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[amibroker] Re: Graham: Point & Figure Chart

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Thank you for the detailed answer.
I'm starting to understand the synthax of AFL, much because of your 
assistance. Thanks.

If you won't mind, your post raises another question: you mentioned 
that PFC stands for closing prices and PFO is for "opening" prices 
(one box behind, up or down). My question is, what happens if the 
boxsize varies?  How does AmiBroker handles such a situation where 
the boxsize changes as a function of increasing (or decreasing) 
prices? Can I plot in AmiBroker a custom-PF array, which is based on 
a varying boxsize?

Thanks again for the updated PF code.


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Graham <kavemanperth@xxxx> wrote:
> Hi I will attempt to explain what I can, but firstly if the code
> contains jscript then you must have an old version. I have reworked
> the PF code to native AFL loops and you can find this in AFL 
> on AB site. Using Jscript was the original method to use looping in
> AFL.
> PFO and PFC are intermediate variables allowing for the value of 
> price (PFC) to be calculated within the loop. PFO is just 1 box 
> behind PFC.
> Delta allows for the number of final columns of the PF chart to be
> moved to the right end of the background bar chart. It is not 
> to change the X axis on the charts which always remain the same 
> of bars as the underlying symbol data.
> In the plot I use basic prices, but you may notice the OHLC have 
> re-assigned values as calculated from PFO & PFC.
> Yes, have a look at what I produced and placed on AB site
> http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=348
> there are also some older versions, just search the library for P&F
> On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 14:45:18 -0000, the_short_fox
> <amiteh@xxxx> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Graham et al,
> > 
> > As a programmer in a different language, who's a new AmiBroker 
> > I would be thankful if you provide some commentary (here), with
> > regards to variables/declarations in the P&F code published by 
> > This way, I hope I'll be able to learn AFL better. Would you 
mind if
> > I ask several questions?
> > 
> > (i) what do PFO and PFC arrays represent?
> > (ii) what does delta variable represent?
> > (iii) what is Jscript and why is it being used?
> > (iv) In the "Plot" function, why is C array used for plotting? As
> > far as I understand (I guess I don't, currently) C stands for the
> > closing prices of "regular" time-interval bars 
> > etc), not P&F columns (which are time independent). I would be 
> > if you can clarify a little.
> > (v) Last question, if you won't mind: is there any way to 
> > a type/record in AmiBroker?  i.e, a single varibale that contains
> > several sub-variables. I specifically refer to something like 
> > 
> > Type Column=record
> > // Storing information for every 'X' or 'O' column
> > // Assuming a maximum of 200 boxes per column
> >  Sort: integer; // 'X' ---> 1 ; 'O' ---> 0
> >  MaxPFValue: float; // Highest price for the column (P&F
> > perspective)
> >  MinPFValue: float; // Lowest price for the column (P&F 
> >  First: integer; // Starting date for the whole column
> >  Last: integer; // Ending date for the whole column
> > end;
> > 
> > As a programmer that is (still) unfamiliar with the synthax of 
> > I take this opportunity to thank you in advance for any 
> > 
> > Short.
> > 
> > 
> > Check AmiBroker web page at:
> > http://www.amibroker.com/
> > 
> > Check group FAQ at: 
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Cheers
> Graham
> http://e-wire.net.au/~eb_kavan/

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