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[amibroker] Re: Using Param() to analyze system price-sensitivity

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On Sun, 25 Jan 2004 15:36, dingo wrote:
> well i'd better not bet you on the hint thing - it seems that you're pretty
> good at this AFL stuff.
> as to K&R - dunno them I've never programmed in any "C" derived language -
> I only use "toy languages".

K&R are Kernigan and Ritchie, the origional authors of the C programming 
language.   Take one look at the syntax of AFL, you can see it's similarity 
to C.

> and it's NOT hungarian notation - its POLISH notation - now what do you
> have to say?

My reference is the Free OnLine Dictionary Of Computing:

Which says:
Hungarian Notation
    <language, convention> A linguistic convention requiring one or more 
    letters to be added to the start of variable names to denote scope 
    and/or type. 

I'm not sure what Polish notation is, but Reverse Polish notation is (from the 
same source):

postfix notation
    <language> (Or "Reverse Polish Notation", RPN) One of the possible
    orderings of functions and operands: in postfix notation the functions 
    are preceded by all their operands. For example, what may normally be
    written as "1+2" becomes "1 2 +". Postfix notation is well suited for
    stack based architectures but modern compilers reduced this advantage

    The best-known language with postfix syntax is FORTH. Some Hewlett-Packard
    calculators use it, e.g. HP-25, HP-29C, HP-41C, HP-23SII.

Unless of course it's the opposite of RPN, in which case

prefix notation
    <language> (Or "prefix syntax") One of the possible orderings of functions
    and operands: in prefix notation the function precedes all its operands.
    For example, what may normally be written as "1+2" becomes "(+ 1 2)". A
    few languages (e.g., lisp) have strictly prefix syntax, many more employ
    prefix notation in combination with infix notation. 

I've even programmed (slightly) in both FORTH and lisp.

And yes I *HAVE* been accused of being a PIA SOB who always has to be right! 
:-)  (and they're probably right!)

- -- 

> and as far as our date format is concerned yeah - you're right about how
> stupid it is but this is the way some idiot designed it and we're stuck
> with it.
> re commissions - yeah - I'd thought about adjusting the price but it would
> be nice to have a way to use this as a portfolio tracker if for nothing
> other than the nice stats than can be had.
> One thing that would really help flesh out the portfolio thing would be to
> emit a csv file that had columns for portfolio balance and one for
> available cash (in addition to all of the stuff avail now). That way a
> double click would give a nice glimpse at where things are.
> anyway - nice solution Nigel!
> d
>   _____
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