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[amibroker] AmiBroker 4.49.0 BETA released

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Hello,A new beta version (4.49.0) of AmiBroker has 
just been released.
It is available for registered users only from the members 
area at:<A 
size=2>(File size: 623 687 bytes,  623 KB)If you forgot 
your user name / password to the members areayou can use automatic reminder 
service at: <FONT 
instructions are available below and in the "ReadMe" file( Help->Read Me 
menu from AmiBroker )

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.49.0 (as compared to 4.48.2)
  new Percentile functionPercentile( array, period, rank 
  )rank is 0..100 - defines percentile rank in the 
  color=#000000>Volume > <FONT 
  color=#0000ff>Percentile( <FONT 
  color=#000000>Volume, <FONT 
  color=#ff00ff>100, <FONT 
  color=#ff00ff>70 );means: 
  current day volume ranks within TOP 30% of volumes of last 100 bars (is above 
  70th percentile)<FONT 
  color=#000000>Volume < <FONT 
  color=#0000ff>Percentile( <FONT 
  color=#000000>Volume, <FONT 
  color=#ff00ff>100, <FONT 
  color=#ff00ff>30 );means: current 
  day volume ranks within BOTTOM 30% of volumes of last 100 bars (is below 30th 
  percentile)(performance note: the implementation of percentile 
  function involves sorting that is relatively slow process even though that 
  quicksort algorithm is used) 
  new function LineArray( x0, y0, x1, y1, extend = 0 
  )generates array equivalent to trend line drawn from point x0, y0 to 
  point x1, y1. x coordinates are in bars (zero based), y coordinates are in 
  dollars Note: x0 must be SMALLER than x1. Note 2: the function accepts only 
  numbers thereforegenerates single line. To produce multiple lines you have 
  to call it many times with different co-ordinates.if extend is 1 then line 
  is right extended.if extend is 2 then line is left extendedif extend 
  is 3 then line is left and right extendedExample:<FONT 
  x0=BarCount - 
  1 - <FONT 
  color=#ff00ff>2)); x1=<FONT 
  color=#000000>BarCount - <FONT 
  color=#ff00ff>1 - <FONT 
  color=#ff00ff>1)); Line = <FONT 
  color=#0000ff>LineArray( x0, y0, x1, y1, 
  1 ); <FONT 
  color=#000000>C, <FONT 
  color=#ff00ff>"C", <FONT 
  color=#000000>colorWhite, <FONT 
  color=#000000>styleCandle); <FONT 
  color=#0000ff>Plot( Line, <FONT 
  color=#ff00ff>"Trend line", <FONT 
  color=#000000>colorBlue );
  new function sign( x )(x can be number or array).Returns 1 if x is 
  positive, returns -1 if x is negative, and returns 0 if x is zero.
  ApplyStop : 'exitatstop' parameter extended:ApplyStop( Type, Mode, 
  Amount, ExitAtStop = 1, Volatile = False, ReentryDelay = 0 )ExitAtStop 
  = 0 - means check stops using only trade price and exit at regular trade 
  price(if you are trading on close it means that only close price will be 
  checked for exits and exit will be done at close price)ExitAtStop = 1 - 
  check High-Low prices and exit intraday on price equal to stop level on the 
  same bar when stop was triggeredExitAtStop = 2 - check High-Low prices but 
  exit NEXT BAR on regular trade price.( first two modes 0 and 1 are the 
  same as in old versions )Note on using stops:Scenario 
  1: you trade on next bar OPEN and want to exit intraday on stop 
  priceCorrect settings: ActivateStopsImmediately turned 
  ONExitAtStop = 1Trade delays set to oneTrade price set to 
  openScenario 2: you trade on today's close and 
  want to exit intraday on stop priceCorrect settings: 
  ActivateStopsImmediately turned OFFExitAtStop = 1Trade delays set 
  to zeroTrade price set to closeScenario 3: 
  you trade on next day OPEN and want to exit by stop on OPEN price when 
  PREVIOUS day H-L range hits stopCorrect settings: 
    (if you want to have stops executed AFTER regular signals, so cash from 
    stopped out positions is NOT available to enter trades the same day) 
    ActivateStopsImmediately turned ON 
    b) (if you want to have stops executed BEFORE regular signals, so cash 
    from stopped out positions IS available to enter new trades the same 
    day)ActivateStopsImmediately turned OFF ExitAtStop = 2 
  (NEW)Trade delays set to oneTrade price set to 
  openScenario 4: you trade on today's close and 
  want to exit only when today's close price hits the stop levelCorrect 
  settings: ActivateStopsImmediately turned OFFExitAtStop = 0Trade 
  delays set to zeroTrade price set to close
  portfolio backtester: MAE/MFE are now updated with exit price in case when 
  profit has been hit intraday and activate stops immediatelly was turned 
  portfolio backtester: 'activate stops immediately'=TRUE and 'same bar 
  exit'=FALSE combination works OK now
  'auto-tile windows' feature now tiles windows only it two cases:- when 
  new window is open- when RT quote window is shown/hidden
  in versions 4.48.0-4.48.2 cloned windows were sometimes saved in two or 
  more copies, now it is fixed. This bug caused also crashes when switching 
  layouts. Fixed.
  portfolio backtester now allows custom exit labeling as old backtester
  fixed range unmarking by double click in cloned windows
  all listviews now use alternate background colors for odd/even rows this 
  feature can be turned off using Tools->Preferences->Miscellaneous "Use 
  alternate row colors" 
Best regards,Tomasz Janeczkoamibroker.com

