR   :=   2;     {0=Points, 1=Precent,  
>   2=ATR}
>   >   >  >  >  >     tradetrends :=   1;   {0=trends and reactions,
>   1=trends     only}
>   >   >  >  >  >     {State = 0   Uptrend   }
>   >   >  >  >  >     {State = 1   Dntrend   }
>   >   >  >  >  >     {State =   2   NatRally}
>   >   >  >  >  >     {State =   3   SecRally}
>   >   >  >  >  >     {State =   4   NatReact}
>   >   >  >  >  >     {State =   5   SecReact}
>   >   >  >  >  >   if (PtsPctATR =   0)   then
>   >   >  >  >  >    begin
>   >   >  >  >    >        Thresh :=   threshold;
>   >   >  >  >  >      HalfThresh   :=   thresh/2;
>   >   >  >  >  >      end;
>   >   >  >  >  >  for Bar := 1 to 21   do
>   >   >  >  >    >   begin
>   >   >  >  >  >   if (Bar = 1)     then
>   >   >  >  >  >    begin
>   >   >  >  >    >          AddCommentary('Init');
>   >   >  >  >  >        SecondaryRally :=   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >      NaturalRally :=     PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >  >      UpTrend   :=   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >      SecondaryReaction :=     PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >  >        NaturalReaction :=   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >      DnTrend :=     PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >  >        ResumeUpTrend :=   false;
>   >   >  >  >    >      ResumeDnTrend :=     false;
>   >   >  >  >  >      UseRule10 := false;   {if true   try/test
>   only}
>   >   >  >  >    >    end;
>   >   >  >  >  >  if   (Bar      begin {1}
>   >   >  >  >    >      MA10_Now  := SMASeries( #Close, 10   );
>   >   >  >  >  >      MA10_10   :=   SMASeries( OffSetSeries(
#Close, -
>   10 ), 10 );
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >    >
>   >   >  >  >  >    if (Bar = 21)     then
>   >   >  >  >  >    begin {2}
>   >   >  >  >    >
>   >   >  >  >  >     if @MA10_Now[Bar] >   @MA10_10[Bar]   then
>   >   >  >  >    >        begin
>   >   >  >  >    >           AddCommentary('InUpTrend');
>   >   >  >  >    >       State   := 0;
>   >   >  >  >    >       UpTrend :=     PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >  >          end
>   >   >  >  >  >          else
>   >   >  >  >  >          begin
>   >   >  >  >  >           AddCommentary('InDnTrend');
>   >   >  >  >    >         DnTrend :=   PriceClose(bar);;
>   >   >  >  >  >         State   := 1;
>   >   >  >  >  >        end;
>   >   >  >  >  >    end   {2}
>   >   >  >  >    >    end; {1}
>   >   >  >  >  >     end;
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  >   {Main   Loop}
>   >   >  >  >  >   for Bar := 22 to BarCount   - 1   do
>   >   >  >  >  >   begin {3}
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >    >   if   (PtsPctATR = 1) then
>   >   >  >  >    >      begin
>   >   >  >  >    >      Thresh := threshold *     (PriceClose(bar-
>   1)/100);
>   >   >  >  >  >        HalfThresh :=   Thresh/2;
>   >   >  >  >  >      end
>   >   >  >  >  >    else if   (PtsPctATR = 2)   then
>   >   >  >  >  >      begin
>   >   >  >  >    >      Thresh := threshold * ATR(Bar,     14);
>   >   >  >  >  >      HalfThresh   :=   Thresh/2;
>   >   >  >  >  >        AddCommentary('ATR thresh ' +   FloatToStr
>   (Thresh));
>   >   >  >  >    >        AddCommentary('State '   +   IntToStr
>   >   >  >  >    >      AddCommentary('Price '   +   FloatToStr
>   (PriceClose(bar)));
>   >   >  >  >    >        AddCommentary('Nat Reaction '   +  
>   (NaturalReaction));
>   >   >  >  >    >      end;
>   >   >  >  >    >     case State   of
>   >   >  >  >    >     0:
>   >   >  >  >  >     {   If   InUpTrend then}
>   >   >  >  >    >       begin   {4}
>   >   >  >  >    >        if (PriceClose(bar)   >  
(NaturalReaction +
>   Thresh))   then
>   >   >  >  >    >               NaturalReactionRL :=
>   {Rule   4b}
>   >   >  >  >    >              AddCommentary('InUpTrend');
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >    >          if     ResumeUpTrend then { Rule 10
>   logic.   }
>   >   >  >  >    >             begin   {6}
>   >   >  >  >    >                if (PriceClose(bar) > (UpTrendRL
>   HalfThresh))     then
>   >   >  >  >    >                 begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                   ResumeUpTrend := false;  
>   10a}
>   >   >  >  >    >                   State := 4;   {InNatReact}
>   >   >  >  >    >                   NaturalReaction :=   PriceClose
>   (bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                   UpTrend :=   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                 end
>   >   >  >  >    >                 else if (PriceClose(bar) <
>   (UpTrendRL - HalfThresh))
>   >   >  >  >    then
>   >   >  >  >    >                   begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                     ResumeUpTrend := false;  
>   {Rule   10b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                     State := 4;   {InNatReact}
>   >   >  >  >    >                     NaturalReaction :=  
>   (bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                   end;
>   >   >  >  >    >             end   {6}
>   >   >  >  >    >                 else if (PriceClose(bar) <
(UpTrend -
>   Thresh)) then
>   >   >  >  >    {start   NaturalReaction}
>   >   >  >  >    >                  begin {Rules 4a,   6a}
