PureBytes Links
Trading Reference Links
I do not think I
have seen one single thanks or congratulations for the amazing job you havedone
to index all of the newsletter articles into the great html file. I have
it bookmarked and have referred to it several times as well as having paged
through many of the topics.
I think this was
a fantastic effort and I thank you for it.
I would like to
expand the usefulness of the tool by incorporating various email messages and
scripts I have been saving over the last many weeks. Can you suggest the easiest
way to do this (editing wise). What html editors will do the job?? Surely
something like FrontPage or DreamWeaver are more sophisticated than
necessary. I have DreamWeaver on the shelf but not on the current
computer. Any advice on this aspect?? I know only a little basic
html programming, nothing sophisticated.