Mike, this is a great idea of yours to have conditional plotshapes appear in the built-in pricechart.
If you finally get it to work for your buy signals, I would sure appreciate seeing the completed code, even though it obviously won't be the plotshapes coding that want. I could then use your working code as a template to make my own personal plotshapes coding for the main pricechart. A working code to do this could then be added to the AFL library.
My buy signals are totally dependant on the values of my homemade indicators, so when we finally get a Plottext() function, I would no longer have to stare at the popup menu which displays the actual value of the indicator.
An additional desirable feature would be the ability to plot a buy arrow at the actual location of the buy signal, but have a plottext() menu appear, offset to the right, or left of the location where the buy arrow occurs.
I will send this suggestion on to the very busy and able folks in Poland. Ron D