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Re: AFL- Needs help

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

Just a question here: don't you want to normalize the BBand width 
across symbols by dividing the BBand width by the MA (or even the 


--- In amibroker@xxxx, Anthony Faragasso <ajf1111@xxxx> wrote:
> Brian,
> Try this formula: load into AA, n last quotations and n=1, click
> explore. The filter statement is set to show contraction only, if 
> want expansion and contraction to show, then alter the filter 
> to this:
> Filter=Cond1 > 0 and Cond2 > 0 AND Close > 0 AND Close < 25 AND 
Volume >
> 5000;
> /*********Start code************************/
> //Bollinger Bands with Expansion and Contraction
> // Contraction Color: Blue
> pds=35;//bollinger bands periods
> shift=2;//bollinger band shift
> ChartStyle=64;//Main chart style ex.64 = candlestick,
> 128=Barchart,1=line.
> Cond1= BBandTop(Close,pds,shift)< Ref(BBandTop(Close,pds,shift),-1) 
> BBandBot(Close,pds,shift)>Ref(BBandBot(Close,pds,shift),-1);
> // Expansion Color: Red
> Cond2= BBandTop(Close,pds,shift)> Ref(BBandTop(Close,pds,shift),-1) 
> BBandBot(Close,pds,shift)<Ref(BBandBot(Close,pds,shift),-1);
> barcolor=IIf(Cond1,6,IIf(Cond2,4,0));
> Graph0=BBandTop(C,pds,shift);
> Graph1=C;
> Graph1Style=ChartStyle;
> Graph2=BBandBot(C,pds,shift);
> Graph0Style=Graph2Style=1;
> Graph0BarColor=Graph2BarColor=ValueWhen(barcolor!=0,barcolor);
> /**********************************************************/
> Lookback=10;
> diff=BBandTop(Close,pds,shift)- BBandBot(Close,pds,shift);
> contraction_cond=IIf(diff < Ref(LLV(diff,Lookback),-1),1,0);
> expansion_cond=IIf(diff > Ref(HHV(diff,Lookback),-1),1,0);
> present=WriteIf(Cond1,"Contraction","Expansion");//is the market
> currently under expansion or contraction
> Filter=Cond1 > 0 AND Close > 0 AND Close < 25 AND Volume > 5000;
> AddColumn(IIf(Cond1,C,IIf(Cond2,C,C)),"close");
> AddColumn(Cond1,"contract");AddColumn(ValueWhen(Cond1,BBandTop
> AddColumn(Cond2,"expand");AddColumn(ValueWhen(Cond2,BBandTop
> AddTextColumn(Present,"Condition");
> AddColumn(RSI(),"RSI");AddColumn(ADX(),"ADX");
> /*************end Code************************/
> For indicator builder:
> /********Start code*********************/
> //Bollinger Bands with Expansion and Contraction
> // Contraction Color: Blue
> pds=35;//bollinger bands periods
> shift=2;//bollinger band shift
> ChartStyle=64;//Main chart style ex.64 = candlestick, 128=Bar
> chart,1=line.
> Cond1= BBandTop(Close,pds,shift)< Ref(BBandTop(Close,pds,shift),-1) 
> BBandBot(Close,pds,shift)>Ref(BBandBot(Close,pds,shift),-1);
> // Expansion Color: Red
> Cond2= BBandTop(Close,pds,shift)> Ref(BBandTop(Close,pds,shift),-1) 
> BBandBot(Close,pds,shift)<Ref(BBandBot(Close,pds,shift),-1);
> barcolor=IIf(Cond1,6,IIf(Cond2,4,0));
> Graph0=BBandTop(C,pds,shift);
> Graph1=C;
> Graph1Style=ChartStyle;
> Graph2=BBandBot(C,pds,shift);
> Graph0Style=Graph2Style=1;
> Graph0BarColor=Graph2BarColor=ValueWhen(barcolor!=0,barcolor);
> /********End code******************/
> Anthony
> Brian Elijah wrote:
> > I was looking to find volatility or extreme tightness/contraction 
> > the bands. This exploration returned no stocks
> >
> > Basically I wanted yesterday to be the point of lowest distance
> > between the bands over the past 10 days- How can I adjust this 
> >
> > Thanks in Advance,
> >
> > Brian
> >
> >
> >
> > bbtop = BBandTop(Close, 35, 2);
> >
> > bbbot = BBandBot(Close, 35, 2);
> >
> > Yesterdaybbtop = Ref( MA( bbtop, 50 ), -1 );
> >
> > Yesterdaybbbot = Ref( MA( bbbot, 50 ), -1 );
> >
> > Yesterdaybbtopp = Ref( MA( bbtop, 50 ), -10 );
> >
> > Yesterdaybbbott = Ref( MA( bbbot, 50 ), -10 );
> >
> > bandlow = LLV( MA( bbtop, 50 ), -1 );
> >
> > bandhigh = HHV(MA( bbbot, 50 ), -1 );
> >
> > bandlowa = LLV( MA( bbtop, 50 ), -10 );
> >
> > bandhighb = HHV(MA( bbbot, 50 ), -10 );
> >
> > Filter = Close > 0 AND Close < 25 AND Volume > 5000 AND
> > (Yesterdaybbtop + Yesterdaybbbot < Yesterdaybbtopp + 
> > AND (bandlow + bandhigh) < (bandlowa + bandhighb);
> >
> > NumColumns = 4;
> >
> > Column0 = Close;
> >
> > Column0Name = "Close";
> >
> > Column1 = Volume;
> >
> > Column1Name = "Volume";
> >
> > Column2 = RSI();
> >
> > Column2Name = "RSI";
> >
> > Column3 = ADX();
> >
> > Column3Name = "ADX";
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of 