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Re: [amibroker] TJ EOD & RT

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<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2>I meant to ask you how long your exploration is taking 
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2> 
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2>What expectations do you have on how long it would take on 
a new machine?
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2> 
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2>You might compose a version of your exploration that you 
can send out to voluteers on the board and ask them to run it for some 
benchmarks.  That way you can see what might be 
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2> 
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2>d

  From: mrdavis9 [mailto:mrdavis9@xxxxxxxxxx] 
  Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 3:59 PMTo: 
  amibrokeryahoogroupsSubject: [amibroker] Faster 
  I am going to custombuild a computer that is equipped to 
  run Amibroker explorations as fast as possible. 
  I am running explorations of a huge number of moving 
  averages on over 7000 stocks. These explorations  take a long time 
  on my AMD1 GHz, 768 MB  XP Pro desktop.  
      I have several questions that some of 
  you may know the answers to, or at least have opinions about.
  #1 If I am running only an Amibroker exploration, 
  and no other programs, will a dual processor help none at all, a 
       little, or a lot.   I 
  think I heard that a program has to be written in a certain way in 
  order to be able to run    
       faster on a 
  dual processing machine.
  #2  If a dual processor will help, then which ones 
  should I consider.
  #3  Even If a dual processor will help, I still 
  want to stay with a single processor if it is at least 80% as fast as a 
        dual processor when 
  Exploring in Amibroker.  Which regular processors would you 
        AMD #xxxxx, of Intel 
  #yyyy, or other #zzzzz.
  #3  I also want to have a very fast RAM.  What 
  kind, how much, etc.
  TIA for your thoughts. Ron D
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