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Re: [amibroker] 10 uses for the #Include

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Dear Mr. Rakesh Sahgal,
Actually I keep archive of all e-mails I sent 
out, so I know what I am saying.
I have a copy of the e-mail in which I wrote that I 
will enhance ASCII plugin.
So to address your claim that
"You did not give any response or indication of 
your willingness to enhance ascii reading capabilities of  AB. Any 
statement to the contrary is a LIE"
here is a quote from my response to you (dated April 
2, 2003 ):
From: "Tomasz Janeczko" <<A 
size=2>>To: "Rakesh Sahgal" <<A 
size=2>rakeshsehgal@xxxxxxx>Subject: Re: ASCII 
Data imprt problemDate: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 00:10:56 +0200

1. As I wrote you sample ASCII plugin is provided with 
It is very simple, but I plan to extend it in the 
2. I gave you example already:
AB = 
CreateObject("Broker.Application");AB.Import("C:\\Full path to the file 
name\\File.txt", "importer.format" );
more details
3. It is available in the members area:
direct link:
Best regards,Tomasz Janeczkoamibroker.com
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: <A 
  title=rakeshsehgal@xxxxxxx href="">Rakesh 
  To: <A title=tj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  href="">Tomasz Janeczko 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 4:33 AM
  Subject: Re: ASCII Data imprt problem
  Hello Tomas,Thanks for your response.1. Do 
  you intend to create/provide a plug-in to handle ascii data? It would be a 
  great help to people like me with deficient programming skills(to put it 
  mildly) and stuck with an ascii data source only. It would put ascii at par 
  with other data sources for use with AB.2. The example that you gave 
  of a script is a batch file? Please be patient with me because I have no 
  programming skills whatsoever and shall be very grateful if you can help me 
  out with this one.3. Could you please identify by name the file(ADK?) 
  that you alluded to in the files are of the group.Look forward to 
  hearing from you at the earliest convenient.Best 
  RegardsRakesh Sahgal
Best regards,Tomasz Janeczkoamibroker.com
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rakesh Sahgal" <<A 
To: <<A 
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [amibroker] 10 uses for the 
> Your petulant response is 
hardly the way businesses> deal with customers. As to your various 
contentions:> > -You did not give any response or indication of 
your> willingness to enhance ascii reading capabilities of > AB. 
Any statement to the contrary is a LIE.> > -I have not asked you 
to write any formulae for me. I> had problems with AFL and sought the 
help of the users> via the board. Show me one instance where I have 
asked> you to do any code writing for me. > > -I have said 
certain features would be ideal for> people like me. To incorporate them 
or not is your> privelege as the developer and owner of the 
product.> You can simply say it is not convenient for you to do> 
so. Where is the need to fly off the handle?> > -I dont need to 
know your costing structure. If you> are selling your product at the 
price you are selling> it at YOU ARE NOT DOING IT OUT OF ANY 
ALTRUISTIC> MOTIVES. You do so because you find it worth your> 
while and it makes BUSINESS SENSE to you. If it is not> PROFITABLE 
BUSINESS for you change your pricing. So> spare me your cost 
computations.> > I guess this is just another bloody write off 
insofar> as I am concerned.> > > > 
Rakesh> --- Tomasz Janeczko <<A 
size=2>> wrote:> > Hello,> > > > > Insofar 
as ascii data is concerned I get hourly> > data> > > from 
a local vendor in India. I had approached TJ> > with> > > 
this problem -  his response was "Import means one> > > time 
import" and a direction to some programming> > > exercise one would 
have to conduct to create a> > plug-in> > > to do the 
needful. The implication of it to my> > mind> > > -either 
do it yourself or live with the nuisance.> > > Hardly the kind of 
response one would expect from> > "THE> > > MOST CUSTOMER 
FRIENDLY" software developer or> > maybe he> > > doesnt 
want non-programmers as his clients.> > > > The truth is 
that I directed you to the sample code> > of ASCII> > plugin 
that is included in the ADK (AmiBroker> > developer kit).> > 
> > A sample code would requires some tweaking for your> > 
particular data format but this is relatively easy.> > > > 
If you are not a programmer you may ask the beginner> > adept> 
> of C++ to make some modifications for you.> > > > As 
far as I remember I also wrote that I will expand> > the 
sample> > or provide pre-built plugin some day.> > > 
> I think it is much better answer that you could get> > from other 
vendors.> > > > > As for TimeFrame.dll - This was 
something a user> > was> > > kind enough to pass on to 
the group. It is not a> > > standard feature in the software and 
requires some> > > level of programming competence to understand 
how> > to> > > get it working.> > > > 
Hmm... everything requires some level of competence.> > And... does 
the fact that the dll was kindly> > provided by Stephane 
Carrasset> > change anything ? Does it matter which hands 
wrote> > it ?> > I think it is great that we have some 3rd 
party> > plugins and> > I see no problem in using 
them.> > > > > > > My problem is I am 
programming challenged. I am a> > > trader and dont think I have 
the mind set required> > to> > > be a programmer. 