>   >   >  >  >    >                   State := 4;   {InNatReact}
>   >   >  >  >    >                   UpTrendRL := UpTrend;  {pivot
>   point, rule   8}
>   >   >  >  >    >                   NaturalReaction :=   PriceClose
>   (bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                   ResumeUpTrend :=   false;
>   >   >  >  >    >                  end
>   >   >  >  >    >                  else if (PriceClose(bar) >
>   then {remain in
>   >   >  >  >  uptrend   higher high   price}
>   >   >  >  >    >                     UpTrend :=   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >              end;  {4    InUpTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >          2:
>   >   >  >  >    >        {Natural Rally     State}
>   >   >  >  >    >          begin     {7}
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >    >              if   (PriceClose(bar) >
>   (NaturalReaction + thresh))     then
>   >   >  >  >    >                   NaturalReactionRL :=
>   NaturalReaction; {Rule   4b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                if (PriceClose(bar) > UpTrend)
>   {resume     UpTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                    begin {rules 6d,   6f}
>   >   >  >  >    >                     State := 0;   {InUpTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                     AddCommentary(' Set to  
>   InUpTrend');
>   >   >  >  >    >                     UpTrend :=   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                     if UseRule10 then
>   ResumeUpTrend :=   true;
>   >   >  >  >    >                    end
>   >   >  >  >    >                    else if (PriceClose(bar) >
>   (NaturalRallyBL +
>   >   >  >  >    HalfThresh))   then
>   >   >  >  >    >                     begin {Rules   5a}
>   >   >  >  >    >                      AddCommentary('Set to  
>   InUpTrend');
>   >   >  >  >    >                      State := 0;   {InUpTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                      UpTrend :=   PriceClose
>   >   >  >  >    >                      if UseRule10 then
>   ResumeUpTrend :=   true;
>   >   >  >  >    >                     end
>   >   >  >  >    >                    else if (PriceClose(bar) <
>   DnTrend) then {Start
>   >   >  >  >    DnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                     begin {Rule   6b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                      AddCommentary('InNatRally
>   start   dntrend');
>   >   >  >  >    >                      State := 1;   {InDnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                      DnTrend :=   PriceClose
>   >   >  >  >    >                      NaturalRallyBL := PriceClose
>   (bar); {rule   4D}
>   >   >  >  >    >                     end
>   >   >  >  >    >                     else if (PriceClose(bar) <
>   (NaturalRally - Thresh))
>   >   >  >  >    then
>   >   >  >  >    >                      begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                        if (PriceClose(bar) <
>   NaturalReaction) then
>   >   >  >  >  {start   Natural   Reaction}
>   >   >  >  >    >                         begin {rule 4d,   6b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                           State := 4;  
>   >   >  >  >    >                           AddCommentary
>   start nat
>   >   >  >  >  reaction');
>   >   >  >  >    >                           NaturalReaction :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                           NaturalRallyBL := 
>   PriceClose(bar); {rule 4D}
>   >   >  >  >  {Pivot pt,   Rule   9b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                         end
>   >   >  >  >    >                        else {start  
>   secondaryreaction}
>   >   >  >  >    >                         begin  {rule   6h}
>   >   >  >  >    >                           AddCommentary
>   start sec
>   >   >  >  >  reaction');
>   >   >  >  >    >                           State := 5;  
>   >   >  >  >    >                           SecondaryReaction :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                         end;
>   >   >  >  >    >                         if (PriceClose(bar) >
>   NaturalRally)   then
>   >   >  >  >    >                            NaturalRally :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                       AddCommentary(' none of
>   above');
>   >   >  >  >    >                     end;
>   >   >  >  >    >                   end; {7   InNatRally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                 3:   { Secondary Rally   State}
>   >   >  >  >    >                    begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                          if (PriceClose(bar) >
>   UpTrend)    then
>   >   >  >  >    >                            begin {rules 6d,   6f}
>   >   >  >  >    >                             AddCommentary
>   ('InSecRally');
>   >   >  >  >    >                             State := 0;  
>   >   >  >  >    >                             UpTrend :=  
>   (bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                             if UseRule10 then
>   ResumeUpTrend :=   true;
>   >   >  >  >    >                            end
>   >   >  >  >    >                           else if (PriceClose
(bar) >
