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Re: [amibroker] Re: Scanning for stocks not conditions...

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Hi Anthony,

Sorry if I'm not making mysellf clear. You've posted a good example for 
what one might want to explore for from the current Close back into the 
past. But since quotations n = 1, you have no opportunity to search a 
range of quotations. I might want to serch for conditions from 1987 - 
1992 for example and still only get one stock ticker symbol for each true 

-- John

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Anthony Faragasso wrote:

> Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 06:55:28 -0400
> From: Anthony Faragasso <ajf1111@xxxx>
> Reply-To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: Scanning for stocks not conditions...
> Dimitri,
> Exactly my question... , Without knowing what John wanted to explore, (
> No formula was posted ) I presumed he was doing a generic explore.
> If suppose he is exploring for a condition to be true.Set n last
> quotations and n=1, click explore.
> example:
> //Consolidation Breakouts
> pds=80;
> Volpds=60;
> CongestionIndex=((HHV(C,pds)-LLV(C,pds))/LLV(C,pds))*100;
> // Consolidation breakout (upside)
> brkup=IIf(Ref(congestionindex,-5)<10 AND IIf(congestionindex >=10 AND
> IIf(Close>Ref(HHV(C,pds),-5) AND
> IIf(MA(V,5)>=1.5*(Ref(MA(V,Volpds),-5)), 1,0),1,0),1,0),1,0) ;
> brkdown=IIf(Ref(congestionindex,-5)<10 AND IIf(congestionindex >=10 AND
> IIf(Close<Ref(LLV(C,pds),-5)AND
> IIf(MA(V,5)>=1.5*(Ref(MA(V,Volpds),-5)),1,0),1,0),1,0),1,0);
> Filter=brkup OR brkdown;
> AddColumn(brkup,"Upside");
> AddColumn(brkdown,"Downside");
> /**************************************************/
> Anthony
> dtsokakis wrote:
> > John,
> > What is the exact condition you want to explore ?
> > DT
> > --- In amibroker@xxxx, John Nelson <trader@xxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > Right but this has the disadvantage of putting the search range
> > into the
> > > program code. Also it doesn't look like you can do this easily for
> > an
> > > interval within the price vector... only from the last day back.
> > Oh
> > > well, something we just have to live with I guess.
> > >
> > > -- John
> > >
> > > dtsokakis wrote:
> > >
> > > >John,
> > > >Suppose your want to search a condition COND for the last x days.
> > > >You may use the exploration
> > > >
> > > >COND=C>Ref(C,-1);//your condition here
> > > >x=10;//the days you will search
> > > >Filter=Sum(COND,x)>=1;
> > > >AddColumn(C,"");//add any informative columns
> > > >
> > > >Set n last quotations n=1 and explore.
> > > >You will not see when COND was true, but each ticker will appear
> > only
> > > >once in your result list.
> > > >Dimitris Tsokakis
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > _____________________________________________________
> > >
> > > John T. Nelson
> > > Trader | Dreams Of Empire
> > > mail: | trader@xxxx
> > > web: | http://www.dreamsofempire.com/
> > > _____________________________________________________
> > > "Prediction is sexy... but strategy makes money"
> >
> >
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