AmiBroker 4.49.0 Beta Read Me
November 17, 2003 13:43 
Backup your data files and entire AmiBroker folder 
IMPORTANT: This archive is update-only. You have to install full 
version 4.40 first. 
Just run the installer and follow the instructions. 
Then run AmiBroker. You should see "AmiBroker 4.49.0 beta" written in the 
About box.
See CHANGE LOG below for detailed list of changes.
New backtest report
New report is hugely enhanced compared to old one. It includes separate 
statistics for all, long and short sides as well as large number of new metrics. 
You can get short help on given figure by hovering your mouse over given field 
name. You will see the description in the tooltip. Short explanations are 
provided also below:
Exposure % - modified since last release 
-'Market exposure of the trading system calculated on bar by bar basis. Sum of 
bar exposures divided by number of bars. Single bar exposure is the value of 
open positions divided by portfolio equity.
Net Risk Adjusted Return % - Net profit % divided by 
Exposure %
Annual Return % - Compounded Annual Return % (CAR)
Risk Adjusted Return % - Annual return % divided by Exposure 
Avg. Profit/Loss - (Profit of winners + Loss of 
losers)/(number of trades)
Avg. Profit/Loss % - '(% Profit of winners + % Loss of 
losers)/(number of trades)
Avg. Bars Held - sum of bars in trades / number of 
Max. trade drawdown - The largest peak to valley decline 
experienced in any single trade
Max. trade % drawdown - The largest peak to valley 
percentage decline experienced in any single trade
Max. system drawdown - The largest peak to valley decline 
experienced in portfolio equity
Max. system % drawdown - The largest peak to valley 
percentage decline experienced in portfolio equityRecovery 
Factor - Net profit divided by Max. system 
drawdownCAR/MaxDD - Compound Annual % Return divided by 
Max. system % drawdown
RAR/MaxDD - Risk Adjusted Return divided by Max. system % 
Profit Factor - Profit of winners divided by loss of 
Payoff Ratio - Ratio average win / average 
lossStandard Error - Standard error measures chopiness 
of equity line. The lower the better.
Risk-Reward Ratio - Measure of the relation between the risk 
inherent in a trading the system compared to its potential gain. Higher is 
better. Calculated as slope of equity line (expected annual return) divided by 
its standard error.
Ulcer Index - Square root of sum of squared drawdowns 
divided by number of bars
Ulcer Performance Index - (Annual profit - Tresury notes 
profit)/Ulcer Index'>Ulcer Performance Index. Currently tresury notes profit 
is hardcoded at 5.4. In future version there will be user-setting for this.
Sharpe Ratio of trades - Measure of risk adjusted return of 
investment. Above 1.0 is good, more than 2.0 is very good. More information <A 
. Calculation: first average percentage return and standard deviation of returns 
is calculated. Then these two figures are annualized by multipling them by ratio 
(NumberOfBarsPerYear)/(AvgNumberOfBarsPerTrade). Then the risk free rate of 
return is subtracted (currently hard-coded 5) from annualized average return and 
then divided by annualized standard deviation of 
returns.K-Ratio - Detects inconsistency in returns. 
Should be 1.0 or more. The higher K ratio is the more consistent return you may 
expect from the system. Linear regression slope of equity line multiplied by 
square root of sum of squared deviations of bar number divided by standard error 
of equity line multiplied by square root of number of bars. More information: 
Stocks & Commodities V14:3 (115-118): Measuring System Performance by Lars 
N. Kestner
Optimization in new portfolio backtester