>   (NaturalRallyBL +
>   >   >  >  >    halfthresh))   then
>   >   >  >  >    >                            begin {rules   5a}
>   >   >  >  >    >                             State := 0;  
>   >   >  >  >    >                             UpTrend :=  
>   (bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                             if UseRule10 then
>   ResumeUpTrend :=   true;
>   >   >  >  >    >                            end
>   >   >  >  >    >                           else if (PriceClose
(bar) >
>   NaturalRally)      then
>   >   >  >  >    >                             begin {rule   6g}
>   >   >  >  >    >                               State := 2;  
>   {InNatRally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                               NaturalRally :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                             end
>   >   >  >  >    >                            else if (PriceClose
>   < DnTrend) then
>   >   >  >  >  {start     DnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                             begin {rule   6b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                               State := 1;  
>   {InDnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                               DnTrend :=  
>   (bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                               NaturalRallyBL :=
>   PriceClose(bar); {rule
>   >   >  >  >  4d, pivot pt,   rule   9b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                             end
>   >   >  >  >    >                            else if (PriceClose
>   > SecondaryRally)
>   >   >  >  >  then {record   higher   high}
>   >   >  >  >    >                              SecondaryRally :=
>   PriceClose(bar); {rule
>   >   >  >  >  3,     6g}
>   >   >  >  >    >                       end;   {InSecRally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                     { DOWN TREND   STATE}
>   >   >  >  >    >                   1:
>   >   >  >  >    >                     begin {9}
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >    >                       if (PriceClose(bar) <
>   (NaturalRally - Thresh))
>   >   >  >  >    then
>   >   >  >  >    >                          NaturalRallyBL :=
>   NaturalRally; {rule   4d}
>   >   >  >  >    >                       if ResumeDnTrend then
{Rule 10
>   logic best works
>   >   >  >  >  with     futures}
>   >   >  >  >    >                         begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                           if (PriceClose(bar) <
>   (DnTrendBL -
>   >   >  >  >  HalfThresh))     then
>   >   >  >  >    >                            begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                             ResumeDnTrend :=
>   {rule   10a}
>   >   >  >  >    >                             DnTrend := 
>   (bar);  {rule 2,   6b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                            end
>   >   >  >  >    >                           else if (PriceClose
(bar) >
>   (DnTrendBL +
>   >   >  >  >  HalfThresh)) then   {DnTrend   Over}
>   >   >  >  >    >                           {return to  
>   >   >  >  >    >                            begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                             AddCommentary
>   to   NaturalRally');
>   >   >  >  >    >                             ResumeDnTrend :=  
>   >   >  >  >    >                             State := 2;  
>   {InNatRally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                             NaturalRally :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                            end;
>   >   >  >  >    >                          end
>   >   >  >  >    >                          else if (PriceClose
(bar) >
>   (DnTrend +
>   >   >  >  >  Thresh))    then  {Start   NaturalRally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                           begin  { rules 4c,  
>   >   >  >  >    >                             AddCommentary
>   to   NaturalRally');
>   >   >  >  >    >                             State := 2;  
>   {InNatRally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                             NaturalRally :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                             DnTrendBL :=
>   {Pivot Pt, Rule   8}
>   >   >  >  >    >                             ResumeDnTrend :=  
>   >   >  >  >    >                           end
>   >   >  >  >    >                            else if (PriceClose
>   < DnTrend)  then
>   >   >  >  >  {remain in   down trend,   record lower   lows}
>   >   >  >  >    >                              DnTrend :=
>   (bar); {Rule 2,   6b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                       end;  {9   InDnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                     4:
>   >   >  >  >    >                       { Natural Reaction
State   }
>   >   >  >  >    >                        begin   {Nat Reaction  
>   >   >  >  >    >                           if (PriceClose(bar) <
>   (NaturalRally -
>   >   >  >  >  Thresh))     then
>   >   >  >  >    >                             NaturalRallyBL :=
>   NaturalRally; {Rule   4d}
>   >   >  >  >    >                           if (PriceClose(bar) <
>   DnTrend) then {resume
>   >   >  >  >    DnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                             begin {Rule 6b,   6e}
