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[amibroker] Does anybody speak legalese?

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Michael, your post reads to me like that incomprehensible language, 
legalese. Are you a lawyer by any chance?  :)

jose '-)

--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Michael Robb" <mlrobb@xxxx> wrote:
> Herman,
> Actually I think there is a lot more to it than that. A brief review 
of some of the latest Dimitris posts point out just how much more 
valuable he was than any artificial attempt to reign in the breadth of 
his contribution and the subsidiary topical enrichments that are 
always the specific characteristic of the combination of contributors 
involved on a particular matter, or set of questions.
> Any semblance of balance would be violated in supposing to have 
gained something more by the absence of it.  Just imagine the level of 
contribution from message 3825 on to date (extrapolated into the 
future) potentially being traded away in a chimerical attempt to 
institute planning as a device to improve on creativity and mutually 
beneficial voluntary exchange.
> Such adventures do not and cannot work in real life, the history of 
which has documented it so gleefully in recent years. In the final 
analysis planning is a pretense unlikely to produce a reward greater 
than that which is contributed voluntarily.
> Fortunately, we have a backlog of genuine creative thought and work 
in the files now, to tide us over this abyss of absence, which I truly 
hope for all relevant reasons can soon expect to be nearing a close.
> Michael

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