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RE: [amibroker] barssince question

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1) When we run a back test set to Daily periodicity, will the back 
tester use EOD or RT data? ...Will a choice be possible at some point?

Excellent question, I had problems with EOD backtesting with Intraday 
data mixed in, when I used one database only in the past.


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Herman van den Bergen" 
<psytek@xxxx> wrote:
> Thank you very much Tomasz, to be able to access both types of data 
is just
> great. Your work is much appreciated!!
> Perhaps my questions/desires are a bit premature... but could you 
explain to
> what extend we can use this. For example:
> 1) When we run a back test set to Daily periodicity, will the back 
> use EOD or RT data? ...Will a choice be possible at some point?
> 2) When using TimeFrames, will using TimeFrameSet(inDaily) use the 
EOD db
> and TimeFrameSet(in1Minute) use the RT db? ...Will a DataBaseSet
(EOD) and
> DataBaseSet(RT) be available at some point?
> 3) If possible at this stage, how would we code to run the first 
part of the
> system in EOD, for example to calculate Timing signals and Scores, 
and then
> switch to 1-Minute data to process intraday entries/exits?
> TIA,
> herman.
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Tomasz Janeczko [mailto:amibroker@x...]
>   Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:23 PM
>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   Subject: [amibroker] AmiBroker 4.54.0 BETA released
>   Hello,
>   A new beta version (4.54.0) of AmiBroker has just been released.
>   It is available for registered users only from the members area 
>   http://www.amibroker.com/members/bin/ab4540beta.exe
>   and
>   http://www.amibroker.net/members/bin/ab4540beta.exe
>   (File size: 770 408 bytes, 770 KB)
>   If you forgot your user name / password to the members area
>   you can use automatic reminder service at:
> http://www.amibroker.com/login.html
>   The instructions are available below and in the "ReadMe" file
>   ( Help->Read Me menu from AmiBroker )
>   The highlight of this version is mixed EOD/intraday mode that 
>   working with very long EOD histories and intraday data in single 
>   (there is no longer the need to run two instances for that). 
> this mode is supported
>   by eSignal and Market Cast plugins only.
>   The archive comes with updated versions of eSignal (1.7.0) and 
> (1.1.0)
>   plugins both featuring support for new mixed EOD/Intraday mode.
>   To create database with new mixed mode you have to go to
>   File->New database and create it as usual, but later click 
on "Intraday
> Settings" button
>   and make sure that "Allow mixed intraday/EOD" box is checked.
>   Best regards,
>   Tomasz Janeczko
>   amibroker.com
>   AmiBroker 4.54.0 Beta Read Me
>   April 28, 2004 20:08
>   Backup your data files and entire AmiBroker folder first!
>   IMPORTANT: This archive is update-only. You have to install full 
> 4.50 first.
>   Just run the installer and follow the instructions.
>   Then run AmiBroker. You should see "AmiBroker 4.54.0 beta" 
written in the
> About box.
>   Many thanks to all providing detailed descriptions how to 
reproduce given
> bug.
>   See CHANGE LOG below for detailed list of changes.
>   CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.54.0 (as compared to 4.53.1)
>     a.. "Allow mixed EOD/intraday data" mode added (controllable 
> File->Database Settings->Intraday, checkbox with the same name) it 
allows to
> work with database that has a mixture of intraday and EOD data in 
one data
> file. If this is turned on then in intraday modes EOD bars are 
> on-the-fly and in daily mode EOD bars are displayed instead of time
> compressed intraday or if there is no EOD bar for corresponding day 
> intraday bars are compressed as usual.
>     This mode works in conjunction with new versions of plugins 
that allow
> mixed data. Mixed mode is now supported by MarketCast plugin (1.1 or
> higher)(Australia) and eSignal plugin (1.7.0 or higher) only.
>     Mixed mode allows intraday plus very long daily histories in one
> database.
>     Note that this is EXPERIMENTAL feature.
