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RE: [amibroker] Measure a stocks' volatility with AB ?

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use of 260 or 365 for computing annualised volatility supposes that the stock 
follow a gaussian random walk, that is daily returns are scaling like 
time power 0.5 (t^1/2). In fact, the statistical laws followed by stocks are 
quite more complicated and the ones proposed by scientists (Levy stable laws, 
GARCH models, fractal brownian motion,...) are very difficult to use (most of 
them do not have analytical solutions). The problem of the gaussian random walk 
is that it undervalues the risk and that is a major problem for option 
is to say that using 260 or 365 days to estimate volatility is not a major 
issue. Imagine a stock scaling with a t^0.7 scaling law instead of 0.5, the 
error on the estimation of the volatility is quite dramatic!
stick to one of it, 260 or 365, to be able to compare stocks, keeping in 
mind that the underlying model is not very accurate.
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<FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Anthony Faragasso 
[mailto:ajf1111@xxxx]Sent: lundi 29 avril 2002 
04:24To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: 
[amibroker] Measure a stocks' volatility with AB 
?Richard,Since I also deal alot with Options, 
Here is my reason for usingsqrt(365).Should you use 365 ( the 
number of calendar days ) or 256 ( the numberof trading days), I believe 
there is no absolutely correct answer. I use365 mainly for consistency. 
One of the key functions in an option'sprice is time ( t). The time 
component is expressed in terms offractions of a year and is universally 
thought of as Sqrt(calendardays/365) as opposed to Sqrt(trading days / 
256).This 365 day calendar effect can be best demonstrated by looking 
at theprice behavior of an option from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. 
Allother things being equal, the option's price will drop more from 
Fridayafternoon to Monday morning than it would from Thursday afternoon 
toFriday Morning.  That's because you have about 2 3/4 days of time 
decayof the weekend instead of the usual 3/4 day of decay during the 
week.Just to be consistent with the way options behave in the real 
world,  Iuse 365, the number of calendar days. If you use 256, the 
options pricedecline would be smooth every trading day, no matter howmany 
calendardays transpired between trading periods.There is an even 
more troubling problem when you use the number oftrading days, and that 
has to do with an assets expected rate-of-returnand risk over the course 
of a year. The formula for volatility is theannualized daily standard 
deviation. Recall that you calculatevolatility by multiplying the standard 
deviation figure by the squareroot of the number of periods in a year. If 
you use 256( now) becausethat is the number of trading days in a year, 
that means you'll have touse some other number when the number of trading 
days per year ismodified.  That means adding trading days would 
increase volatility,eliminating trading days would decrease volatility. 
Trouble is, changingthe available trading periods has already happened 
several times, andthe real world results refute this notion.Prior 
to 1952 the stock market traded on Saturdays. That meant thatthere were 
more than 300 trading days per year, instead of the current256. When the 
NYSE made the change in 1952, did market risk shrink ? No.Did market 
returns shrink? No. Would diminished returns even be alogical expectation? 
No. Because volatility is a measure of risk andreward, however, that is 
what should have happened based on a reductionin the number of available 
trading days. Not only are those conclusionsillogical, they're not 
supported by actual events.Another example is the proliferation of 
overseas and 24-hour trading.Based on the increasing number of trading 
periods, using 256 dayspreviously would require that you use a larger 
number now for certainassets ( like stock index futures traded on Globex). 
If you used avolatility calculation model that used trading days in its 
calculation,you'd need to increase the number of trading days to the 
appropriateamount.  With the standard deviation component constant, 
volatilitywould have to increase due to the increased number of trading 
periods.Some might argue that volatility would remain constant, even 
with theincreasing and decreasing trading periods. If that is true and you 
usetrading days to annualize volatility, increasing the number of 
tradingdays would imply a smaller daily standard deviation figure. But 
doesincreasing your sample size ( which you are effectively doing 
byincreasing the number of trading days) imply a reduction in the 
standarddeviation? Of course not.It doesn't even make intuitive 
sense, and is not supported by empiricaldata.  Taken a step further, 
assuming that volatility remains constantwhile increasing the number of 
available trading days means thatinvestors' reactions to news and events 
should result in smaller pricemoves. For example, lets say that a stock 
goes from $10 to $12. Asmaller standard deviation of the price change 
means that the pricechange must be smaller. So the constant volatility 
premise means thatinvestors are currently valuing the stock at an 
artificially high priceof 12 instead of correctly valuing it at a lower 
price, simply becausethe markets are currently closed on weekends.  
That is wrong. The stockis priced at 12 because the information aboutthe 
stock that iscurrently available warrants a price of 12. Saying that 
volatiltiy wouldremain constant when the number of trading days changes 
implies that themarket is currently irrational and inefficient due tothe 
absence ofweekend trading.Since I believe neither 256 nor 365is 
perfect , and because I wish tobe consistent with the way options behave 
in the real world ( that is toemulate the time deterioration over the 
weekend) I use 365 days in myoption models and my volatility calculations. 
:-]]Best wishesAnthonyRichard Alford 
wrote:> Anthony, I suspect you should use sqrt(260), the common 
number of> bars/year, instead of sqrt(365).  The result will agree 
with published> results, for instance on McMillan's site. I took the 
liberty of> attaching the indicator I use if you have the nerve toopen 
it with> all the virus running around.> Cheers, Richard ----- 
Original Message ----->>      From: 
Anthony Faragasso>      To: 
amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      Sent: Sunday, 
April 28, 2002 6:49 PM>      Subject: Re: 
[amibroker] Measure a stocks' volatility 
with>      AB 
?>       Hello, 
Derek,>>      I don't know if thisis 
what your are looking for, but this>     is 
what I>      use for 
volatility:>>      pds=20;//Set your 
time period>      Graph0 = 
dereklebrun wrote:>>      >  Hi 
is there any technical analysis way to measure 
a>      stock's 
price>      > volatility in AB 
?>      > If yes, how 
>>      > 
Thanks,>      > 
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