> > > > How about paying the programmer to code for 
you?> > > > > I am sure even if a few, there will> 
> > be some people like me using AB. It will be nice> > 
for> > > us to know if TJ wishes to make his product such,> 
> that> > > non-programmers can use it with ease in an> 
> efficacious> > > manner. In this context his silence 
is> > particularly> > > deafening.> > > 
> Do you expect me to write codes / formulas for> > everyone who 
> > can not program ?> > > > Do you know what is 
the average fee for custom> > programming ?> > I will give 
you some guidance. Equis for example> > charges (as far as I 
know)> > $60 per hour of custom formula programming. C++> > 
programming is more expensive.> >  > > Do you know how 
much time is required to code the> > data plugin?> > 
> > I will give you some guidance too: from 1-2 days> > 
(very simple EOD plugins) upto one month > > (real time plugins). So 
the cost of programming such> > thing starts from 1..2 * 8h * $60 = 
$480...$960> > and ends at $14'000.> > > > This is 
one of the reasons why I simply can not> > afford writing dedicated 
plugin for> > one person who does not know programming.> > 
> > I can implement "inside free upgrade/support" such> > 
things only if> > - there is significant number of already 
registered> > users who would use it (absolute minimum 20 
people)> > or> > - given feature would bring significant 
number of> > new registrations (again 20 people minimum)> > 
> > Best regards,> > Tomasz Janeczko> > 
amibroker.com> > > > ----- Original Message ----- > 
> From: "Rakesh Sahgal" <<A 
size=2>rakeshsahgal@xxxxxxxxx>> > To: 
size=2>amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> > Sent: 
Sunday, April 27, 2003 5:39 PM> > Subject: RE: [amibroker] 10 uses for 
the #Include> > > > > > > Jayson,> > 
> > > > > > > > > > > > 
> My problem is I am programming challenged. I am a> > > trader 
and dont think I have the mind set required> > to> > > be 
a programmer. I am sure even if a few, there> > will> > > 
be some people like me using AB. It will be nice> > for> > 
> us to know if TJ wishes to make his product such,> > that> 
> > non-programmers can use it with ease in an> > 
efficacious> > > manner. In this context his silence is> 
> particularly> > > deafening.> > > > > 
> > > > > > > Rakesh> > > > 
> > > > > --- Jayson <<A 
size=2>jcasavant@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> > 
> > Rakesh,> > > > > > > > see 
below......> > > > > > > > Jayson> > 
> > -----Original Message-----> > > > From: Rakesh 
Sahgal> > [mailto:rakeshsahgal@xxxxxxxxx]> > > > Sent: 
Sunday, April 27, 2003 1:28 AM> > > > To: <A 
size=2>amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > > 
Subject: RE: [amibroker] 10 uses for the> > #Include> > > 
> > > > > > > > > Arthur,> > > 
> > > > > The last line of your communication sums up 
the> > AB> > > > group i.e people with programming 
inclinations> > > > wanting> > > > ever 
increasing sophistication.> > > > > > > > Some 
things that I for instance would like to> > see> > > > 
are> > > > multple time frame analysis,> > > > 
> > > > See the time frame DLL in the 3rd party section> 
> of> > > > the AB web site> > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > >  making 
trendline studies> > > > etc live i.e. enabling setting of 
alarms on> > them,> > > > > > > > That 
is currently available... I just posted the> > > > code 2 days 
ago in response> > > > to some one asking questions about 
alertIf. I> > use> > > > audible alarms every 