>     b.. Real-Time quote window enhanced
>     Now only fields that are changed change the background 
to 'yellow' and
> if the value in given field increases then it is displayed in green 
> decreases then is displayed in red. This allows easy identification 
> movement.
>     c..  all strings in the program moved to resources for easy 
>     d..  fixed problem with SetForeign()+FullName() returning 
symbol instead
> of full name of foreign security.
>     e..  added new AFL function IsContinuous() to check 
if "continuous" flag
> is turned on in Symbol->Information window
>     f..  OLE properties can be retrieved (DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET) 
> from AFL now using parameterless function syntax. This allows 
reading values
> exposed by OLE automation directly from AFL code. Example:
>     AB = CreateObject("Broker.Application");
>     Stocks = AB.Stocks(); // get collection
>     Stock = Stocks.Item( Name() ); // currently selected
>     "FullName : " + Stock.FullName();
>     "Alias : " + Stock.Alias();
>     "Address : " + Stock.Address();
>     "Shares: " + Stock.Issue();
>     "Book value: " + Stock.BookValue();
>     "Market : " + Stock.MarketID();
>     "WebID : " + Stock.WebID();
>     You can check if OLE object is valid by calling IsNull() 
> example:
>     AB = CreateObject("Broker.Application");
>     Stocks = AB.Stocks(); // get collection
>     Stock = Stocks.Item( "INTC" );
>     if( IsNull( Stock ) )
>     {
>       printf("COM object invalid (Null) - symbol does not exist\n");
>     }
>     else
>     {
>       printf("COM object valid - you can access its methods\n");
>     }
>     g..  IsEmpty/IsNull and IsTrue functions operate with scalars 
and OLE
> dispatches without upsizing them to array
>   CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.53.1 (as compared to 4.53.0)
>     a.. addressed problem with broker.layers file. Now version 
> correctly reads broker.layers file saved with older versions 
however note
> that old versions are not compatible with new format.
>     b.. layer properties dialog provides more comfortable setting 
of layer
> visibility
>     c.. other minor fixes
>   CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.53.0 (as compared to 4.52.0)
>     a.. per-group intraday settings (filtering/daily compression) 
> Symbol->Categories: "GROUP" -> Use own intraday settings, click
>     on "Intraday settings" button to define intraday settings 
specific to
> given group.
>     b.. intraday settings now allow to specify separate day (RTH) 
and night
> (ETH) sessions
>     c.. time filtering now allows to display:
>     a) 24 hours trading (no filtering)
>     b) day session only
>     c) night session only
>     d) day and night sessions only
>     d.. new intraday time compression mode: Day/Night - shows two 
bars (day
> and night) per day
>     e.. daily compression can be now based on
>     a) exchange time (available since 4.00)
>     b) local time (available since 4.50)
>     c) day/night session times definable by the user (new)
>     f.. when "activatestopsimmediately" is turned ON then cash from 
> out positions is NOT available to enter trades the same day
>     g.. easy access to selected category settings from Symbol-
> window.
>     h.. Workspace tree supports in-place editing of market, group, 
> industry and watch list names. Single click on category name and 
just enter
> the name
>   CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.52.0 (as compared to 4.51.1)
>     a.. fixed problem with fixup=0 and handling multiple data holes 
in a row
>     b.. added new commands to ASCII format definitions:
>     $MINTICKERLEN <number> - defines minimum accepted length of the 
> symbol
>     $MAXTICKERLEN <number> - defines maximum accepted length of the 
> symbol
>     For example ASX users may wish to use
>     to make sure that ASCII importer accepts only symbols that have 
no more
> than 3 characters (this excludes ASX options and warrants)
>     c.. fixed problem with incorrect very first value of the array 
> by variable-period version of HHV/LLV
>     d.. fixed Procedure/function parameter overwrite issue when 
> built-in price arrays and variable overwrite issue
>     e.. memory allocated for return value is marked for earlier 
freeing so
> calling user-defined functions inside loops should consume less 
>     f.. Interval() function enhanced. Now accepts format parameter:
>     Interval( format = 0 );
>     possible values:
>     format = 0 - returns bar interval in seconds
>     format = 1 - as above plus TICK bar intervals are returned with 
> sign
>     so Interval() function applied to 10 tick chart will return -10
>     format = 2 - returns STRING with name of interval such as
> "weekly/monthly/daily/hourly/15-minute/5-tick"
>     g.. vertical quote selection line in linked windows is now 
>     h.. changing "same day stops" via SetOption
> in portfolio backtest mode has an effect now (previously reacted 
only on
> manual settings)
>     i.. SetOption("CommissionMode", mode ) works now in portfolio 
mode too
> (previously worked
>     in old backtest mode only)
>     j.. SetOption("CommissionAmount", amount ) works now in 
portfolio mode
> too (previously worked
>     in old backtest mode only)
>     k.. $SEPARATOR command in ASCII importer definitions now allows 
> import files that have fields separated by more than one separator
> characters Separator string (array of characters) must be enclosed 
> quotation marks. If there is only one separator character (as in old
> versions) then quotation marks are needed.
