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Hi, Sunday-16-10:50 a.m
About the mails below:
Yahoo will declare its quarterly results on Tuesday this week so they must be pretty excited . This data delay always happens with yahoo because they don,t update their servers(they are provided data by reuters) especially during result declaration period and year end christmas hols.Whenever depending on free yahoo data always make portfolios on yahoo of your scripts its easy and not so time consuming so you have no data problems .Then you can take a daily askii import in amibroker by downloading spreedsheet ( tab available in yahoo at end of portfolio).Most convenient and u have no problems also about end of day data.For intraday yu pay Rs.500 per month.There is a fee.Also in the amibroker askii import configure you have a tab for time (indicates that it is not final data) so whenever there is a change in data in yahoo and u use amiquote to automatically
download data it automatically overwrites the new data so there is no problem.
U should get normal data next week after yahoo results.Its normal yahoo phenomenon.
-Natasha ! sthlm_69 <sthlm_69@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Can anyone help me to confirm that Yahoo "still provides data" for Swedish stocks. They obviously do it for Swedish indicies.
Test these symbols EOD Yahoo :
Nokia = NOKI.ST Nordea = NDA.ST Enro = ENRO.ST
After Jan 7th, no data is coming...for some strange reason.
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