>   >   >  >  >    >                               AddCommentary
>   ('InNatReact -   InDnTrend1');
>   >   >  >  >    >                               State := 1;  
>   {InDnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                               DnTrend :=  
>   (bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                               if UseRule10 then
>   ResumeDnTrend :=   true;
>   >   >  >  >    >                             end
>   >   >  >  >    >                             else if (PriceClose
>   <
>   >   >  >  >  (NaturalReactionRL - halfthresh   ))   then
>   >   >  >  >    >                             {resume   DnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                              begin {rules   5b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                AddCommentary
>   ('InNatReact -   InDnTrend2');
>   >   >  >  >    >                                State := 1;  
>   {InDnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                DnTrend :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                                if UseRule10 then
>   ResumeDnTrend :=   true;
>   >   >  >  >    >                              end
>   >   >  >  >    >                              else if (PriceClose
>   (bar) > UpTrend)  then
>   >   >  >  >    {start   UpTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                               begin {rule   6d}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                AddCommentary
>   ('InNatReact -   InUpTrend1');
>   >   >  >  >    >                                State := 0;  
>   {InUpTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                UpTrend :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                               
NaturalReactionRL :=
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >  {rule 4b, pvt point,   rule   9c}
>   >   >  >  >    >                               end
>   >   >  >  >    >                                 else if
>   (bar) >
>   >   >  >  >  NaturalReaction +   Thresh)   then
>   >   >  >  >    >                                  begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                                   if (PriceClose
>   (bar) > NaturalRally)
>   >   >  >  >  then {start   Natural   Rally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                     begin {rules
>   4b,   6d}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                      State := 2;
>   Nat   Rally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                     
>   NaturalRally :=   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                                     
>   NaturalReactionRL := PriceClose
>   >   >  >  >  (bar); {rule 4b, pvt point,   rule   9c}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                     end
>   >   >  >  >    >                                    else {start  
>   SecondaryRally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                      begin
>   6g}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                       State :=
>   {In Sec   Rally}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                      
>   SecondaryRally :=   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                                      end;
>   >   >  >  >    >                                   end
>   >   >  >  >    >                                 else if
>   (bar) <
>   >   >  >  >  NaturalReaction) then {remain   in  
NaturalReaction ,
>   record lower   lows}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                  
NaturalReaction :=
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >  {rule 3, 6a,     6b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                            end;   {InNatReact}
>   >   >  >  >    >                        5:
>   >   >  >  >    >                          begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                              AddCommentary
>   ('InSecReact');
>   >   >  >  >    >                              if (PriceClose(bar)
>   DnTrend)  then
>   >   >  >  >  {resume     DnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                               begin {rules 6b,  
>   >   >  >  >    >                                State := 1;  
>   {InDnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                DnTrend :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                                if UseRule10 then
>   ResumeDnTrend :=   true;
>   >   >  >  >    >                               end
>   >   >  >  >    >                              else if (PriceClose
>   (bar) <
>   >   >  >  >  (NaturalReactionRL -   halfthresh))   then
>   >   >  >  >    >                                begin {rules   5b}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                 State := 1;  
>   {InDnTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                 DnTrend :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                                 if UseRule10
>   ResumeDnTrend :=   true;
>   >   >  >  >    >                                end
>   >   >  >  >    >                               else if (PriceClose
>   (bar) > UpTrend) then