>     For example files with joined date and time
>     $SEPARATOR ", "
>     will be able to import file like this:
>     2004-02-04 12:30,3.41,3.44,3.40,3.42
>     (note date and time field are separated by space not by comma)
>     l.. Import wizard now supports new separators 'comma or space',
> 'semicolon or space' and 'tab or space'
>     m.. ASCII importer and Quote Editor properly
>     distinguish records with time specified as 00:00:00 from EOD 
> (without time)
>   CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.51.1 (as compared to 4.51.0)
>     a.. OLE interface methods numbering adjusted to maintain 
> compatibility with previous versions and other programs referring 
to old OLE
> interface
>   CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.51.0 (as compared to 4.50.10)
>     a.. OLE automation interface changes:
>     Analysis.Backtest and Analysis.Optimize now support new "Type"
> parameter.
>     Type can be one of the following values:
>     0 : portfolio backtest/optimize
>     1 : individual backtest/optimize
>     2 : old backtest/optimize
>     For backward compatibility Type parameter is optional and 
defaults to 2
>     (old backtest/optimize)
>     Example code:
>     AB = new ActiveXObject("Broker.Application");
>     AB.Analysis.Backtest( 0 ); // perform portfolio backtest
>     AB.Analysis.Optimize( 0 ); // perform portfolio optimize
>     b.. OLE automation interface new object: "Commentary"
>     This object has 5 methods:
>     - BOOL LoadFormula( STRING pszFileName ) - loads the formula
>     - BOOL SaveFormula( STRING pszFileName ) - saves the formula
>     - void Apply() - displays the commentary
>     - BOOL Save( STRING pszFileName ); - saves commentary output 
(result) to
> the file (use after call to Apply())
>     - void Close() - closes the commentary window
>     Commentary object is accessible from Broker.Application object 
> Commentary property:
>     Example code:
>     AB = new ActiveXObject("Broker.Application");
>     AB.Commentary.LoadFormula("C:\\Program
> Files\\AmiBroker\\AFL\\MACD_c.afl");
>     AB.Commentary.Apply();
>     AB.Commentary.Save("Test.txt");
>     AB.Commentary.SaveFormula("MACDTest.afl");
>     //AB.Commentary.Close();
>     c.. AFL function Now( format = 0 ) accepts new parameter values
>     Returns current date / time in numerous of formats:
>     // formats supported by old versions
>     format = 0 - returns string containing current date/time 
> according to system settings
>     format = 1 - returns string containing current date only 
> according to system settings
>     format = 2 - returns string containing current time only 
> according to system settings
>     format = 3 - returns DATENUM number with current date
>     format = 4 - returns TIMENUM number with current time
>     format = 5 - returns DATETIME number with current date/time
>     // new formats available from version 4.51
>     format = 6 - returns current DAY (1..31)
>     format = 7 - returns current MONTH (1..12)
>     format = 8 - returns current YEAR (four digit)
>     format = 9 - returns current DAY OF WEEK (1..7, where 1=Sunday,
> 2=Monday, and so on)
>     format = 10 - returns current DAY OF YEAR (1..366)
>     d.. Custom indicators:
>     If plot name is empty the value of such plot does not appear in 
> title
>     and does not appear in the data tool tip
>     Plot( C, "Price", colorWhite, styleCandle );
>     Plot( MA( C, 10 ), "", colorRed ); // NOTE that this plot 
> will NOT appear in the title
>     Plot( MA( C, 20 ), "MA20", colorGreen );
>     e.. SetOption( "field", value )
>     accepts new fields:
>     "CommissionMode" -
>     0 - use portfolio manager commission table
>     1 - percent of trade
>     2 - $ per trade
>     3 - $ per share/contract
>     "CommissionAmount" - amount of commission in modes 1..3
>     "MarginRequirement" - account margin requirement (as in 
settings), 100 =
> no margin
>     "ReverseSignalForcesExit" - reverse entry signal forces exit of 
> trade (default = True )
>     f.. new AFL function: GetOption( "field" ) - retrieves the 
> accepted fields the same as in SetOption.
