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RE: [amibroker] Backing up AmiBroker (Redux)

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Salil: I am not sure this is totally complete: when I had some problems and
reinstalled AB after having made a backup of the entire AB directory, Tomasz
directed me to copy broker.master, broker.workspace from the BU directory to
the new directory and everything was restored. There is also a file called
broker.watch which I guess you should also backup. These files are in every
subdirectory associated with a database. If there are other files in the
main AB directory that should be backed up, I do not know of them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Salil V Gangal [mailto:salil_gangal@x...]
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 10:23 AM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [amibroker] Backing up AmiBroker (Redux)


I had asked this before. I guess I still don't know the answer.

What is the 'recommended' directory set-up for AmiBroker and what are the
files that I *must* back-up so as to restore AmiBroker *exactly* to the
point ?

At present I'm backing up every AmiBroker related file, but if there is a
file list, I'll like to know. (Of course the list won't contain AFL files /
Database directory I generate, but I'm asking about backing-up AmiBroker


- Salil V Gangal

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