>   >   >  >  >  {start     UpTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                 begin {rules  
>   >   >  >  >    >                                   State := 0;  
>   {InUpTrend}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                   UpTrend :=  
>   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                                  
>   NaturalReactionRL := PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >  {rule 4b, pivot point,   rule   9c}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                 end
>   >   >  >  >    >                               else if (PriceClose
>   (bar) <
>   >   >  >  >  NaturalReaction)     then
>   >   >  >  >    >                                 begin {rules  
>   >   >  >  >    >                                    State := 4;  
>   {InNatReact}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                   
>   NaturalReaction :=   PriceClose(bar);
>   >   >  >  >    >                                 end
>   >   >  >  >    >                               else if (PriceClose
>   (bar) <
>   >   >  >  >  SecondaryReaction) then {record   lower   lows}
>   >   >  >  >    >                                  
>   SecondaryReaction := PriceClose
>   >   >  >  >  (bar);  {rule     6h}
>   >   >  >  >    >                           end;   {InSecReact}
>   >   >  >  >    >                      else
>   >   >  >  >    >                        begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                           AddCommentary('Never
>   here!   ');
>   >   >  >  >    >                        end;
>   >   >  >  >    >                end;
>   >   >  >  >  >  { Paint it }
>   >   >  >  >    >    case State   of
>   >   >  >  >    >     0:
>   >   >  >  >    >        begin
>   >   >  >  >    >       SetBarColor( Bar, #blue     );
>   >   >  >  >  >      end;
>   >   >  >  >    >       1:
>   >   >  >  >    >        begin
>   >   >  >  >    >       SetBarColor( Bar, #Red     );    {Down
>   >   >  >  >    >        end;
>   >   >  >  >    >     2:
>   >   >  >  >    >        begin
>   >   >  >  >    >       SetBarColor( Bar, #Black     );
>   >   >  >  >  >      end;
>   >   >  >  >    >       3:
>   >   >  >  >    >        begin
>   >   >  >  >    >       SetBarColor( Bar, #Green     );
>   >   >  >  >  >      end;
>   >   >  >  >    >       4:
>   >   >  >  >    >        begin
>   >   >  >  >    >       SetBarColor( Bar, #yellow     );
>   >   >  >  >  >      end;
>   >   >  >  >    >       5:
>   >   >  >  >    >        begin
>   >   >  >  >    >       SetBarColor( Bar, #purple     );
>   >   >  >  >  >      end
>   >   >  >  >    >       else
>   >   >  >  >    >        AddCommentary('not     important to
show! ');
>   >   >  >  >  >   end;
>   >   >  >  >  >   if (tradetrends = 1)   then
>   >   >  >  >  >  { Trend Rules   }
>   >   >  >  >  >     begin
>   >   >  >  >    >    if (State = 0) then      {uptrend}
>   >   >  >  >  >          begin
>   >   >  >  >  >       if   (not   lastpositionactive())   then
>   >   >  >  >    >               begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                 buyAtMarket( Bar+1,   'LE');
>   >   >  >  >    >               end;
>   >   >  >  >  >       if     positionshort(lastposition)   then
>   >   >  >  >    >              coverAtMarket(
>   Bar+1,LastPosition, 'SXL');
>   >   >  >  >    >       end;
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >    >     if (State = 1) then      {downtrend}
>   >   >  >  >  >           begin
>   >   >  >  >  >        if   (not   lastpositionactive())   then
>   >   >  >  >    >              begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                shortAtMarket( Bar+1,   'SE');
>   >   >  >  >    >              end;
>   >   >  >  >  >          if   positionlong(lastposition)   then
>   >   >  >  >    >              SellAtMarket( Bar+1,
>   Lastposition,   'LXS');
>   >   >  >  >    >       end;
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >    >    end
>   >   >  >  >  >   else
>   >   >  >  >    > { Trend plus   Rules = trade trends, rallies,  
>   reactions}
>   >   >  >  >  >     begin
>   >   >  >  >    >     if ((State = 0) or (State = 2) or   (State  
>   3)) then
>   >   >  >  >    >       begin
>   >   >  >  >    >       if (not     lastpositionactive())   then
>   >   >  >  >    >               begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                 buyAtMarket( Bar+1,   'LE');
>   >   >  >  >    >               end;
>   >   >  >  >  >       if     positionshort(lastposition)   then
>   >   >  >  >    >              coverAtMarket(
>   Bar+1,LastPosition, 'SXL');
>   >   >  >  >    >       end;
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >    >     if ((State = 1) or (State = 4)   or   (State
>   5)) then
>   >   >  >  >    >         begin
>   >   >  >  >    >        if (not     lastpositionactive())   then
>   >   >  >  >    >              begin
>   >   >  >  >    >                shortAtMarket( Bar+1,   'SE');
>   >   >  >  >    >              end;
>   >   >  >  >  >          if   positionlong(lastposition)   then
>   >   >  >  >    >              SellAtMarket( Bar+1,
>   Lastposition,   'LXS');
>   >   >  >  >    >         end;
>   >   >  >  >    >    end;
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  >    end;
>   >   >  >  >  >
>   >   >  >  >  >
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