>     Example:
>     PositionSize = -100 / GetOption("MaxOpenPositions");
>     g.. new AFL function: GetRTData( "field" )
>     - retrieves the LAST (the most recent) value of the following 
>     reported by streaming real time data source )
>     (Note 1: this function is available ONLY in PROFESSIONAL 
>     calling it using Standard edition will give you NULL values for 
> fields)
>     (Note 2: works only if data source uses real time data source 
(plugin) )
>     (Note 3: availablity of data depends on underlying data source
>     - check the real-time quote window to see if given field is 
available )
>     (Note 4: function result represents the current value at the 
time of the
> call
>     /formula execution/, and they will be refreshed depending on 
chart or
> commentary refresh interval
>     /settable in preferences/. Built-in real time quote window is 
>     way more often (at least 10 times per second) )
>     Supported fields:
>     "Ask" - current best ask price
>     "AskSize " - current ask size
>     "Bid" - current best bid price
>     "BidSize " - current bid size
>     "52WeekHigh" - 52 week high value
>     "52WeekHighDate" - 52 week high date (in datenum format)
>     "52WeekLow" - 52 week low value
>     "52WeekLowDate" - 52 week low date (in datenum format)
>     "Change" - change since yesterdays close
>     "Dividend" - last dividend value
>     "DivYield" - dividend yield
>     "EPS" - earnings per share
>     "High" - current day's high price
>     "Low" - current day's low price
>     "Open" - current day's open price
>     "Last" - last trade price
>     "OpenInt" - current open interest
>     "Prev" - previous day close
>     "TotalVolume" - total today's volume
>     "TradeVolume" - last trade volume
>     "ChangeDate" - datenum (YYYMMDD) of last data change
>     "ChangeTime" - timenum (HHMMSS) of last data change
>     "UpdateDate" - datenum (YYYMMDD) of last data update
>     "UpdateTime" - timenum (HHMMSS) of last data update
>     "Shares" - total number of shares
>     Example:
>     "Bid = "+GetRTData("Bid");
>     "Ask = "+GetRTData("Ask");
>     "Last = "+GetRTData("Last");
>     "Vol = "+GetRTData("TradeVolume");
>     "EPS = "+GetRTData("EPS");
>     "52week high = "+GetRTData("52weekhigh");
>     h.. Custom indicators:
>     Default names and graph values appear in the title
>     when using old-style graph0, graph1, graph2 statements in the 
> indicators
>   If you experience any problem with this beta version please send 
> description of the problem (especially the steps needed to 
reproduce it) to
> bugs at amibroker.com
>   Send BUG REPORTS to bugs@xxxx
>   Send SUGGESTIONS to suggest@xxxx
>   -----------------------------------------
>   Post AmiQuote-related messages ONLY to: amiquote@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   (Web page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amiquote/messages/)
>   --------------------------------------------
>   Check group FAQ at:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/files/groupfaq.html
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