day.> > > > the code I posted allows for 3 different 
trend> > lines> > > > to trigger an alarm for> 
> > > crosses in either direction.......> > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > > making 
the data sources plugins more> > comprehensive(I> > > 
> for one find importing ascii data every time a> > new> 
> > > bar> > > > is added to the database very 
irritating). This> > is> > > > just some loud thinking 
on my part. If other> > > > discretionary traders would chip in 
with their> > > > thoughts it would be very helpful.> 
> > > > > > > This depends on your data source. QP and 
TC2000> > > > databases currently are read> > > 
> directly via their respective plug ins. I> > believe> > 
> > this is also now possible> > > > with mytrack. If you 
are talking about free data> > > > from Yahoo or MSN then 
this> > > > data can be automatically updated via> > 
> > amiquote.......> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > >  
Also perhaps TJ> > > > would like to share his views on whether 
he> > intends> > > > to> > > > address 
the concerns/requiremetns of people like> > me> > > > 
as> > > > well or not and where do these concerns stand 
in> > his> > > > scheme of things?> > > 
> > > > > Insofar as the vociferous system guys are> 
> concerned> > > > allow me to say this, it is not my 
intention to> > pick> > > > up a fight with this post. 
If you dont like any> > part> > > > of the message you 
know where the delete key is.> > > > > > > > 
> > > > Rakesh> > > > > > > > 
--- Arthur Sawilejskij <<FONT 
size=2>arthur@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> > > > 
wrote:> > > > > > > > 
---------------------------------> > > > At 05:49 PM 26/04/2003 
+1000, you wrote:> > > > :> > > > >Herman, 
where are you that places you in time> > about> > > > 
12 hours ahead ofthe> > > > >east coast of Australia?> 
> > > >> > > > >It's not often I see posts dated 
before> > Australia's> > > > time zone, 
mostplaces> > > > >are behind us.> > > > 
>> > > > >Curiously,> > > > >> 
> > > >Mark> > > > > > > > Hi 
Mark,> > > > > > > > What have you been up to 
the last 2 weeks?> > > > > > > > How was your 
Easter?> > > > > > > > I've been busy gearing up 
to start day trading> > with> > > > DFF.> > 
> > > > > > This has meant expanding my watchlist from 
20> > odd> > > > stock to the top 200 -over the next 
few weeks> > some> > > > of> > > > 
those will get cut for various reasons -probably> > > > mainly 
liquidity or lack of volatility.> > > > > > > > 
I should get my account active on Monday - I've> > been> > 
> > paper trading daytrades the last few weeks - had> > > 
> some> > > > good winners and some losers. Thething is to 
cut> > the> > > > losses as quickly as possible - and 
let the> > > > profitsrun> > > > - banks have 
been good the last two weeks.> > > > > > > > 
Taken a lot of work to get up to speed - I use a> > > > 
card> > > > system and diary torecord stuff for 
companies.> > > > > > > > Sure, I base my trade 
on TA - but also can't> > ignore> > > > some of the 
news andfundamentals out there to> > > > confirm> > 
> > the moves.> > > > > > > > So, what, if 
anything, have you been up to the> > last> > > > two 
weeks tradingwise?> > > > > > > > Hasn't AB 
turned into a bit of a bun fight, eh -> > > > they> > 
> > seem to have lostall focus - it's more of a> > > > 
programming group now rather than a group> > oftraders> > 
> > using a common software.> > > > > > > 
> Arthur> > > > > > > > > > > 
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